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Posts posted by plunk

  1. This is not the first time I have seen this reponse on this board, the most recent was Eat Bar. More then likely this is another topic but the fact the kitchen can not produce becuase the Chef is not in house is crazy. Maybe they should be required to put a sign out when the chef is in. Is this covered under it's hard to find good help banner ? If I owned this business, which I like by the way, I would ensure that your experience was the same no matter who was cooking.

    Well, yeah. Don't you think these chefs do everything that they can to ensure consistency? Things happen. What would you propose - that these chefs haven't already implemented - that would guarantee that every dining experience is the same?

  2. Googling 'lecithin foam' produced this, click. Get yourself a liquid and an immersion blender and you should be good to go. As for bacon liquid, hmmm...poaching, pureeing?

    I think that is really my problem: getting some sort of bacon liquid (I have an immersion blender). Maybe some combo of poaching and pureeing? Perhaps adding a bit of bacon grease? Though who know how the grease might affect the foam.

  3. I have some lecithin at home and am trying to figure out if there is a way I can use it to make a bacon foam. I've never used lecithin to make any foams at all. Can anybody provide me with any guidance?

  4. At Cyrus , they have custom metal straws for their cocktails. At the end of the straw (the part that goes in the drink, not your mouth) are several prongs for stabbing various garnishes and food items that are incorporated in the drinks. Over the summer I had a gin-based cocktail with cucumbers, and enjoyed sipping and and crunching away.

  5. My wife and I were there recently and had almost all of the same dishes as New Foodie had above. Everything was really delicious, but I must say that I felt that the service was juuuuust a tad off. All of our servers were very nice, but they got our orders mixed up several times, placing my order in front of my wife and hers in front of me. We were also never asked if we wanted coffee or after dinner drinks (we finally chimed in). Small things, I know, but I was a bit surprised (it was our first visit).

  6. Another thing is, that the white meat may have the barest of pink tinges and still be done (i.e. over 150 degrees--bacteria are killed at 141). Depends on the bird.

    Is there a consensus on when when I should remove the turkey from the oven? I've heard everything from 140 degrees to 170 degrees. I have 14 lb. bird, and I am not sure how much carry-over heat to account for.

  7. No trick. They just have a fairly large carbon footprint, as do most Costco produce items, whch are shipped long distances. But hey, nobody's perfect. You do as much as you can, in terms of being a locavore. In the winter, a smaller percentage of your purchases are going to be local.

    Local food can sometimes consume more energy, especially when it is shipped -- even short distances -- by truck.

  8. This weekend I tried Anheuser-Busch's "chelada" - beer and Clamato juice in the same can. They come in four packs of 16 ounce cans, in Bud and Bud Light. Poured over ice, and with some added embellishments (fresh lemon juice, hot sauce), this was not bad: a beer bloody mary. Definitely a bolder foray into this type of beverage as compared to Miller's Chill.

    Plus, you can, like, totally offend guests who find the idea of the combination to be both frightening and disgusting.

  9. Who will prevail? The lobbyists, as usual. Another example of the United Corporation of America.

    Personally, I'd rather the lobbyists and those evil corporations win rather than the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

  10. For various reasons, money is extremely tight this year and I had to buy a "solution injected" turkey because it was on sale at a great price. This means no brining, right? Can I still do a rub under the skin?

  11. Is blanching the way to deal with the bitterness of this? I sauteed some rabe up the other day in garlic, red pepper flakes and olive oil. I used it to top a roasted pork and provolone sandwich. It was good, but definitely bitter.

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