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High-Quality Treadmill and Elliptical for sale


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I realize that this is only tangentially related to food. However, I think we can all agree that if we eat, we need to move our bodies. I’m hoping that our treadmill and elliptical will find perfect homes here just as our chest freezer did earlier today.

We purchased both machines in 2006 and they have been used only by my husband and me. Light use, no abuse. Honestly, they look and perform like-new to me. We are letting them go only because we are moving to a condo where we will not have room for them. They are Precor brand and very nice quality. Google them and find out what they have to offer.

Treadmill is Precor M 9.27 model

Elliptical is Precor EFX 5.23 model

I can email photos.

Will sell separately. Best offers. If interested, PM me.

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[i'm all for this type of thing - not sure where to put these posts yet, but please DO feel welcome to buy and sell things here.]

I see it now. Rockslist!

Craig certainly needs some competition, particularly in view of his anti-competitive posturing, and especially his crappy software and his attitude toward others who have tried to provide fixes for it.

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I see it now. Rockslist!

Craig certainly needs some competition, particularly in view of his anti-competitive posturing, and especially his crappy software and his attitude toward others who have tried to provide fixes for it.

It was in an effort to avoid having to use Craigslist that I posted it here. I first used Craigs in 2004 or so to sell a couple of items and had a really good experience. A few years later I listed a couple of furniture items for sale and got nothing but scammers replying. It was almost scary.

And by the way, the equipment is still looking for a good home! This is an opportunity to get a really good deal on some very nice cardio equipment. :)

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