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Monica Bhide

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Posts posted by Monica Bhide

  1. I am working on an article about sake. Would you mind sharing where you get your sake? Are there any sake only stores in Washignton DC/MD/VA?

    Would love some suggestions on this.

    Thanks in advance folks.

  2. Honestly I want a blender that I cannot kill. I go thru blenders like people go thru shirts. On an average I kill one every three months. I am too cheap to by the expensive ones so I buy the $19 ones and they cannot take all the lentils I try to blend. I know, I know.. I am pathetic!

    Also -- I would LOVE (if I had a larger kitchen) to get a larger food processor and one of those nice big ranges with five burners and a grill. I could go on and on!

    Santa are you listening?

  3. You would not delete this ROcks? Would you?

    It is about party planning and food and kids.. come on!

    I really appreciate all the feedback. I have given my kiddo a few options and will post his decision soon!

    THANKS so much for the great and fun options.

    (Wait till he now says he wants to go bowling. it would be so typical)

  4. Laura - You read my mind. That is what I have been thinking of all afternoon. I am not sure even with parents, we can handle so many kids. I like the idea of a local park and doing something like what you suggest. That is all he really wants -- his friends and some fun with water on a hot day!!

  5. Surely you won't be the only adult? :unsure:

    ETA: Monica and I were typing at the same time.

    I am not that brave!! If it was a pool party, I was going to have a parent per child. But I dont think I am ready for a pool party yet! So I was thinking of other water related fun.

  6. Folks -- I am looking for a recommendation for a place to host my seven year old's bday party. He wants a "water related" birthday! I am not sure I can handle a large group of young boys at a pool so I am looking for other suggestions in the Tysons, Vienna, Falls Church, Mclean area.

    Would love some thoughts. I cant seem to find anything good via google.

    Thanks a bunch!

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