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Giving Thanks


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I wanted to thank Don for creating and nurturing this wonderful community. Over the years it has sustained my spirit beyond measure.

It was there during the 3 am feedings. It has been there as fortunes have waxed and waned. It has saved me from a lonely solo dinner on a business trip. A day rarely goes by when I don't log in, even if I only post a bare minimum these days.

I'm deeply, pervasively shy. I've been to a handful of events. But I deeply appreciate that this community is here and that I am a part of it.

Don, thanks. More than a drink, you deserve a hug for sustaining this all these years.


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More thanks to Don and all the silent partners who work behind the scenes to keep the site up and running. I am thankful for you all, particularly the others who cook frequently and post in the shopping and cooking forums. I have benefited greatly from everyone's knowledge and advice.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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