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Everything posted by Camille-Beau

  1. The October 1st A-team: Crackers mdt Meaghan Mrs. B ustreetguydc Thanks for the photos, Crackers. Great shot of the very large (and still standing - <sigh>) greenhouse! Saturday's drive out to the farm was fabulous with beautiful sunny views of the Chesapeake while driving over the bridge in the morning and an equally lovely sunset while returning to DC that evening. Much progress was made in part of the largest greenhouse with unscrewing and removing the gutters (which are about 140' long ) from their wooden frames, cutting them into smaller 16' sections, dismantling the wooden frames and clearing out what seemed like miles of irrigation hoses. Cordless drills and heavy-duty saw a must (you're right about the earplugs, Crackers--- I'll bring extras this Saturday!) The goal was to remove the gutters/frames surrounding the post rows which support the roof of the greenhouse. Once the space around the posts is cleared, the dismantling of the frame can begin. Throughout the day, the faint sound of the seeding machine could be heard coming from one of the other greenhouses while the farm's staff worked to plant lettuce seeds using the conveyor system that David showed us last week. Plastic trays are placed on the conveyor which pulls the trays along as they are filled with soil, 'dimpled', seeded, layered with more soil, watered, then stacked into the trailer, on this day by John. David spent much of the day at the new location planing a section of land in preparation for the setup of the first greenhouse. After lunch, (vension burgers!) a reporter from the Baltimore Sun stopped by the farm to meet David and Sharon. She is interested in writing a story about the farm and about the help of volunteers with the relocation. Timing was excellent as David had just returned from the new location so he and Sharon were available for the interview. More on this later in the week... Much like last week, the work was tiring and dirty with a few more pesky mosquitos to contend with (note: Thyme seems to be a natural repellent) but all in all, it was very satisfying. So, on that note, the Camille-Beau mailbox is open and ready to hear from anyone who would like to join the group for this Saturday and to meet the farm's unofficial mascot: The work will likely include more of the same with regard to dismantling the large greenhouse. More specific details will follow. Thanks again to everyone who has contributed, either at the farm or via donations. See you on the 8th! -Pat & Barry
  2. Confirmed team for Saturday, Oct 1: Meaghan mdt Mrs. B ustreetguydc Camille-Beau (both) See you tomorrow! -Pat
  3. Don't forget "Manni" -- both 'Per Me' and 'Per Mio Figlio' types
  4. Per David, here are some recommended items for this weekend's work on the large greenhouse: CORDLESS drill with Phillips drill tip Safety goggles if you have them Recommends wearing long pants Bring a change of clothes (at least a clean t-shirt -- you'll get rather dirty) I'll be bringing extra work gloves and a couple of extra pairs of goggles and a cordless drill. If you don't have these items, please don't worry about it. There will be things to do that don't require a drill --- just having a team of people there to work on the greenhouse will be a big help. The team is slightly smaller this week so if anyone finds out last minute that they can help, please PM me by Friday evening and I'll send directions/phone numbers. We're planning to be there by 10am on Saturday. Weather is forecast as 72 and sunny so it will be a great day at the farm. Thanks!
  5. October 1st trip to the farm: The focus for this weekend will be the disassembly of the greenhouses, particularly the large one. That work includes, among other things, cutting the gutters with a power saw and using drills to remove screws holding the frames in place. I am expecting an update from David regarding what, if any, tools and equipment we should bring (goggles, etc.) I'll supply work gloves for anyone who needs them. Venison burgers will be supplied by Sharon but feel free to bring along anything else you would like. Water and sodas (Coke, Sprite, Diet Coke, Pepsi, etc.) will be provided. We still need volunteers to work at the farm. Here is the tentative list for this Saturday: mdt Mrs. B LittleWing (plus 1) ustreetguydc camille-beau (2 total) I have a couple of other interested parties who are not yet confirmed. If you are going and I neglected to put your name on the list, please send me a PM and I'll modify accordingly. Thanks!
  6. I'm sure we can find many things that would be very beneficial to the move that would not cause, or exacerbate, any back problems. For anyone wanting joining the move, please do let us know if there are things you shouldn't be doing and we can work around those issues.
