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Posts posted by saf

  1. Hey folks!

    Again, been cooking but a lot of basics. But there have been a few interesting things.

    There's a lot of sausage in the freezer (which is what happens when you let the boy choose anything he wants at the kielbasa Factory.) So, black bean soup with sausage. And it was tasty. Had it with some toast and of course, salad.

    It's cherry season! I LOVE CHERRIES! So, cherry pizza. With salad. SO tasty - we anticipate this every cherry season.

    Also made an almond cherry upside down cake. Very very tasty, but it was so moist that it broke when I moved it from the rack to the plate. Need to try it again and see if I can keep it intact.

    Had some folks over for games, beer, and grilling. Grilled chicken parts and veg and corn, and did not grill the salad. Had a blueberry cornmeal shortbread tart for dessert with buttermilk ice cream (bi-rite creamery recipe). The dinner was well received, but the dessert was the star. The boy loves blueberry crumb pie, so he was dubious, but loved it. And one friend does not like blueberry pie (I did not know in advance), but she loved it, and even took a piece home!

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  2. On 6/28/2022 at 4:26 PM, KeithA said:

    That is a bummer about LT. We have always enjoyed their food so much. In fact in March, they did a great job catering a dinner for us from the Woodley location. Hopefully, things will perk up. As for other places to check out, I agree with Zaytinya and also recommend Sababa (I wrote reviews of both in their separate topics based on meals last week).

    Thank you - we have not tried Sababa yet. It's on the list now!

  3. Went for dinner over the weekend. A friend was in town for our mutual fakeneice's wedding, and she loves Lebanese food. And she's stuck in Norman OK, where there isn't so much Lebanese food.

    Having been disappointed in Ayesha's the last few times we have gone, we decided to go to Taverna, Woodley Park. 5 of us. Service was pleasant, but slow. Clearly understaffed. Cool, we can handle that. Lots of menu items out. Hm... OK, supply chain issues. Lots of wine out too. Same thing, we assume.

    In the end, it was fine, but no better. We ate a pile of mezze, had a great time being together, and enjoyed ourselves, but it was not up to their usual standards.

    So, in the emerging from the pandemic era, the best restaurant Mediterranean food we have had remains Zaytinya. We will give this another shot, as we have liked it in the past, but will give it a while.

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  4. Our fakeneice got married over the weekend, so some extra folks were in town. One friend stayed until Monday. I took Monday off, and she and I went museuming, then had lunch at Jaleo before she had to head to the airport. It was lovely. The weather was great, so we sat outside and ordered the lunch special - 3 tapas each, plus dessert. I added a glass of sangria. While it was a little slower than usual, the food was quite good, the service was lovely. They do a good job.

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  5. Ah me, I am behind. Oh well. Lots of cooking here, but not tons new. Until this week.

    Well, last night's pork shoulder crock pot pulled pork with dinosaur sauce wasn't new.

    But Monday's Peanut Soba Noodles (with snap peas rather than green beans) was new and delicious. Also, salad.

    And tonight, following salad, was Crispy Tofu with Cashew and Blistered Snap Peas (with asparagus, as I used all the snap peas on Monday). It was delicious and will happen again.

    • Like 4
  6. Tried a new recipe last night - Chicken, Mushrooms, and Onions. It was tasty. However, the boy misread teaspoons for tablespoons at the end, so it had a LITTLE too much sherry vinegar. Still, tasty. We will do this again. May try it with real sherry to enhance the french onion soup flavor quality. Also, salad. 

    Tonight was leftover strata. And salad. Later, ice cream. I made some delicious roasted strawberry miso ice cream. I love this stuff!

    • Like 3
  7. Yesterday was grill day. He got a porterhouse steak, rubbed it with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic paste. Grill to rare/medium rare. Also salad. Also grilled carrots, asparagus, and a yellow squash for him, all with olive oil and various herb mixes. Quite tasty. Strawberry shortcake for dessert! I have recently realized that it is possible to freeze raw shortcake and then bake it from frozen. Fresh shortcake out of the freezer whenever we want! Sadly, we used the last ones Sunday night. I will make more this weekend!  It works really well. I got good cream for whipped cream, and the strawberries are so good right now.

    We were supposed to be at the ballpark tonight, but the weather forecast convinced us not to go. So... I made a strata yesterday from asparagus (So good this time of year!), leftover sourdough from Bread Furst out of the freezer, leftover roasted chicken out of the freezer, yellow bell pepper, swiss cheese, and shallots. (Plus milk and egg of course.) Planned to bake it tomorrow. Baked it tonight. Also, salad. And it was good. (Based on the score, glad we aren't there, even though the weather not as bad as expected.) There's a lot left for lunches!

    On 5/22/2022 at 8:36 AM, Katya4me said:

    This was followed by a fruit salad for dessert: https://thedevilwearssalad.com/watermelon-fruit-salad-brown-sugar-boba/

    That's fascinating. Where did you get boba?

    • Like 1
  8. Takeout to Midlands from here on Friday. 4 of us this time. So we got the 3 Khachapuri special again. One ajaruli, one pork and pomegranate, and one crab dip (For the others, who eat seafood.) Also, the delicious fries.

    Consensus - it travels well. The fries are simply stellar. The ajaruli is the very best. The pork and pomegranate is good. The seafood eaters said the crab one was fine, but not worth getting again.

    The 4th, who has not been with us the first time, declared the fries alone worth going for. The boy concurred. If we hadn't ordered one to share, he was ready to order one for his dinner.

  9. Went here again on Saturday - the boy has just been cleared to go out again after recovering from Covid, so we wanted a place that is well ventilated. Good beer. Good chats with our old friend from Meridian Pint who is now managing Midlands.

    And takeout from Tabla. So nice to have that option a block away! (Also, Mr. Rotisserie has re-opened across the street, so that's an option again.)

    Sadly, the Nats lost. OK, no surprise, but sad. At least the beer was good, the big roll-up doors were open, the company was good, and the takeout was excellent.

  10. So, stopped at Ace today for some vermouth. And I checked - Shemali's is still there, and has moved into a bigger spot!

    Also, stopped a few weeks ago at the Van Ness location. No cafe stuff but a nice store.

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  11. So, the boy is feeling enough better that we have been able to have some real food this week. (I remained negative, and he is clear to go back out in public with a mask as of Monday. Will be able to make his own mask choice as of Saturday.)

    Monday was frito pie, with turkey chili from the freezer. Also, salad.

    Last night was freezer enchiladas. Also, salad.

    Tonight - YAY! Cream of asparagus soup! And grilled cheese sandwiches! Also, salad. 

    I love salad this time of year. Strawberries on salad are so good.

    The poke cake referenced above is fine, but not exceptional. I think my technique needs work. It isn't as well striped with fruit as I think it should be. And I hate storing cake in the fridge. Makes it soggy.

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