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Posts posted by lovehockey

  1. In 2010, I went to Jason Marquis' much-hyped debut for the Nats, and after ONE OUT in the top of the first inning, they were down 10-0.

    Marquis' stats for that game: 4 hits, 1 BB, 2 HBP, and 7 earned runs - he was lifted after seven betters, and did not record a single out.

    There may be other major league games that started out this badly, but I don't know of any.

    That'll do a number on your self-esteem.

    He's a starting pitcher for the Reds now.

  2. I am going to choose to believe that the energy they found in the last 40 minutes of the game will carry over to Game 7.  Then again, I am a newer fan, so I don't have to forget about all the disappointments suffered in previous years.

    The real question is...where is the best place to watch???  I'm not sure my critters can stand another game - Jason and I get so worked up, and they just don't understand!

    I'd say Bugsy's in Old Town Alexandria.  Owned by a former Capital, which means they'll actually show the game and care about it.

  3. A good example from last night was the Rangers' goal when Ovi was beaten by Brassard in a footrace to the Caps' goal. Why not more emphasis on the defenders in that play, rather than the talk about how Ovi, a winger, was out skated?


    I'm a little late to this, but when I read your comment my first thought was, "The defensemen pinched".  I didn't see the Rangers' goal, so I just looked it up, and yeah, the defensemen pinched.  (They didn't hang out along the blue line but instead made their way into the offensive zone; a negative result of this can be the other team taking advantage of a turnover because the defensemen are out of position.)

    • Like 1
  4. This is the time of year when I start paying closer attention.  What a game tonight! This team has a serious goaltender!  Amazing 2-1 victory to go up 3-1 with Holtby beating the first penalty shot of the series.  Lots of fun. Can they close this out in Madison Square Garden on Friday???  That'll game should be must-see TV for any DC sports fan imho.

    A healthy, confident goalie can carry a team a long way.

    • Like 2
  5. Right now I've got:

    Flygirl +1

    Pjnewman +1


    BTW, this will go on even if I don't hit 15.  That's just the max I can take by myself.

    As another aside, because llaine brought it up, if you have mobility problems I can and will do my best to accommodate you.  There are elevators galore and wheelchairs available for use, along with some shuttle service.

  6. Although it's a different national anthem, I'm going to put this here:

    Back when the Canadian Football League did its ill-fated expansion into the States (the most successful team was the Baltimore CFL Colts, which turned into the Stallions after the NFL sued), one of the teams was in Las Vegas.  At one game, the singer tried to sing "O Canada" to the tune of "O Christmas Tree".  And some of the words got messed up.


    It may have made the news across the Great White North...

  7. My houseguest went on a tour this week - some things are closed off, including much of the dome (Brumidi's "Apotheosis of George Washington" is still visible at the very top), so this tour won't give you the best visual - however, the Capitol is going to be closed completely for awhile, so get it while the getting's good. They're repairing the cast-iron dome, and apparently, removing lead paint, so they've draped over the inside to protect people - or something like that (your tour guide will know).

    From July 25-September 10 the 2nd floor will be closed (this includes the Rotunda, Statuary Hall, and the Old Senate Chamber) as they install scaffolding and protection around all of the artwork and statues in the Rotunda for the next round of dome repair.  Right now there's just a large canopy covering a good chunk of the Apotheosis.

    Since the Rotunda and Statuary Hall are the two most popular tour spots, this is a big deal.  The first floor, which includes the Crypt, the Old Supreme Court Chamber, the Brumidi Corridors, and the Cox Corridors, will be open, although I don't know if the Capitol Guide Service will include the latter two as part of the standard tour during the 2nd floor closure.  During the August recess, the House and Senate galleries will be open Monday-Friday.

    As for your question, Don, I believe they're rosettes.

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