  7. I'm sure there will be a need for help for the next several weekends due to the volume of stuff to move. At this point we're set for Saturday Oct 1 and tentatively for the next couple of Saturdays after that (Oct 8, Oct 15), keeping the idea in mind that the first frost is anticipated around Oct 15 which adds to the urgency in getting things into greenhouses at the new location (not to mention just getting plants out of the wind, heavy rain and thunderstorms, all of which could happen any day). Columbus Day (Monday, Oct 10) was suggested as a possible work day -- a very good idea for those of you off work. I'll find out from David Lankford if Columbus Day would work for his schedule. The interest shown by many of you for helping out continues to impress! Back soon...
  8. The largest greenhouse is the one with the 55,000' of gutters which will need to be disassembled and cut into shorter lengths (about 16' each) with an electric saw. That task requires the use of tools such as cordless drills with Philips-head bits. I'll get more details from David as to exactly what tools will be useful and will find out if we can coordinate a team for that greenhouse. David said it would require able-bodied souls who can handle the heavy lifting and who want to climb up on the framing as well.More details to follow...
  9. Lest there be any uncertainty, Rocks was there too! Great photo essay, Crackers! Who knew such hard, dusty, wet, and dirty work could be so much fun and so satisfying! There isn't anything I can add that hasn't already been said so eloquently by Meaghan, Porcupine, Jacques Gastreaux, Tweaked, Crackers and Shogun. Beau and I had a great time, not only working with the Lankfords who are so gracious and deserving of support, but meeting the team who participated. You guys are awesome! And now for one more Thyme, er, Time (yes, lame -- I know) : If you are able to join next week's crew, please send a PM or Email and let me know if you need transportation. I have messages from a few of you so I'll be sending you directions and other info as the week progresses. General idea still stands: Arrival at the Lankfords by 10am with departure around 7-8pm, depending on when we get the second delivery made (typical work days include two trips between the current location and the new one). Thanks! -Camille
  10. Per David Lankford, the following things need to be done: - Continued work on taking down greenhouses - Moving more plants to the new location, specifically the thyme and the lettuces - Moving a variety of equipment, pots, miscellaneous stuff to the new location - Disassembling the gutters for the very large greenhouse. David says he is always interested in crews that can help with this project since it requires the use of a cordless drill & Phillips-head screwdrivers to take the gutters apart. He noted that the corn was just cleared from the new location where the greenhouses will be so they can now start the process of mapping out the locations for them, always a reminder that they are moving while continuing 'business as usual' I am sending directions and contact information to everyone signed up for tomorrow. See you there!
  11. Many thanks to all of you for responding positively to this situation, regardless of whether or not you can be at the farm tomorrow. This request was solely meant as a way to get a few people together to help the Lankfords move their farm. If you can't actually go to the farm either this weekend or next, that is totally fine. If you can, then great. I do want to stress that the Lankfords did NOT ask for any help whatsoever. They have been working to do this themselves while at the same time maintaining business as usual by harvesting and delivering products to all of their restaurant customers. This move just happens to be different than simply moving from one house to another since they are taking the buildings with them. Thanks for your cotinued interest in this project.
  12. The following Rockwellians have offered their time for this Saturday: Porcupine Jacques Gastreaux mktye Crackers Tweaked Meaghan Shogun Camille-Beau (there are two of us) The plan is to get there by 10am latest and work til about 8pm. Some folks need to leave by 4pm so they are ride-sharing. (still working on coordinating other rides, but will let the relevant parties know) Any other volunteers? It would be great to have at least 10 people there.
