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Posts posted by MelGold

  1. Having an amazing weekend in Austin & haven't wasted a calorie yet (I'll ignore the weird dry chicken at last night's wedding, but otherwise...)!

    Friday went straight south on 183 from the airport to City Market in Luling. My friend & I finished off a pound of brisket, a rib a piece, a link of sausage, potato salad and beans paired with a $1.50 Shiner Bock before heading across the street to the little farmers market to pick out some huge peaches that actually taste like peaches to offset the protein.

    From there, we headed back north to Austin, hitting the shops along South Congress just below the bridge. We took some cupcakes from Hey Cupcake over to a friend's house. The red velvet was AMAZING...tasting just like Mom's!

    Saturday brought a stop at Taco Cabana for an 8 oz. tub of guacamole & a dozen fresh, warm tortillas for snack before a trip to HEB to pick up some briskets to deep freeze for the trip home (yes, I'm packing massive amounts of meat in my suitcase). :lol:

    This morning was a second stop at TC for an egg & chorizo taco for breakfast appetizer before heading to Bouldin Creek Cafe on South 1st and Elizabeth. Awesome vegetarian options for both breakfast & lunch. I had scrambled eggs and a massive slice of blueberry cornbread with a half of a grapefruit and huge cup of coffee.

    After a 4 mile trek around what will always be known as Town Lake to me, my friend & I hit the deck at Little Woodrow's for an icy cold brew before driving through Players 2 on the edge of campus for fried mushrooms & zucchini with ranch.

    I'm in need of a scoop of Amy's ice cream and a Whataburger before heading home tomorrow morning, but all in all, another fun & tasty weekend in my favorite city in the world!

  2. MelGold - what if you divvy up your mini marshmallows into a reasonable serving size and package them in containers or baggies and freeze them? Maybe between the out of sight, out of mind thing and having to consciously choose to eat another portion it might help.

    Don's right though - eating better makes all the difference. If I have baby carrots or celery sticks or cucumber slices for my hummus, I don't miss or want the pita chips. All about planning ahead and making good (better) choices. Easier said than done :lol:

    Oh, I put the bag on the top shelf of the cabinet behind the bag of flour so I don't see it when I go into the kitchen. I pour a portion into a small glass bowl, telling myself once the bowl is empty, that's the end of the marshmallows for the day. I've also tried splitting up the bag into separate baggies, much like I do with my proteins that are going into the freezer (individual sized servings). It doesn't matter...if they're in the house, the bag's gone. Maybe freezing them might work.

    And while I appreciate Don's suggestion, I finished off the bag yesterday between a big 'ol salad, a peach and a well-rounded chicken dinner that had a pile of broccoli on the plate. The rest of my "diet" is great and the weight is staying off, but it's when I weaken & splurge that I have no control. Maybe hypnosis would work. ;)

  3. As some of you know, I've been on a bit of a mission for the past 15 months to lose some weight & still eat what I want. To date, I've been fine eating well, exercising pretty religiously and drinking a ton of water instead of soda...I can even contain myself to eating moderate portions when dining out (with the exception of Hell Burgers, but I make concessions elsewhere those days).

    But every so often I have a fruzenglasia (sp?) moment, but instead of finishing off a pint of faux ice cream, my kryptonite is marshmallows. Those tricky grocery store marketing bastards put the candy on the hot & cold cereal aisle right across from the twig & bark cereals, and there are times when I can't seem to stop myself from picking out a bag of puffy white pillowy goodness when I stroll down the aisle to pick up my granola. I say to myself, it's good to have a treat in the house just in case, and maybe if you get the minis they won't go so fast. But within a day the bag is empty and I am kicking myself, plotting to do extra sit ups, run another 15 minutes the next day, or sweat it out in the sauna to lessen the damage. But I know better. Nothing will work. If only there were a rehab program for marshmallow addicts.

    So I ask you good people two questions: 1) how the hell do you stop yourself?! and 2) what's the one food item you can't seem to stop yourselves from binging on when a whole bag/plate/box is put in front of you?

  4. Given that it's the closest "decent" restaurant to my buddy's house, though, I'll probably end up there occasionally in the future. (Though I'll continue to try to convince him to come into EFC or Arlington, I don't want to get eaten by a bear!)
    There's a Panera, Noodles & Co and a Chipotle across the street with Peking Village and Five Guys just a bit further down the road. Next time, excuse yourself to the bathroom, run out & get something edible and make your way back in time to watch the second half of whatever game's on. If nothing else, there's tasty Korean at the bar in the left corner of H Mart next door. :lol:

    Anyone ever tried the Lebanese place in that same shopping center?

  5. Red meat fiesta in Texas: Whataburger (#7 combo with Dr. Pepper), Taco Cabana (enchilada, taco & frijoles borachos with a side of guac & extra tortillas), Filet Mignon from HEB with grilled corn, and brisket & a link of sausage from Rudy's (easily living up to its motto of the worst BBQ in TX). It was a short & unexpected trip, but well worth the calories.

  6. I also thought that the gelato at the McD's by the Spanish Steps was some of the best i had, so take that snobs!
    I am the first to admit that one of the greatest meals I had in Madrid was a Quarter Pounder with Cheese (granted I was young & naive, but I still think of that burger), so no need to be calling anyone a snob. Anyone who has eaten MickyD's abroad could probably attest, they ain't sourcing from the same distributors as they do in the States! :lol:
  7. Not sure what possessed me to be one of the billions who will take advantage of the free "southern style" chicken sandwich giveaway today, but let me save the rest of you the time & trouble. Yes, you get free food, but it's not worth the calories. It's not atrocious, and the pickles are more plentiful than a Chick-fil-A Sandwich, but that's about it. The seasoning isn't there, the bun is pedestrian and like the nuggets, I'm not sure how many pieces of chicken were pieced together to make this cutlet. For my money, I'm sticking with the original chicken sandwich place - even if it means I can't have one on Sunday because it's the Lord's Day.

    For those of you who don't trust one person's opinion who just took one for the team, stop by any of the quadrillion Micky D's today until 7 PM...all it will cost you is the price of a medium drink, gas money (I walked so there's something), and a ton of wasted calories.

  8. Serious motivation problems this weekend. Pack, exercise? Pack, exercise? So I've cranked up the tunes and am actively packing.
    I find packing - like vaccuming - to be as impacting as 20 minutes on the elliptical. According to my trainer (who has to remind me constantly of this), it's how the clothes are fitting more than the numbers the scale is telling you. I can't wait to see your results in person!
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