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Everything posted by lperry

  1. I'm recovering from a week eating out in Baltimore during a job, so dinner last night (and for the remainder of the week) was fruit and yogurt.
  2. I had that one year - it's a calcium deficiency. Now I crush eggshells and put them in the soil where I'm going to grow the plants. I think gypsum works too. So far mine are OK in Alexandria. (Knocking on wood.)
  3. I had some eggplants in Egypt last year, and I got the "recipe" from my friend in Cairo. They use the tiny purple ones, but I think it would work with skinny ones. Roast the eggplants until tender but not blackened. Make a paste in a mortar and pestle with 10 cloves of garlic, salt, some coriander and cumin, and a bit of red pepper (this is highly variable and to taste). Slit the eggplants and stuff some of the paste into each one. Cover them with sugar cane vinegar (available from Grand Mart), and let them sit at least six hours and preferably overnight. These are served as part of a meze and they are absolutely delicious.
  4. Last night was two light courses. Figs with chevre, put into the classic toastmaster until the cheese bubbled, then drizzled with some reasonably old balsamic vinegar Yellow summer squash "pasta" with pesto There's no more squash in the fridge, and the second batch of plants are pretty small. I'm about squashed out for a while.
  5. Last night we had a salad with the last of the spring lettuce from the garden. I need to check planting dates for the fall crop. I pulled a few carrots to add to it. Also, yellow summer squash with feta and mint.
  6. The damson gin has been aging in a dark cupboard since Christmas, and last night we poured some into champagne flutes and topped it off with Barboursville Brut. It was a little sweet, but delicious. Without the sparkling wine it was smooth and very sweet (I may back off on the sugar next time), and there was no remaining trace of the botanicals from the gin.
  7. That sounds wonderful! I need to keep an eye out for the artichokes. I haven't seen any yet.
  8. We had planned a bigger dinner, but after lunch I made zucchini bread and we ate about half a loaf, so dinner was summer squash "pasta" with pesto sauce.
  9. More produce! Grilled sweet potatoes in a chipotle. honey, lime marinade Zucchini pancakes with shallot, garlic, and queso blanco (OK, it was feta, but I was trying for a theme) Nothing more to leave room for: Peach and blackberry crisp
  10. Another dinner courtesy of the garden and rural Virginia's produce stands. Grilled corn on the cob Cole slaw with napa cabbage and carrots Green beans with feta, mint, and lemon White wine that was handed to me in a glass - I think it was a New Zealand sauvignon blanc I just got another delivery courtesy of Mr. lperry who spent today in Charlottesville. I need to pull out my recipe file for summer squash.
  11. Yellow squash with young onions from the garden, feta, and mint (also from the garden) Sweet Silver King corn caramelized with butter and shallots Strawberries and blueberries drizzled with a little vanilla syrup I love summer. I wish I could get produce like this all year.
  12. I think for now, at $4 a knife, I'll drop them at the butcher's. What I really want is an Edge Pro, although it seems hard to justify one for the few knives I have trouble sharpening with my Arkansas stones. Maybe Santa can bring me one.
  13. I think these devices work until your bevel is worn down, correct? Or does it make a new bevel each time? My chef's knife needs a new bevel, and I'm not good enough with the stones I have to make one, although I can sharpen pretty well for a few years in between. I didn't realize how dull my knives were until I got a new Santoku and cut the towel drying it.
  14. Last night, Maker's Mark and genu-whine Northern Neck Ginger Ale.
  15. We're you happy with the results? I'd like to be able to use somebody so close by.
  16. We ended up taking Monavano's suggestion to walk around King Street because our friend had been sitting in a conference all day and wanted to move a bit. Unfortunately, we walked maybe a little too far and passed all sorts of interesting looking menu placards to end up at Union Street pub. (I should have been pushier). Our guest, at the waiter's recommendation, got the lobster and crab cake instead of the swordfish, and he enjoyed it. I had a salad. Mr. lperry, paradoxically, changed his mind last minute and got the fish and chips. Toward the end of the meal, I realized he hadn't really eaten it, and when I asked him about it he said the fries were cold and soggy and the fish was greasy and not good. He had taken maybe two bites from one piece of fish and eaten a couple of fries. We had the inevitable conversation about sending stuff back (he didn't want to mess with it, especially after it took so long to get our food), and our waiter didn't seem to notice that the food had not been eaten so we let it slide. The drinks were good, we had a great conversation with our friend, and he was happy, so the mission was accomplished. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. Next time I think my opinion will have more sway.
  17. ^ We'll let him know it's an option!
  18. Thanks everyone. We're going to tell him the possibilities and let him decide.
  19. We have a friend in town for the evening, and when we asked where he would like to go, he said Old Town, and he wants a good fish place. I'm clueless, and Mr. lperry mentioned the Chart House. Surely we can do better than that, or even local? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  20. Salad from the garden: two types of butter lettuce, the last of the radishes, and a couple of reasonably-sized carrots. Pizza on the grill with roasted veggies and chevre.
  21. I have a love/hate relationship with Jetties. We used to stop by every weekend after long runs along the canal, and the sandwiches were always great. I like the portobello mushroom/pesto sandwich (I can't remember the name), and one of my friends likes the soups. The hate part is, in winter, they have these swinging doors that won't stay closed and you freeze to death if you want to sit for a minute at a table and eat your sandwich with friends. So thumbs up during warm weather or for take out, avoid during cold weather.
  22. Or Red Sox games. Record crowd last night. Suffice it to say, it was not the stadium popcorn that left a bitter taste in my mouth.
  23. ^ Hmmm. I assumed she meant using the flowers like surrogate corn husks and stuffing the blossoms and steaming instead of frying. Maybe a pan-fry would work?
  24. I've gone several years in a row to Johnson's Berry Farm in Upper Marlboro. They don't have a website, but here is the information: Johnson's Berry Farm 17000 Swanson Rd Upper Marlboro, MD 20870 Phone: 301-627-8316 They have a nice solar power system for their processing business, there is a pond with a fountain, and they have lots of ducks and geese to either occupy or frighten bored kids. Her prices are typically much lower than elsewhere too. You have to call to find out when they are open, and the owner is something of a character, but I love this place. The blackberries are the old varieties that have excellent flavor, and if you are lucky enough to hit them in a drought year, your jam will be incredible. Try it with a little port. In the jar that is. Or even in the jam maker.
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