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Posts posted by Toogs

  1. The only agendas I harbor are for the elimination of the two greatest scourges on civilization since the Black Death, flip flops and auto-tune.

    This is at least the second post in a week where you have displayed quite a bit of bile towards him and demanded that he leave the city. Plus you have accused him of committing “MURDER” and taking a “kill shot”. There are plenty examples of restaurants that he has given great reviews to that failed, and those that he has given poor reviews to that have prospered or at least did not suffer from his attempted “murder” of them.

    As far as getting all of the facts, maybe you should have posted a link to the second tweet to make your case – personally I was using the evidence you provided and neither follow his tweets nor have any inclination to do so, but I have to wonder why you do follow him given that he causes you so much angst.

    Again, you are uninformed. The washington post (some other food/entertainment writer) linked his tweet. I don't think I want to continue discussing this with you, if you are going to simply lob accusations without acquainting yourself with the material we're supposedly discussing.

    PS I love flip flops so we are unlikely to find common ground anyway.

  2. My "obvious hatred of TS" is news to me, and at least very new to me, because he has become in internet troll. I have read his work for years, and it has taken a dark turn. He has begun to revel in the takedown, when once he was if anything overly positive.

    Also, he said the following (quote from the chat). Please have all the facts before you attempt to assault my character.

    Tom Sietsema :

    My lips are sealed. But you'll be reading about the mess, er, restaurant, soon.

    You have an agenda I take it?

  3. He's responsible for the content of his reviews and posts. His name is on them. What you say may well be happening but it's irrelevant.

    Oh and let's not act like the only use for social media is to post "hey guys, stay tuned, click here often, I am about to MURDER this restaurant."

  4. Is this the Tom Sietsema meta-thread? I didn't want to start a new thread, as I would need limitless curse words in the title.

    Tom has become an internet troll. I know everyone needs page views in this economy, but this is simply disgusting. He's twitter pimping an upcoming take-down piece:


    It's fucking gross and he's bad for the city. Please leave.

  5. I will say that from the text of the email, I would have expected to pay some percentage of the bill, possibly 100 percent.

    But given the description of what happened at the restaurant it sounds more like a comped deal. You certainly cannot send out "an embarrassment of several apps and entrees each" and expect the diner to pay for them, as they certainly wouldn't have ordered that much on their own, if expecting to pay.

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  6. This used to be a superb place before their forced relocation so we caould build another CVS. The hand made noodles left in favor of yet another CVS. Yipee!

    They do a superb chicken but its been a long time.

    Redundant drug stores are murdering the route 1 corridor. We lost Irene's and Mango for a frakking WalGreens that is a third of a mile from a CVS and another .2 to another CVS. WTF do people do with all these drug stores?

  7. My daughter had a game Sunday at EC Laurence park- first off, the phone directions sent us to the nature center, so we were a bit late (& she has a first time coach, so she was a bit anxious)-her team won, coming from behind, 13-10, Ft. Hunt Flaming Fireflies (don't even ask) against the Manassas Brigade- after the game, we were ready for lunch, I was up early & threw ribs on the smoker for T's end of season party (& was tired & grumpy), we drove about a mile north, & while the kids argued the virtues of Chipotle vs. Moe's, I weighed in on a chain restaurant (I wanted a sandwich) that was fine, everyone was VERY friendly, we all had a good lunch...(OK, it was Applebee's, probably my first time here in about 16 years, but it was a good sandwich-turkey/bacon/ avocado-I am NOT ashamed).

    Applebee's is better than Friday's and Ruby Tuesday, an at least on par with pimiento cheese.

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