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Posts posted by JPW

  1. I'm still trying to figure out why they gave all of that space to the story about Moby and his tea house in Manhattan. My best guess is that they were trying to appeal to the "young folk". Other than that, I have no idea why they thought that was worthy of coverage to the detriment of food around DC

  2. Something always slips through the cracks....

    Many of you know that I'm a big Jackie's booster.

    Easily the best of SS (for now :lol: ).

    The specials are usually the best dishes. My personal favorite is the Thursday night braised pork. Small but excellent beer selection and a small, but very nice, wine selection.

    Service can sometimes be a crapshoot, but is always friendly.

    Jackie and Patrick are great.

    Need to rectify my long absence.

    A HH sounds like a capital idea, I'll just pack up Peanut and bring her on down.

  3. Not a big fan of the Finca Antiguas (either the base or the reserve) - left me with a furry tongue and teeth. Nice fruit though and drinkable.

    The Vina Rey "70 Barricas" is a nice tempranillo, if a little thin. I prefer the Montecillo tempranillo at this (el cheapo) price point.

  4. I was surprised to hear that as well. He'll probably be behind a screen and have a voice modulator so we can't hear his voice. I mean, I'd love to know what he looks like just so I would know if I was sitting next to him at a restaurant.

    No voice modulator. You can hear him every Thursday or Friday (forget which) on WTOP when he does a bit with the "Man About Town".

  5. A couple of cheap inoffensive whites.

    (cue broken record)

    Hugues Beaulieu Picpoul de Pinet. Couteaux de Languedoc. $6.44 bottle at Magruders. $8 Total Wine

    Domaines de Pouy. Cotes de Gascogne $7 Total Wine

    For a red, perhaps a Nero d'Avila (Sicily). DCMark introduced this grape to me at our dinner at Sette last year. Light, fruity, generally cheap.

  6. As I'm taking off, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day.

    Think of that special vet. For me, it is my deceased great uncle Charlie who was in an Engineering Company and landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day.

    If you're driving -- be safe!

  7. and I'm not talking about people who's lives revolve around it. anyone who's insane enough to own or work in a restuarant gets mad props, you're better people than I. I'm talking about people who's "hobby" it is eat and who feel personally connected to meals that they did nothing but consume. I guess the larger question is there a line between being a foodie (sweet jebus do I hate that term) and being a food snob?

    As Mark said, YES.

    There are indeed more important things in life. For example, Mrs JPW and Peanut (look to your left).

    On the whole, I can be a rather dispassionate person, but food and drink are one of things that I get very emotional about. I think that we're all a little snobby about it on these boards. Do I look down on people feeding their kids at McD's? You betcha, but I like a sausage and egg biscuit as much as the next guy.

    There's as much perfection in an heirloom tomato bought in season at the farmers' market as there is in Thomas Keller's Oysters and Pearls. Equal amounts of ecstasy to be found in that hidden gem of a divey neighborhood Thai joint as there is at Per Se.

    What is a real food snob? To me, it is the person who looks only at the number of stars they eat at or the amount of money they spend on food and drink.

  8. Thanks, this chronology was a real trip down memory lane.

    Just in case this list made you hungry too, I'm tossing in a link I've been holding onto for a while. I realize there's more than one Post-Toastie lurking here - please don't spike this link - it's oddly soothing.

    NOTE: my intent here is to share this virtual stroll - visiting tenured favorites, glimpsing early glimmers of promising things to come, and remembering those gone over to "that big kitchen in the sky." I'd thought about posting the link on C'hound, but didn't want the discussion pulled by the Team who'd anticipate critic critiques - miss Phyllis, but don't want anyone beating on Tom-Tom.

    Phyllis Richman's 1997 Top 50

    Welcome Lydia!

    Just a note to tell you that if it's about food in DC it won't get "spiked".

    There are no agendas here.

    Interesting list.

  9. Thanks Mr. Rockwell. I have requested the chef to see if he can organize and host another event like the Street food one.. hope he can do something soon.

    I'll be there. :lol:

    That event was positively amazing.

    I was so stuffed, I had to unbuckle my belt upon leaving .

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