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Jacques Gastreaux

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Everything posted by Jacques Gastreaux

  1. Yes, but where did they come from? The site just went live today. The reviews appear to come from some 3rd party vendor.
  2. I don't know how their restaurant review system works. They list a place called "Harry's" (which I initially thought might be part of the Sam & Harry's regime) which is in the Hotel Harrington. They give it 4 1/2 stars out of five.
  3. Yahoo launched a new Food site today. Sort of looks like a Foodnetwork.com copy.
  4. The special risotto was wonderful. I only had a small, girly bite, of the rib but what I had was very good. You should have said something.
  5. At Bebo tonight, we'll try to stake out the corner of the bar nearest the front door (as opposed to the one nearest the kitchen). Failing that, look for the bald guy wearing a Glen plaid suit.
  6. Despite, the typo, it looks like the real deal. $160/lb.with a 3 ounce minimum. I wonder who they are getting it from.And, apparantly, the rockfish won the "Maryland Award?????"
  7. H-T is a North Carolina based operation. That could account for the abundance of Carolina-style sauces.
  8. It puts extra carriange returns throughout the post, whenever I do 2 carriange returns, like between 2 paragraphs. Kind of like this.
  9. I'll put in one carriage return and when the post comes up there will be 3 or 4 of them. I think it is a manifestation of the triple space problem. I'll stop taking them out for a while.
  10. Why does Invision put in lots of extra carriage returns whenever I post a reply? I always have to go back and do a quick edit to take them out. It's really annoying.
  11. Here are the three ways to pronounce "gyro" that I have heard: 1. Ji Row 2. Gear o 3. Year o I think the 3rd one is correct but you won't appear to be a doofus if you use the 2nd.
  12. Purplesachi: Welcome to dr.com. Great 1st post, thanks for the recipe.
  13. Firefox has a windows version as well (I used firfefox to post this reply). And, highlighting and using the link button works in Firefox for Windows. So, it's a Mac issue, not a Firefox issue. It Sounds to me like we need 2 users guides, one for PCs and one for Macs.
  14. I do it a little differently. I type the word I want hypertext linked into the reply field, highlight it, then hit the "insert link" button. Then I paste the url into the dialog box that pops up.I'd volunteer to do a "how to" guide, but I don't know how to use half of the features.
  15. Shit. I read that article in the morning paper, I had no clue she was in the restaurant business. The cops think it was a hit.
  16. I'd go to FF too but my good friend who runs the joint is in France drinking wine.
  17. When shopping for a steak, I look at three variables: (1) price, (2) marbling and (3) thickness. There is nothing better that a well marbled thick steak that I got a good price on.
  18. So say you. Here is what Wikipedia says they eat at the feedlot:
  19. Just out of curiosity, do people consider the way that the regular grocery store stuff is slaughtered something other than humane. I think they give them a quick shot to the brain with a pneumatic bolt. That ought to put the lights out real quick.
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