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Traditional New Years Day Meals

Kibbee Nayee

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I'm not sure where to post this, but I'm sure a moderator will take it to the right place. I grew up in Amish country, where pork and sauerkraut always rings in the New Year despite our Middle Eastern ethnicity. I already bought my sauerkraut for this year and am pondering various cuts of pork. My Romertopf clay cooker will get a workout during the bowl games on Friday. It's a simple recipe, the aroma throughout the house is incredible, and the sides are simply mashed potatoes and applesauce.

My questions are which restaurants offer traditional New Years good luck dishes, what do they offer, and what are you preparing in your homes to ring in the New Year?

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Gamasot might be offering Korean rice cake soup again this year? It's a traditional New Year's dish.

I do believe it is time for the annual dduk gook free bowl-o-soup tomorrow at Gamasot and I think the festivities start at 11 am. I tried to go last year, but the sheer volume of people was daunting. I'll still try again, though!

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