  13. How about next Saturday, October 1? If anyone can't make it for this Saturday, please let either me or Rocks know if next Saturday works for you. I'm sure there will still be plenty of work to do and it will be an interesting topic of conversation for the picnic on the 2nd Timing will be something like -- Arrival by 10am and departure around 7-8pm Thanks again for those of you who have responded. The details will be sent to you via PM as soon as we know who/how many will be there and what the transportation needs are. -Pat
  14. WANTED: A large group of able-bodied folks willing to put in a few hours of hard work for a very worthy cause. Please note that this description may contain some small discrepancies in detail and is repetitive of some of Cathal's posting above but will give you an overall idea of the project: The work that needs to be done at the Lankford farm involves the dismantling and moving of several large greenhouses plus all of the plants & shelving and miscellaneous items inside each greenhouse from the current farm location to the new one approximately 4 miles away. There are 11 very large greenhouses, one for each different type of herb/vegetable (the photos from Cathal's post give you some idea of the size). The Restaurant Eve crew moved the Basil greenhouse last Sunday. According to Cathal, the team left DC at 8am and arrived at the old Lankford farm around 9:30am on the Eastern Shore of MD. They worked on the Basil house until 9pm Sunday night and dismantled and moved the greenhouse & plants in 2 trips. Cathal rented a 24' flatbed truck to use for the transfer, along with his own Suburban/trailer combination and David Lankford's pickup truck/trailer and van (that has no shocks...). We'll take care of renting the truck this time and will use our SUV, but don't have a trailer. If any of you have a truck/trailer, please let me know if you'll have it with you this weekend. The trip from one location to the other takes about 40 minutes due to the winding country roads of the Eastern Shore. That being said, we are now truly asking for your help. If we get enough people I would considering hiring a bus or large vans to transport everyone to the location. The Lankford farm is located 6635 Pine Top, Hurlock MD which is 6 miles south of Easton on the Eastern Shore. This will be very hard work but very rewarding. The Lankfords have two workers and cannot afford to hire day laborers to help with this move. They are technically supposed to be off of the property today so time is the enemy at this point. We plan to offer help for next weekend as well (Saturday, October 1st) so if you cannot make it on the 24th please let me know and we can form a second team for next weekend. RECOMMENDED ITEMS: Sturdy shoes - preferably work boots Work gloves (I'll bring a few extra pairs) Change of clothes -- and wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty Lunch I'll bring water/sodas but feel free to bring anything you might like to have. Please PM/email me only if you can work either this Saturday or next. Please let me know if you can provide transportation and if so, for how many people. Also let me know if you need a ride out there and back so we can make the necessary arrangements. Depending on the response, I will let you know if we hire transportation. Please let me know as soon as possible so that we can get an accurate headcount. MANY THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!! -Pat and Barry
  15. We are leaning toward this Saturday, Sept. 24th. I hope to have more specific information for everyone shortly. Travel arrangements will be included as part of the process. Thank you to those who have responded thus far. When all the logistics have been setup and posted, I hope that more of you will be able to donate a few hours to help with this very worthy cause. -Pat
  16. I will be happy to coordinate the effort and will contact Cathal to see how best to arrange this with the Lankfords. Thanks for the response! -Pat
  17. Kudos to Eve and Maestro for helping the Lankfords undertake such a large project! Perhaps we could get a group of Rockwellians together for a weekend to help (this weekend perhaps?) Cathal, how long do the Lankfords have to complete the move?
  18. Duly noted -- I did say quieter, not necessarily quiet, but excellent point
  19. Note on Robert Parker's commentary on Mark's Duck House -- as I recall, he raved about the Peking Duck and not the Dim Sum. Having been to MDH for Dim Sum, I have to say that, while it was good, I think a shorter trip (from DC) to Hunan Number One in Arlington (corner of Clarendon Blvd and N. Garfield) offers better steamed dumplings and other standard DS fare in a quieter, cooler, cleaner place. I see the appeal of Mark's but it's a crazy place on Sundays, especially with a large group.
  20. "Would you like fries with that?" www.donrockwell.com
  21. Ok then, have a beauty contest, but may I suggest it be held between the men and not the women? Starting with that "Swankly Studbolt" Todd Thrasher (sorry Todd, please don't spit in my wine on my next visit)
  22. Please define "serviceable-looking". This sounds like a bad Playboy idea -- something like the "Hot Chicks of WAL-MART" ... yeesh.
  23. U2 tickets were much easier to get than FL reservations, unfortunately they're about equal in price! If you do choose Napa as a Foodie Vacation destination, you really can't go wrong.
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