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Blue Sand has a daunting menu, so we took the easy way out and ordered set menu #2, which included bulgogi, soy sauce crab, beltfish, etc.  Unfortunately nothing was memorable and we really didn't see why this place is better than the other Korean joints we've been to.

Starting with the banchans, they were all vegetarian (kimchi, sprouts, kale, cucumber, seaweed, and one stemmy green) and none were special.

The crab was marinated but raw.  I liked the flavor, but am not generally in favor of eating crabs raw.

I like grilled beltfish, I also like them fried.  These were good but not different than what you'd get anywhere else.

Seafood combo with veggie casserole.  I liked the soup itself and I ate most of the veggies.  We let the seafood sit in the boiling soup and they definitely got overcooked.  There's a wad of soft and coral/brain-like looking thing that had no flavor and I couldn't tell what it was.   It kinda creeped me out.

The chawanmushi was not particularly refined.  

The pan-fried stuff were imitation crab, cucumber, Spam (or something similar) and mung bean cake.  

I barely touched the bulgogi.  

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