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Jeff Heineman

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Everything posted by Jeff Heineman

  1. It is kinda like our private Groupon or Living Social, but they don't get 1/2 the money. We will be doing this every week
  2. please lock this before you tell us about the part when you finish masturbating ...
  3. Nice edit Don. Count me as one class of '83 as well. Jeff Heineman Seneca Valley Screaming Eagles *12 time State Football Champions *MPSSAA Record, by the way, and alot more than Springbrook will ever get in my lifetime
  4. And while at Seneca, many of us firmly believed Silver Spring and Bethesda were the "Inner City". Now, I drive past the Cracked Claw to work in Bethesda every day.
  5. Grit Happens. Sorry , had to say that. But sorry about the clams, I just cooked up some to check if there is a problem, and they seem fine now. They are all purged before shucking, but I guess all clams do not behave the same while they are being purged. I would probably be a little miffed if someone tore me out of bed and purged me, so I understand. Next time say Hi and eat in, so I can make sure we replace any gritty clams. Jeff
  6. It appears that this is not really a contest at all and that Gilian's reign at the top of the fried chicken world is indeed over. I hope she can show some moxie in the dinner hours.
  7. ***Special Fried Chicken Thursday Alert*** This Thursday will be Battle fried Chicken as I will take on Gillian and her Featured Dish. 2 Pieces of Hers and 2 of Mine for $15 (comes with Fries, Slaw and Gravy) to determine Freddy's Chicken Champion. I have been watching and stealing her techniques. Then improving on them in a secret, secure location. Come join our Royal Rumble and Vote for Me, the eventual Winner. See you Thursday
  8. We open for lunch at 11:30. Chicken all day. Chat with Gillian throughout, except when she is working the fryer. Touching Chris all day as well. You can touch Chris in the "Special Places" after close , on his own time
  9. Like Chris said above, it really doesn't matter. Reciting the oath would be nice. It is really isn't about the proof, we have just decided to do a discount. Feel free to dress up like Don, however.
  10. After not much heming and hawing we have decided to offer some sort of DonRockwell day this Thursday. Pretty simple: Upon proof of affiliation with this group we will subtract 15% from your check. Food, beer and all. Chris is coming up with some sort of special cocktail that will be only 5 bucks for Rockwellists. Also, since it will coincide with Gillian Clark's Chicken Night we will have have an impromptu chat going on with Gillian. She will be in the dining room all night ( till at least 8 or so) to answer your questions and provide her insight and humor. She isactually quite nice, but please don't try to touch her. I might answer questions as well, feel free to touch me. Whoever touches Chris the most gets a prize. I am sure I will be peppered with questions, and I will do my best to answer them. But, honestly , we haven't really thought this out too much, we just decided to do something.
  11. Your observations are exactly why I am getting northern clams instead of the local ones. Someone needs to teach these Chesapeake people how to purge. Keep the belly. That's pretty much the point. Grab 'em by the siphon/penis and ease them out of the shell. Remove and discard the dark colored condom-like skin covering the siphon, because, well, no one eats condoms. Swizzle the clam in the presented broth or butter and enjoy.
  12. The Steamers are indeed in. They come in small lots so when they are gone each day, they are gone, sorry. They are from up north. The New Englanders really seem to know what to do with them, especially in regards to purging them. I probably should send Chris up there for a good purge, actually. I will probably have to raise the price slightly soon, to $15. Gillian will be doing Chicken tomorrow.
