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Vacuum Flasks and Related Lunch Gear

Anna Blume

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Microwave ovens are great when the urge to eat leftovers strikes far from home. But what if you don't have access to one? And it's very, very cold and and you want something really, really warm?

I've been eying some heavy-duty, intricate food-compartment things construction workers buy at Bestway--or gear-headed football fans at Target--and wonder if they actually work. (Back in snowy Michigan, my sleek, stainless steel Nissan was impressive for about a month.)

Anyone here have experience with this sort of item? Recommendations? Thanks.

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I have quart-size wide mouth stainless steel thermoses that will keep things warm for about 6 hours, depending. It helps to heat the thermos with boiling water, and put the food in as hot as possible, and store it in a heated room rather than your car... okay, they don't work that well, but they're better than nothing.

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I have quart-size wide mouth stainless steel thermoses that will keep things warm for about 6 hours, depending. It helps to heat the thermos with boiling water, and put the food in as hot as possible, and store it in a heated room rather than your car... okay, they don't work that well, but they're better than nothing.

We tried one for my daughter's lunch one time. It was warm out, the food went in near boiling, the thermos was warm, it sat at her desk in the classroom, and between 8am when the food went in and 11:30 when she opened it - the food was ice cold. And these were specifically designed food trays supposed to keep food warm for lunchboxes!

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We have the widemouth metal thermal containers from lands End. I'd say they work okay, not great, certainly not beyond about four hours. We bought them for my daughter for school but really have ended up using them more to bring hot meals for our toddler if we expect to be somewhere during his meal time and don't expect to be able to get suitable food.

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Summer camp for the little man is forcing me to step my game in creative lunches and lunch gear.

Inspired by bento lunches and fun with Japanese egg molds, i was wondering if any of you all have ordered from the following bento-accessory/box sites? Thanks in advance!

  1. Japanistic;
  2. Bento Crazy;
  3. From Japan with love;
  4. iloveobento.

The Xochitl10 special that's not related to this thread, but I thought it was so cool was French natto.

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Just spotted this thread!-I have a small, odd bento collection-my favorite spot for inspiration is Anna the red, I've purchased bento boxes & containers from ebay, JBox, & Aranzi- I have a bunch of cute thermal bags, mostly picked up at Target, & asst. stuff-silicon cupcake cups, aspic cutters & plastic onigiri forms. The biggest challenge for me is getting my daughter to unload her bento box in a timely fashion, out of her backpack or back from school, before I have to get out the hazmat gear to clean it....

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