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Baltimore and Annapolis Calendar

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A visit to Victoria Gastro Pub in Columbia prompted me to start a new Baltimore and Annapolis calendar which will feature daily discounts (Thursdays, for example, are 1/2 price bottles of wine here).

To access the calendar, just click on "Calendar," then it should be obvious how to get from Washington, to New York, to Baltimore and Annapolis, depending on which city you're interested in.

1000yregg (and all the other Calendar Moderators) have update access to the calendar, so please feel free to keep entering daily discounts as you come across them (use the Washington, DC daily discounts as your template).

It really doesn't take many entries (maybe ten?) for this to be useful to people, so hopefully in a very short time, people here can begin using it as a resource to find out about events, and probably more importantly, discounts offered on certain days of the week (I had a very nice bottle of Pouilly-Fuisse last night, for example, for only $23).

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