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Vegan Dishes

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Same with vegetarian food: it strikes me that the best, kind response to the dietary restrictions others choose to make is to turn to dishes that are traditionally prepared without animal products. Falafel, for example.

So, here's the situation: I would like to give food to a vegan whose birthday is coming up. A bit of a health nut, if not obnoxious about it, and since I prefer not to substitute some highly processed designer fat for butter or this or that for eggs, I'm leaning towards something savory vs. sweet.

Current inclination: home-baked bagels with something good to spread on them. Other ideas welcome.


I couldn't find an established topic, but please, leleboo, if one exists, please feel free to append this post to its tail.

I also figure that it might be useful to contribute ideas for vegan dishes or meals here from time to time just in case we find ourselves on Top Chef with Natalie Portman as the Guest Judge.

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Same with vegetarian food: it strikes me that the best, kind response to the dietary restrictions others choose to make is to turn to dishes that are traditionally prepared without animal products. Falafel, for example.

So, here's the situation: I would like to give food to a vegan whose birthday is coming up. A bit of a health nut, if not obnoxious about it, and since I prefer not to substitute some highly processed designer fat for butter or this or that for eggs, I'm leaning towards something savory vs. sweet.

Current inclination: home-baked bagels with something good to spread on them. Other ideas welcome.


I couldn't find an established topic, but please, leleboo, if one exists, please feel free to append this post to its tail.

I also figure that it might be useful to contribute ideas for vegan dishes or meals here from time to time just in case we find ourselves on Top Chef with Natalie Portman as the Guest Judge.

I have heard about vegan cupcakes that are as good/better than those made with butter and eggs. It would probably take a google search on your part, as I don't have a recipe to point you to.

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Same with vegetarian food: it strikes me that the best, kind response to the dietary restrictions others choose to make is to turn to dishes that are traditionally prepared without animal products. Falafel, for example.

So, here's the situation: I would like to give food to a vegan whose birthday is coming up. A bit of a health nut, if not obnoxious about it, and since I prefer not to substitute some highly processed designer fat for butter or this or that for eggs, I'm leaning towards something savory vs. sweet.

Current inclination: home-baked bagels with something good to spread on them. Other ideas welcome.

I like the bagel and spread idea. Along those lines, homemade pita bread and hummus would be good too.

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I have heard that Alicia Silverstone's vegan cookbook is a good source for recipes and ideas. Maybe it is at your local library.

If you do not wish to bake, you can visit Sticky Fingers in DC for sandwiches, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc.

Earth Balance is a good nondairy spread. I tasted it once at a friend's dinner and it was not gooey or oily feeling compared to others.

My inclination is toward homemade granola. Easy to make, great present, and will remember you every time she has it for breakfast.

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Same with vegetarian food: it strikes me that the best, kind response to the dietary restrictions others choose to make is to turn to dishes that are traditionally prepared without animal products. Falafel, for example.

So, here's the situation: I would like to give food to a vegan whose birthday is coming up. A bit of a health nut, if not obnoxious about it, and since I prefer not to substitute some highly processed designer fat for butter or this or that for eggs, I'm leaning towards something savory vs. sweet.

Current inclination: home-baked bagels with something good to spread on them. Other ideas welcome.


I couldn't find an established topic, but please, leleboo, if one exists, please feel free to append this post to its tail.

I also figure that it might be useful to contribute ideas for vegan dishes or meals here from time to time just in case we find ourselves on Top Chef with Natalie Portman as the Guest Judge.

At work, I make a very tasty vegan rosemary/olive oil focaccia. The same dough rolled out is baked as a pita in the brick oven (on a pizza stone at home?).

We also make a vegan couscous dish which has tons of flavor. Saute onions, garlic and veggies of choice (squash, peas, cooked potatoes, artichoke hearts) until tender and browned. Top with good tomato sauce and add cooked Israeli couscous. Cook down to a risotto consistency. Add chopped basil. So tasty!

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Same with vegetarian food: it strikes me that the best, kind response to the dietary restrictions others choose to make is to turn to dishes that are traditionally prepared without animal products. Falafel, for example.

This idea is the way to go, in my experience. If you happen to have cookbooks for various Asian cuisines, there will be a plethora of vegan ideas that are wonderful. I have inadvertently cooked vegan meals from Julie Sahni's Indian cookbook, from Madhur Jaffrey's books, from Susanna Foo's book, (etc.) Coconut milk curries come to mind right now. Middle Eastern works too - you can do an entire mezze plate without dairy or meat. Baba ghanoush and pita, pickled eggplants, hummous, stuffed grape leaves.

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