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Everything posted by lperry

  1. An early, light summer dinner. Roasted cherry tomatoes with herbed chevre added on top at the end of cooking. I made these in ramekins in my trusty Toastmaster 1960s toaster oven. We mixed it all together and smeared it on thin, whole-grain toast. Mixed peaches and cherries. I'll continue the trend - cheap Trader Joe's champagne. It's surprisingly good. This was unusually light, but we've got Doubt from Netflix, and there will be stovetop popcorn later.
  2. I've got bajillions of cherry tomatoes (as my tomatoed neighbors will attest). I hadn't thought to cook them. Now I know what will be for dinner tomorrow. Thanks. Tonight: Steamed romano pole beans with butter and coarse sea salt. I wish I planted more of these beans this spring, and I will definitely plant more next year. Grilled butternut squash and onions. I put a few sage leaves in at the end, and they were so strong that everything was still sage scented even after I pulled them out. Nothing like a drought to up the flavor.
  3. Mixed greens with apples, walnuts, and ewe blue cheese, all in a sherry vinaigrette.
  4. As discussed in this morning's NY Times: The tomato blight.
  5. Tonight is taquitos. Corn tortillas with various combinations of silk beans seasoned with onion, garlic, and cheiro pepper, shredded lettuce, queso blanco, and chopped radish.
  6. A Jasper's Jamaican, only the cupboard is currently without Jamaican rum (sad but true), so I used Barbancourt. So I suppose it is Henri's Haitian. A nice introduction to the allspice dram.
  7. Veggie burgers on the grill with a really good cabbage relish that Mr. lperry picked up at a roadside stand Grilled corn Cherry tomatoes and feta with balsamic vinegar
  8. We stopped by yesterday when we only had a few minutes. I left fully Tiki-fied with Velvet falernum, St. Elizabeth allspice dram, El Dorado gold demerara rum, and a bottle of agave syrup that Mr. lperry grabbed on impulse. He likes tequila. I didn't have much time (which may be good for my wallet), but the rum selection is the best I've seen outside a Caribbean duty-free shop. Lots of fun!
  9. Last night, mojitos with demerara syrup and Barbancourt blanc. Delicious. I don't know why I waited so long to buy the demerara sugar. It goes perfectly with rich rums.
  10. Last night, a cold soba noodle salad with radishes, carrots, red onions, all in a peanut dressing. I'd forgotten how much I like these sorts of things in the summer.
  11. When I was growing up, I was told it was because, during a meal, the place in front of a diner should never be empty except for the short time as one plate replaces the other with the next course. The last dish (dessert of coffee) should remain until the diner leaves.
  12. I'll check that thread - thanks. I'm not quite ready to make my own (yet) if I can get some easily. This thread is a little cryptic - the mysterious source is not revealed.
  13. I'm looking for freshly made chicha, preferably made from corn, but I'll take yuca too. I've sen it in the past at Edy's on King street, but when I stopped by today, all they have is the stuff in bottles. Has anyone seen fresh chicha around at a restaurant or store?
  14. ^Thanks! I like vegetable pancakes, and I once had some delicious black-eyed pea fritters at an African food festival. What you are doing sounds like a nice combination of both. Tonight: Mixed green salad Roasted poblano peppers stuffed with silk beans, zucchini, onion, garlic, cheiro peppers, and feta cheese. There was enough to set aside for Thursday's dinner, and I know the beans will be even better by then.
  15. The inevitable summer mixed salad. Italian flat beans from the garden, lightly steamed and dressed with butter and coarse salt. Heavenly.
  16. From the Grog Log, and requiring a blender, a Port Light. My homemade passionfruit syrup is not as sweet as Trader Vic's, so I added 1/4 ounce of vanilla syrup per drink and then hit it with the peach bitters. It all worked really nicely with the bourbon.
  17. If it's any consolation, these are the little cherry tomatoes. The big ones are still green and hard as rocks. Those sound delicious! Would you share how you make them?
  18. Mixed green salad with carrots and tomatoes from the garden.
  19. Greek salad with cherry tomatoes from the garden and a lemon/olive oil dressing.
  20. It's in the Savoy, so it's on Erik Ellestad's site, the Underhill Lounge, and I found it on Cocktail DB as the "Charles Lindbergh" when I was searching for recipes that use bitters other than Angostura. 1 1/4 oz gin 1 oz Lillet Blanc 1/4 oz apricot brandy 1 dash orange bitters The inspiration came from the four bottles of interesting bitters I got this week, and the fact that I happened to have all the ingredients on hand. I've got a list of about eight new drinks I'm going to try, and I'm hoping to find something new and different that I will like well enough to make again. This is really delicate and light, and on the heels of all the strongly flavored rum drinks I've been making lately, it just seemed lacking somehow.
  21. A Charlie Lindbergh cocktail. It's OK, but I won't make it again. It actually smells better than it tastes.
  22. I'm lucky (she typed, knocking on wood). All my plants are doing beautifully, and I picked a large handful of cherry tomatoes this morning. This year, I got my plants from a local grower at the King Street Farmer's Market, and they were already about a foot tall when I brought them home. I've bought from Home Depot in the past, and I'm relieved I didn't get anything there this year. Future purchases also seem less likely, even in the "locally grown" section.
  23. I finally got tired of trying to find Angostura Orange bitters, so I ordered from Kegworks. I figured as long as I was paying the shipping, I might as well get the lemon and grapefruit to round out the citrus group. Then I thought the peach might work well with passionfruit in a rum concoction. (All these are the Fee's). I'm breathing in the aroma of the Angostura orange right now as a post-lunch aromatherapy boost. The bottle is a little warm from the ride on the mail truck, and the contents smell fantastic. Now I need to pull out all those Tiki recipes I never tried because I was un-embittered. Other suggestions are welcome.
  24. Sulfur is a mineral that can be used as a pesticide, to acidify soil, and/or to make reference to W if you are president of a South American country.
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