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Baltimore Volunteer Needed

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I'm looking for someone to update the Baltimore Dining Guide to include all the entries, and to be somewhat reflective of this outstanding neighborhood map.

It's a project that will only take a few hours, but will be of immeasurable benefit to Baltimore.

I'll be there, helping you every step of the way - I have a very good idea of what I envision the final product as looking like, and it's going to be fantastic. If someone can work on Baltimore City, I'll work on the suburbs in parallel, so we'll have a fresh, shiny new Dining Guide when this is all done.

And I'll even take you out to dinner! :)

Could someone please help?



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I could help

Someone? Anyone? The Baltimore Dining Guide desperately needs work. It is incomplete (in terms of containing all the threads), outdated (in terms of websites, twitter, etc.), and poorly defined (in terms of being organized by neighborhood).

If anyone has ever thought of pitching in to this community, I could really use some help on this (other things, too, but this Dining Guide is a wreck).

I can get the thread titles and tags in perfect order if someone can help me with this other stuff.

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