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Jacques Gastreaux

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Everything posted by Jacques Gastreaux

  1. Is anyone up for an HH at Corduroy this evening, say around 5:00-5:30?
  2. I like picking off the menu, with a high powered rifle.
  3. When I spoke to the Chef about this on Sunday, he seemed to think it would be a week or so. The staff suggests perhaps a little longer. They have to deal with contractors and inspectors, etc. I'm looking forward to it as well.
  4. It looks like JoeH has declared something in the nature of a $20 Tuesday for next week at Bebo.
  5. Thanks. Judging from the pictures, I would say that "blade" is what I usually encounter at the Giant meat counter.
  6. Ah ha, another oxymoron. Right up there with "jumbo shrimp" and "lightly killed."
  7. To get back on topic, somewhat, I noticed that Giant has chuck "shoulder" on sale this week. What is it about shoulder that distinguishes from just plain "chuck?" And while I'm at it, what is chuck "blade?" Is one better than the other for braising?
  8. Joe's right, the place has been discovered. While the place was pretty much at capacity tonight, it did not seem as hectic, I think it is settliing in. The risotto with gorgonzola (made specially for us by Chef Donna) was awesome, so rich that I brought a bunch home. And I agree with the sentiments expressed above that I hope the place stays even after Galileo reopens.
  9. You could be right but it seems to have some sort of mild abrasive quality to it. And it smells like wintergreen lifesavers, not chlorine bleach.
  10. There is a special le creuest cleaner that does a good job of brining the interior back up to snuff.
  11. Le Creuset comes with a lifetime guarantee. The knob on top is not plastic, it is bakelite. I'm not familiar with the Batali model. I have 2 le Creusets, a 5 and an 8 3/4 quart. I've had the 5 quart for over 20 years and it shows very little wear and tear.If you're unsure, experiment with the unenameled Lodge. A 5 quart will only set you back about $30 at Sears. Ah, and I see that the Batali is made by Copco.
  12. For some reason, my bullshitometer is inching into the red zone on this one.
  13. Don't forget where donrockwell.com came from.
  14. "or the rental of on-site humidors."
  15. PS: With regard to this, try smoking a pipe instead.
  16. But keep in mind that the DC smoking ban goes into effect the first of next year. However, my understanding is that Shelly's is exempt from the ban. Seegars also should be OK as it is in Virginia, home to Altria Corp., parent of Phillip Morris. I think until then you can also smoke a cigar at the bar at Oceanair Seafood Room. But, it's always a good idea to call ahead. (I have it on good authority that cigar smoking goes on at DR.com picnics.) (Also, don't try it during a kids soccer game at a public school in Loudon County, the ref will yell at you to put it out)
  17. I think so, and I don't know why not. I saw some youngsters in there last night (although somewhat older than yours are). I saw a glass of milk go by as well, suggesting kid friendliness. And I seem to recall that the lunch menu has a kids' section on it.
  18. The ones they sell at Magruders appear to have been butchered properly.
  19. After the service settles down, Bebo would be a good choice for a $20 Tuesday affair. It would be fairly easy to come in around $20 (before wine and tip) by ordering from the small plate menu as an appetizer, a bowl of the excellent pastas for around $10 and a dessert for $6 (wonderful desserts). Most of the red wines by the glass are $5-7. Dinner for 2 at the bar last night was $63 including wine and tax but before tip. The spaghetti carbonara and the tube pasta with the pork rib ragu are both winners. The pastas were perfectly al dente. And the Caesar salad comes in an unusual presentation. The dressing is on the plate with the romaine leaves standing up held together at the bottom by a ring of toasted bread that serves as the crouton. The poached pear with red wine reduction is visually stunning. The creme broulee with strawberrries and ice cream is also an excellent choice. From a food standpoint, this place is an utter bargain.
  20. I can attest that service (at least at the bar) is much better on a Sunday evening when both the Redskins and a World Series game are on TV.
  21. I've dined at the bar twice since they opened. While I would not characterize the service as even good, it was about what I expected from a brand new restaurant, with a bunch of new employees, trying to deal with a crowd obviously larger than they anticipated or were prepared to deal with. For that reason I have refrained from commenting on it.
  22. Folks, this is a brand new restaurant that has been open only three days. While I realize that some subscribe to the view that if they are charging full price on day one, they better have their A-game in place, I am not in that group. Expecting flawless service by day 3 is expecting too much. A month from now, if they are still making the same mistakes as pointed out above, then comment is fair play. But my suggestion is that the two previous posts be read in this light. The good news is that the kitchen does not appear to be making nearly as many mistakes as the front of the house is.
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