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Mrs. B

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Posts posted by Mrs. B

  1. :P --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mrs. B @ Dec 21 2006, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Just returned from Spring Valley Balducci's.Please excuse my inner geography Nazi, but there is no Balducci's in Spring Valley. Wagshal's is in Spring Valley. Balducci's is up the hill in Wesley Heights.
    You geography nazi have nothing to add to my truffle desire but to correct my DC geography problem? I stand corrected but think that Wesley Heights is ...oh never mind must think food not real estate. Procured a beautiful 4 rib dry aged hunk or rib eye for the holiday.
  2. Just returned from Spring Valley Balducci's. Truffles may be ordered with 72 hours notice. White from the Piedmont - 2888/lb and Black from Mt. Ventoux - 1250/lb. Contact Gloria the cheese dept. mgr. Now I don't know which to order. Waitman feels that the white's we've purchased and served at home are not worth the uptick in price. I am still having naughty thoughts about the whites we had on the pizza at CityZen last month. Think I will go with black and maybe donate the difference to Second Harvest of Central Kitchen so I don't feel so guilty.

  3. I would really love to get my hands/slicer on 1-2 oz of truffles for Christmas Dinner. Anyone have a hint where to check? I will start with Balducci's and try Dean & DeLuca. I am afraid I'm too late for Urbani. Waitman has promised me some funky yuminess if I can score the goods.

  4. Normally I'd be involved with, if not in charge of, Christmas dinner. But I believe I've had my powers stripped due to my tendency to get dinner on the table at 9 or 10pm, and for making meals which are too elaborate for most of my audience. I have no idea what the members of this rebel group are making. I just hope it ain't turkey.

    Sounds familiar Mike and I absolutely agree on the turkey.

    We have 2 pints of oysters from the S. VA oyster guy from Dupont (please keep him in your thoughts, last we heard on Sunday he was in the hospital with heart trouble :P ) and I think I see Oyster Stew or Fried Oysters on Christmas Eve in the offing.

    My MIL's (should be) patented English Muffin Bread that is a sinch(sp?) to make and disappears nearly as fast as it's made. Sliced thin, toasted and spread with yummy butter and fleur de sel or chopped liver to tide me over to Christmas dinner.

    I am craving a rare standing rib roast prepared a'la Paul Prudhomme with a ton of seasonings (yep garlic powder too) and fresh onions under and on top of the fat cap and will probably implore Waitman to indulge me. JoeH I will check into Balducci's - do you think the one in Spring Valley has the same deal?

    I would love to have someone pm me with a favorite Yorkshire Pudding recipe if possible?

    And joy of joys I just discoverd that my darling 13 year old daughter likes rutabegas!!!! Yay! Slightly mashed rutabegas (my family always called them turnips though) with milk/cream, pinch of sugar, maybe a bit of nutmeg, salt & pepper. These will go nicely with the roast (and maybe some mashed potatoes and roasted brussel sprouts and creamed onions too), Maybe some crispy garlic bread crumbs tossed on the onions depending on how creamy they are or perhaps they would better complement the brussel sprouts?

    Gingerbread (verrry spicy) I also see coming up in the next few days plated with rather sweet hard sauce & nearly unsweetned whip cream.

    Waitman you hear me?

  5. I'm not excusing bad service because I don't think it is bad service. Casual, informal, relaxed, post-modern, even mediocre -- whatever you want to call it. I've had significantly worse service at significantly "better" restaurants and am quite a bitch about service issues. Maybe it's Chevy Chase's answer to Bistro du Coin :D . If they're a little raggedy around the edges, so be it. They have been polite, responsive and enthusiastic to me.

    I think you are reaching a bit here buddy. I kind of think that getting the order royally screwed up constitutes bad service even if they did bend over backwards to apologize. You know I love this place but lets not let it become our sacred cow. :P

  6. We usually get a low-topping pizza and it always mushes up. And I prefer a brunette crust to the blonde one (same as with girls) we often get, even when we've asked for well done.

    Agree about fringe benefits, though, particularly the charcuterie and the wine.

    When we go, we almost always order the margharita, probably had it 5 times over the past few years and I can only remember one occasion when the middle of the pie wasn't soggy, this is most disappointing becuse the unsoggy portion of the pie is quite tasty. I like a thin crisp crust, at the very least not goopy as it almost invariably has been at Two Amys - to each his own indeed. If this is the nature of their pie than I will stick to their stellar cured meats and other delicious small dishes and save my ducats for the outrageously expensive but to my taste superior pie at Comet. Never a mushy experience there.
  7. They are, however, fragile and the Riedel rule applies: Never attempt to wash them until the morning after.
    1st Corollary to the Riedel Rule: Do not store glasses overnight under the cabinet with the coffee or Ibuprofen.