  13. I agree. However, stews and such in restaurants have to be cooked in large quantities, and don't last forever once stewed, plus the clams were dying waiting to be cooked in the dish. Ergo, I will bring it back when the temperatures start heading down and people start thinking about stews. And , I will keep my ten bucks
  14. I took the Alentejana (Pork and Clams stew) off the menu for now, no one ordered it. It was delicious but I think it maybe in the fall/winter. I am trying to bring some non fried things but still pay homage to New England and I thought people would be quicker to embrace the idea of the hertitage of the Portuguese in New Bedford, Gloucester and other fishing areas of New England. I guess it is summer and Lobster rolls and Fried Clams are where it's at. I will feature more Portuguese things later in the year. We have 40 pounds of steamer clams coming in today and they will be a special until we run out
  15. The fryer clams have been alternating in availability from Ipswich and local. There seem to be advantages of both. I like the salinity of the northern clams, and I like the fact that the locals are a day or two fresher out of the water. Ipswich doesn't produce enough clams any more for the demand year round, so it gets to be quite a crap shoot some days. And this is a day-to-day purchasing setup. Steamers, when we start them, hopefully this week, are being worked out. You have to find a purged product. Unpurged are quite gritty and not that pleasant. I am looking for local, since they don't travel well (hence "softshell"). So, anyway, we are on about a 60/40 local / Ipswich ratio. I can always look on the tag and let you know. Jeff
  16. FYI - Gillian will be doing fried chicken on Thursdays. with Fries and coleslaw. Puffier in the deep fryer as opposed to the cast iron, but she is working it out, and it sure tastes good.
  17. Hey Everyone, Thanks for the kind words, the constructive critcisms and most importantly the patience as we break in this new restaurant. It takes awhile to iron some things out in practice, since oftentimes what you thought would be the case simply doesn't happen. Sometimes you have to order different equipment when a dish you didn't think would be super popular, is. and vice versa. We have already changed the menu and other things numerous times as we work through this pesky supply and demand thing. We have added a bunch of menu options and will be getting to Steamers and whole lobsters shortly. First I want to perfect the fried stuff. Not as easy as it sounds. I want this stuff to be spot on , every time, and timing the whole menu can be trickier than you might think. I also have clam and fish cakes to get right without upsetting the balance of the fried stuff that I want to be the centerpiece of the restaurant. I also wanted to say that Gillian will be doing fried chicken on THURSDAYS. She has prior committments on a bunch of wednesdays , so it just makes sense. Again thanks for everything in the first few days. Jeff
  18. We have a 450 Gallon lobster tank. So, we clean our own lobsters, in house, and are tail, knuckle and claw
  19. Chris often smells "saltier" than he should. We offer both pigeons and crows on occasion, for ambiance, not eating. Honestly, we are trying to bring as much of the new england shack experience to you. so if the ambiance isn't 100% authentic I appologize. However, if I can bring a close approximation of new england to people and save them airfare, car rental and a hotel room, I would think that would be worthy of praise rather than criticism. I am hoping there are enough people with fond memories of trips to Maine and other parts of the NE coast that they might want to be reminded of that from time to time. that said we need to keep the doors open so we have asparagus all over the place, until corn season...
  20. Grilled asparagus is available instead of fries and rings, for a small surcharge. i have been trying to stick to a True new England clam shack experience, That apparently Bethesda is reluctant to accept. since this restaurant is in Bethesda I have altered the experience and added a number of items that have no business in a clam shack. Oh well... It is not corn season. here is Woodman's menu woodmans menu I feel they do they best job at fried clams and other things. I learned a bunch of stuff studying them. They don't actually have corn on the cob out of season. They have been in business for almost 100 years without 'Healthy sides" I don't think I will live to see the 100th anniversary of Freddy's but at least there is a business plan that worked for them. here is JT Farnham's Farnhams menu. Well lookie there they have MELTED BUTTER as a side here is the Clam Box's Clam Box Menu They have Dill Pickle as a side. Scratch that Grilled asparagus side offer we are going with Dill Pickles and Butter. Everyone can check out the prices on these menus, by the way. These place are in Essex and Ipswich Mass. They use the same Clams and Lobsters we do and don't have to pay $1 a pound in freight to get them. Or pay to have the buns shipped down The fact that we, Red Hook, BGR Joint and others are giving people a lobster roll and fried clams at the prices (15,16 bucks , clams for 12) we are, is actually quite a bargain. While everyone should be value conscious, Value should be judged on more than ounces per dollar.
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