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You can count me in! I need some people that can support and hold me accountable. I get the resigned face of disbelief when I talk about my fitness goals at home that says "I hear you talking, but you'll still be sitting on the couch when I get home." 10% sounds like a good goal for me as well. In the spirit of beginning, I will set my goal this week for at least three one hour aerobic training sessions.

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So, week 1 was rather disappointing. Though I did pay more attention to portion control and include more lean meat and vegetables in to my meals, I did not begin the exercise. I've had years of including exercise in my routine, even during the most stressful times, so there's no excuse, really, just inertia. My plan is to exercise tonight and I think I'll just take it one day at a time.

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I've been remiss in posting, perhaps because there was nothing new to report. This week, however... I'm in my third week of regular aerobic exercise and the first week of The New Rules Of Lifting For Women. Weight work speeds up your metabolism more effectively than aerobic exercise, apparently. No substantial weight loss, yet, but BANG! Super energy increase. It feels good.

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Weight work speeds up your metabolism more effectively than aerobic exercise, apparently.

It does, and in some ways more importantly, is going to increase your lean muscle mass as well. The old saw "muscle weighs more than fat" is something of a misnomer -- it's a density thing: one pound of muscle takes up less space than one pound of fat. So even if the number on the scale doesn't drop precipitously, you may notice your body shape changing, clothes fitting better, et cetera.

P.S. This is a massive case of "do as I say, not as I do" -- I've said here before that I'm a total gymrat cardioholic, and I never, ever lift enough. Back when I danced, I got enough strength training in via dance and yoga, but now, I should really take my own advice! ;)

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Now in to the second week of weightlifting plus aerobics. I can't say that the scale is moving, but I continue to have more energy and my general mood has definitely improved. Plus I feel like a bada$$ doing squats, deadlifts, push-ups etc with more ease and higher weights each time I visit the gym.

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I'm now in to the second phase of my weightlifting routine and I am proud to say that as of this morning, I am doing 65 lb deadlifts, 70 lb squats, step-ups with 20 lbs and at least 100 crunches a day. Still no movement on the scale, yet, but I see changes, so that's not as discouraging as it could be.

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Wow that's awesome. I don't know what else is in the program, but it might not hurt to do a sort of "interval" training or circuit with some jumping jacks or running in place between exercises. From what I understand the combination is supposed to be pretty effective.

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I also do aerobics 2-3 times a week, but that slips my mind often because aerobics have been a part of my routine for nearly 10 years. Which is kind of staggering... I've never really thought about how long I've been including that in my regime!

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