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Takeout Near Union Station for Nats Game


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Heading out to watch Strasburg and the Nats tonight after work. Don't want to deal with stadium food tonight; just not in the mood for any of the vegetarian options offered (such as they are). Traveling well in the bottom of a bag and ease of consuming the meal in a ballpark seat (maybe an hour or two after purchase) are primary considerations. I'm near Union Station.

I know I could walk over to Penn Quarter easily, but I prefer to take the Circulator and avoid the green line madness. I can live with an ABP / Corner Bakery sandwich, but I don't want to overlook something better.

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Heading out to watch Strasburg and the Nats tonight after work. Don't want to deal with stadium food tonight; just not in the mood for any of the vegetarian options offered (such as they are). Traveling well in the bottom of a bag and ease of consuming the meal in a ballpark seat (maybe an hour or two after purchase) are primary considerations. I'm near Union Station.

I know I could walk over to Penn Quarter easily, but I prefer to take the Circulator and avoid the green line madness. I can live with an ABP / Corner Bakery sandwich, but I don't want to overlook something better.

You could take the Circulator and stop on 8th Street SE. Call ahead to Matchbox, Zest, or any of the places on Barrack's Row, hop off, grab your food, and get on the next bus. :)

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I can live with an ABP / Corner Bakery sandwich, but I don't want to overlook something better.

Other than the wrap place in the 8th circle of culinary hell known as the food court, I think that is about all you are going to find in Union Station that will meet your needs. Oh, I am not even saying that the wrap place is decent, I have never eaten there, but it is an option. As for around Union Station, everything that I could recommend (and there is not much) will be closed by the time you are there.

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Thanks for the ideas. Drat. But that's pretty much what I thought. Stadium food is not looking so bad, actually.

The Barracks Row stopover is intriguing though. ... I just don't think I can make it work, time wise, allowing for extra time to navigate the larger crowd. I really want to be there for the first pitch.

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Thanks for the ideas. Drat. But that's pretty much what I thought. Stadium food is not looking so bad, actually.

The Barracks Row stopover is intriguing though. ... I just don't think I can make it work, time wise, allowing for extra time to navigate the larger crowd. I really want to be there for the first pitch.

It's only about 20 minutes by foot from Barracks Row to Nats Park in the worst case scenario - if you call ahead, I think you should be fine.

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The DC Circulator will take you from Barracks Row to the stadium in about 5 minutes and costs a mere $1.

Nevermind, I just read up thread. D'oh! Please delete.

No need; you addressed a pertinent issue, since walking wasn't the point. :) Also you provided the link, which I failed, earlier, to do.

(I might delete this reply in the a.m., however. Unless Rocks or DanCole42 beat me to it.)

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Traveling well in the bottom of a bag and ease of consuming the meal in a ballpark seat (maybe an hour or two after purchase) are primary considerations.

Curious how this turned out. I would have picked something not hot, but two-hour-old deli doesn't sound good either. Does Union Station even make a difference? Not sure what I would have picked up with any part of the city at my fingertips. Maybe at a grocery store for fresh fruit, or bulk snack food. Cold fried chicken is my fave traveling fare, but can't get that at a restaurant without extraordinary foresight and suction.

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Curious how this turned out. I would have picked something not hot, but two-hour-old deli doesn't sound good either.

I was running late as usual so it was a tomato/mozzarella/roasted red pepper sandwich from Corner Bakery and some fruit and nuts from ABP before I had to jump on the bus. It worked out fine, and I have no complaints... except the outcome of the game. :D

Not sure what I would have picked up with any part of the city at my fingertips. Maybe at a grocery store for fresh fruit, or bulk snack food.

Last year I brought my own food for most of the games, and what I ate just depended on where I was leaving from. So, for example, I'd pick up sandwiches or wraps, cold salads, or vegetarian sushi from Whole Foods, Fresh Med, or a downtown salad bar / deli. I'm pretty skilled at eating off my lap (even with chopsticks), but if I'm coming from work, usually with folders and whatnot in my bag, it has to be something that can be securely wrapped and won't leak or soak my stuff. But last year I rarely left for the game right from my office, so I hadn't thought about the same kinds of options for the Union Station area.

The DC Circulator will take you from Barracks Row to the stadium in about 5 minutes and costs a mere $1.

I wasn't worried about the timing from BR to the park, but with the route it takes to get out of Union Station, getting from the station to BR can take a while. Especially at rush hour, and when the Circulator driver is running her own catering biz out of the bus, and stopping to fulfill orders from her friends on the sidewalk. :) If I hadn't already bought my sandwich I was half-tempted to try her stuff.

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