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Posts posted by JLK

  1. I've found myself at The Diner and Pizza Mart a few too many times.

    I have heard that Leftbank is teetering on the brink of closing its doors so that might be one option gone before I've tried its late-night fare.

    What DC/MD/VA places do you like for dining after midnight?

  2. Any idea what the soup might be tomorrow (at Breadline)? I'll be over that way and because chewing is not an option, I'm going to be looking for a good soup for lunch. :lol:

    I don't think the blog info is posted until tomorrow, but I figured there might be some regular rotation as there is with fish on Fridays.

    Edited to add: never mind. The soups are posted and they are butternut squash and Mediterranean fish. Pass.

  3. Those tacos sound GREAT!

    Palena can be inexpensive if you are disciplined (and don't drink - boo, I know).

    I too had an awful day, at the end of a bad week in a crummy month so on my way home tonight, I hopped off the metro at Cleveland Park, spur of the moment, intending to get a burger. But to my dismay, I found Palena closed (again!!!) for a private event.


    I'm surprised they'd give a prime time like Friday night for a private event. Must be some sorta really big big cheese.

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