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Posts posted by NolaCaine

  1. Dammit!

    I"m far to lazy to redo that but here they are:
    And the Band Played On

    Genome War

    Bad Blood.
    They all have something in common: The search for a better diagnostic test, crazy big egos, and doing the impossible.

    That last one DIDN"T do the impossible; the other two did. All three read like fiction (which is a compliment from me; I really like diverting pleasure-reading)

  2. Yet again, enjoyed lunch at Woodward Table. I've been quite a few times in the last year or two and it's good. Salads are fresh and sometimes creative. Soups are yummy though I didn't have any today. Fish is fresh and nicely prepared.  Today I had a pretty great big salad with lobster on it, all chopped up; perfectly dressed. I did add salt but I love salt more than most people. 

  3. Lynch Syndrom (genetic test will diagnose) is associated with colon cancer in the 30s. Just learned that today (or relearned it).


    Even though the risk of colon cancer is the same for men and women, women are far less likely to have the screening test, likely due to the prep and recovery and their responsibilities. So again, Cologuard (no, I am not an investor and in no way benefit). Non-invasive, at home test. 


  4. 23 hours ago, Mark Slater said:

    My first one was not pleasant. They were stingy with the sedation.  The doctor couldn't navigate the peritoneum  so they ordered a "virtual colonoscopy". Equally as uncomfortable.  

    Ha! I've had many upper GIs and now have a one-page checklist that I go through with the doctor, care team, and hand to my husband to enforce once I'm drugged...I start with I want to be completely out. Unfortunately, I've also had to say that I won't consent to a procedure if the IV isn't properly running, which happened once and the pain was amazing... 


  5. For those of you at "normal" risk and are not really interested in the invasive procedure, there's an in-home diagnostic test: https://www.cologuardtest.com/

    Also, if interested in the genetics of early colon cancer, here's some info: (this is important if there's a family health history or if someone in your family was diagnosed in their 40s or 50s)

    Respectfully, anal cancer and colon cancer seem to have different causes so maybe shouldn't be confounded.






  6. I'd like to reiterate that depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder and the like, all suck. Many things* can help.

    But here's the important part: If you see a friend who is depressed or anxious, reach out to them. They might not know where to start. Also, if your friend is harder and harder to nail down for a lunch or conversation, check in.

    Many years ago, I talked someone down from the proverbial ledge. He reached out to me again Wednesday and I am glad to be here for that guy. At this point, I think he's going to battle bipolar disorder his entire life but hope that I am always here for him or reach out to him when he goes quite for too long.

    NIH's mental health starting point:

    *minor depressive mood, for example, can be lifted with moderate exercise. Other disorders, like bipolar, likely need medical intervention.

    For Don's periodic table project I offer Li




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  7. On 5/27/2018 at 10:51 AM, dcs said:

    Central has a decent Happy Hour menu and also a pre/post theatre prix-fixe menu and is an easy walk from the theaters.  We were at the Warner last week and ate at the bar at Oyamel beforehand.  I'd say anything in Penn Quarter is walk-able.  I believe The Hamilton has a half-price sushi/sashimi happy hour special between 3pm and 6pm.  Not sure if it is available on weekends.

    I am very pleased most every time I eat at Central and Oyamel. Also, I"m a little embarrassed to admit this, but I am often invited to Hamilton for lunch and really like it. I think it's too big and the menu too eclectic to be honestly good, but then again, I can't think of a disappointing lunch. It's vastly huge so am pretty sure you can always get a seat. 

  8. I went to a sushi/lobster pound in Maine once. Or maybe it as Cape Cod. Good, but weird. I had lobster, of course. 

    I was thinking about this last night: I don't love the bagged crawfish thing here the DMV has going on....but I've not noticed another option, other than self boil. (the crawfish, not self)...I"m ready for a long weekend.

  9. It's been about 4 years and it's still open and still good. Currently I am eating some lintel/veggie thing and I have a side of tomato gazpacho for later. As mentioned in a thread earlier this week, I have food allergies and was exposed to the allergen so am having trouble swallowing. While I am not, at all, vegan or kosher, I love having a go-to place for healthy, clearly labeled soft squishy food when I need it.

    As to survivability: It has and many times I have seen groups of Jewish conventioneers in there so I think it serves more than just the downtown crowd. 

    My absolute favorite is the beet gazpacho which is seasonal and I haven't seen it yet. That stuff is worth its weight in gold...I also wonder how it would be as a base for a bloody mary.


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  10. I haven't been recently but I would like to comment on the seasonality. I've been in the spring, summer, and winter and it's like 3 different restaurants.

    In spring the garden comes alive and it's full of flowers and potted herbs. In summer, it can be hot as hell outside, but the patio is covered with thick vegetation. In winter, there's a roaring fire, leather chairs, and good light, but not too bright.

    The food is good, sometimes wonderful. All of the wines are...Greek maybe and avoiding dairy is a bit hard but I've enjoyed every single visit.

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