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Posts posted by Meaghan

  1. Thank you everybody at Corduroy for a good many years at "the airport." Believe it or not, I have a real soft spot for airport bars now. You may think I'm joking, but I'm really not. The bar at the airport represents good transitions in life, one trip at a time. If you're lucky, you're with your honey, about to catch a plane to someplace unbelievable, or maybe you just need a break from the hustle and bustle of your routine, and you're heading home to family and friends.

    Anyway, that's my little Corduroy analogy.

    I will say that it was great to see some faces I haven't seen in a while and will miss over the next few months. Ordering wine last night was like betting on horses in a heat with very low-stakes (I mean, if the Powerful Tom picked the wine in the first place, how much can you really lose?). Sure, my first choice was all gone, but the second and third choices could easily be better considering the odds. I only wish I had ventured to make my last meal at Corduroy breakfast. The Spanish omelet and a bloody mary or two would have been a famous way to end the Corduroy Four Points reign.

    Apparently, I understayed my welcome. I was fielding calls around 11 p.m., a mere three hours after my departure, almost succumbing to the pleas to return.
    I came back in spirit, but in reality I had an affair with my pillow and made it to my important meetings this morning (a very early one at the gym with my trainer. Go meeee!)

    Chef, I hope the little note I left you on the cocktail napkin made it your way.

    And to Halloween, who I would argue is one of Corduroy's best customers, and a great friend of mine. I thought you'd like this picture. I am getting you this book.

    Powering On,


  2. Instead of talking about what the scale says or what I do at the gym, which I find to be utterly boring and self-centered. Here's something different:

    Workout Wisdom [of my own]

    -Reward yourself regularly with something other than food (for example, an article of clothing that might look better than it would have before or in my case, an hour long sports massage)

    -Keep a dairy. Try to plan ahead on what workout you want to get in. Day to day goals are good.

    -Go to classes. It's a good reminder that there are many of us in same boat and it's fun. Plus, people will miss you after a while if you stop going; you can trick yourself into thinking they actually hold you accountable.

    -Make it count. If you want to skip, skip, but if you go, really go! My example: I'm not going to wake up at the crack of dawn and then putz around. Sleep is way too important to waste.

    -Drink lots and lots of water. If you feel thirsty, you have already been underhydrated for too long.

  3. Well... This has been 28% of my weight so far.

    Not that I'll ever be a skinny f'er or even as skinny as you are now, Al. I was still the biggest guy at my college. Hell, at 9 lbs 13 oz and 22 inches I was the biggest baby in the nursery. At least in college I had boundless energy. Basketball 5 days a week. Raquetball 3 nights a week. Chasing girls the rest of the time. Exercise takes more motivation these days. And jenrus frowns on the girl chasing these days.

    I'd love to do another 100, but I'm going to ride it as long as it will carry me.

    Keep up the good work, Bill. You're doing an amazing job! Wow.

  4. Today: Plan on 20-30 mins high intensity cardio followed by group definitions class

    Friday: Maybe an easy class, rest

    Eating and drinking: I’m hungry! Trying not to get too hungry b/c that is bad.



    An hour on my new best friend, CYBEX Body Arc, then 5-10 mins of free weights (quickie)

    Friday (this morning):

    50 mins medium intensity with intervals of greater intensity, plus group Set & Reps class (one hour that kicked my ass today). Among energies exerted, did like four (4) one min holds of the plank http://exercise.about.com/od/abs/ss/abexercises_10.htm and like 80 push-ups, millions of lunges, yada yada yada.

    If I don’t slow down this weekend, it will take away from my future energy, so I've gotta be wise ( and less of a freak).

    Did I mention I'm in a really good mood?

  5. Here’s my update:

    Monday: Work with trainer for an hour doing sets/reps (free weights, ball, lunges, resistance, abs)

    & 45 mins Cybex (elliptical thing); walked a lot that day, lots of commuting on foot (burrrr)

    Tuesday: Set & Reps group class in early morning and 50 mins intense cardio

    Wednesday: 1 hour moderate cardio, with short intense intervals, followed by stretches and nap on the ball

    Today: Plan on 20-30 mins high intensity cardio followed by group definitions class

    Friday: Maybe an easy class, rest

    Eating and drinking: I’m hungry! Trying not to get too hungry b/c that is bad.

    Eating snacks and more protein, low carb. I can’t go into details, too boring.

    I am allowing 1-2 drinks a night if I eat well. Have not gone out for meals. My wallet is fat and jolly this week.

    Definitely losing weight, but I only weight myself once a week.

    I want it to warm up one of these weekends so I can hike up Old Rag for a change of scenery.

  6. Deal or no deal?

    <Backed by cheers and hoots from some heavyweights in the audience, the determined lady sporting the pooch on her mid-section, closes the suitcase>.

    "No deal on the ten pounds," she barks at the bald man with the goatee and the purple shirt. "I'm in for 25!"

    The honest truth is that I have been working out like crazy (at the gym); there are fitness magazines all over my bed, I bought a mat and some balance balls for my room; I am about to take money from my sexy shoe slush fund to buy a fuller package of personal training sessions. My social life is on hold, unless you like sleeping.

    The good news is that I have been religious about the gym and do notice my body reacting and responding. I am sleeping better and am less stressed, and my clothes fit better. Invervals, core and strength. I see the difference in my hard work.

    I had the fat caliburs today; I'm 23 percent body fat, which for women is on the tippy top of the fitness column. But better than "acceptable," I see.


    Well, it's way too much for me. By March 21 that number will be 13 percent. Wish me luck!

    I'll be back!

  7. After seven and a half long years Corduroy is leaving the Sheraton Four Points Hotel. :( Our last day at 1201 K Street will be January 31 and we will reopen at 1122 9th Street NW Washington DC in early March. The restaurant week promotion will be extended through January 26th and then there will be a big fire sale.

    January 27-31 will be liquid liquidation time. The menu will shrink to almost nothing over these days while the deals on wine, beer and spirits will be fantastic. Bring your friends and help drink me out of the Four Points.

    Okay, but I am bringing some folks from Local 1234, Wine Guzzlers and Drunkards Professional Union. Okay?? Okay! We'll be working overtime.

  8. Okay, so I have a trip to Miami in two months (needless to say Vegas all over again for ten days in May).

    Meanwhile, I've ditched a bunch of friends :( , joined the most foo foo gym and just finished watching a special on the National Geographic Channel on gastric bypass. I think I'm in charge! But I still like to drink.

  9. I think Tom Sarris' has a 'no jogging bras or running clothes' sign (or something to that effect) taped to the front door. I walk past the place often and wonder why, but the answer is that a lot of people in jogging gear must go in there or maybe just one guy did something stupid once.

    "Ahhh, honey let's bike the GW Parkway path and eat some crap in beautiful Rosslyn at the half way point. I hear they allow spandex at Tom Sarris'."

  10. That seared beef was the sexist and most delicious thing I've eaten all year. I was joking with my counterparts at the bar (or was that in my head) that this meal could easily cancel out any malady resulting from the absence of sex or the absence of that defined as very good.

    I wish I could have camped out longer.

    A big thanks to the patient and generous staff at Vidalia, to Doug, Mike and RJ for their in-depth expositions and to Eric Z for the inspiration and collaboration to make this possible. And finally, thank you to the current Administration of DonRockwell.com for making us internerds feel so at home.

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