    ETA: Spiegelau glasses are indeed very nice. We managed to go through 2 dozen in less than a year even trying to be careful and when they break there are lots of little pieces (though not as many as Baccarat :) )

  8. I print them out or tear them out and stuff them in a legal sized redweld expandable file folder and then spend 45 minutes looking for the recipe when I'm ready to make it and am always distracted by other recipes I stuffed in the file and haven't made and then decide to completely change the menu and make something else. Then I rearrange the file to put all the recipes I want to try soon at the front of the folder (though I never return to make good on that idea) and then it's too late to go to the store to pick up the ingredients for the new menu and I order carryout. I don't reccomend this method.

  9. I very much enjoyed my clam pizza. The crust could have been cooked a bit more but the clams would have suffered for that so I think the compromise worked well.

    We asked for red pizza with pepperoni and no cheese for our 13 year old and upon receiving it complained that it had cheese on it because there was virtually no sauce and the crust with oil looked, well, it looked cheesey but we were not savy enough to take a taste. Actually we were convinced it belonged to another table and so were reluctant to touch. The matter was settled by the manager eating a piece and declaring it cheese free, confirmed upon our tasting. A little embarassing but there you go. The pie was graciously comped even though we requested otherwise.

    I liked the interior and if I had young kids would appreciate it's indestructability even more. The service was very (maybe too) enthusiastic. Man I just hate it when server's introduce themselves (but that's my problem).

    I told Waitman this morning I would gladly go back tonight.

  10. Hi Monica,

    Zaytinya is also close, and they serve until midnight on weekends. Full Kee is open late, also - but they don't serve wine. I haven't been to PS7 yet, but I do know that the location is an easy walk from the convention center (I live in this neighborhood), and they serve until 10:30 on Saturdays.

    I was at jury duty and raced over to Full Kee for lunch in July and they now have wine.

  11. have you tried temperance hall in petworth? the wings are quite good.
    Welcome to DR.com acquamatta! I have been meaning to get over to Temperance Hall as Rye Whiskey has quite an affinity for me. The knowledge that the wings are trip worthy makes a visit inevitable. Do you live in the Petworth neighborhood? There are a number of spots over there that piqued my curiousity.
  12. Crabcakes tonight! What's a good side? I'm already doing an Asian slaw and maybe a sauce. We've been doing a lot of roasted corn lately.
    Fried green tomatoes? Proabably not with Asian slaw but a tasty combination otherwise. Fried or grilled eggplant?
  13. I will be there (single this year, no kids). I am challenging StevenB's reign as the eggman, I will bring my never will be famous curried deviled eggs. Now I am not sure if this counts....but I really want to bring a pot of collard greens to have with all that pork! So add that as well.
    Scott makes killer collards if my memory serves from the eG Chicken Cook-Off. Yay!
  14. I don't like this "review" of the restaurant. An hour and fifty minutes doesn't seem like too long to enjoy what appear to be four courses. I hate to sound like a broken record, but, if you didn't like a sauce, couldn't you just tell the server? Does every nit-picky bunch of crap have to be posted here on the internet daily about this brand new restaurant? This restaurant has fallen into the Palena trap. I DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT THIS RESTAURANT EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE, GET IT?

    Thanks for listening,


    Heh. Here, here. And thank you Mr. Slater.
  15. :) --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mrs. B @ Sep 7 2006, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

    From where does one get squash blossoms in late October? Are they shipped in?

    I saw them at a tiny farmer's market in G'town yesterday-- Rose Park? Is that right?

    but that was 9/6 and the dinner is 10/25 or thereabouts. Pumpkin soup is more in order I would think.
  16. Has anyone on the board tried Addis Ababa, on Fenton Street in Silver Spring? It has a covered rooftop dining area that looks inviting.

    I don't know if they are related to the Addis that recently closed on 18th Street but if they are, it should be pretty good. It was Nora's favorite Kik Alitcha.

    My current favorite is Roha. I particularly like the fact that the servings are not so large that they cannot possibly be consumed at one sitting. I don't particularly care for leftover Ethiopian food (especially Kitfo!).

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