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Everything posted by TheMatt

  1. Theme Song to "What's Happening!!". You're welcome for that earworm!

  2. You ever just lose an hour? I swear it was 4 o'clock just a second ago. Hmm. Explains why I'm hungrier than I thought I'd be, I guess.

  3. Thinking I might make like Robin Sparkles and go to the mall today.

  4. Black hole sun...won't you come?

  5. Looking at the rest of the Little Serow line...yeah, I'm not sure I'm cool/hip enough for this place. NASA nerd represent!

  6. Woo! Red Cross donation time tomorrow! Tonight: a well-earned rest after hard week of work.

  7. Oh yeah, well I had some green beans and mushrooms and some kale for lunch. No. I'm not jealous. Okay, I'm jealous. Was it as good as it sounds?
  8. Time for the ABC Night O' Comedy. See how far I get before extreme tiredness wins! #fb

  9. Dear @att, you know I have an iPhone 4, so why send me an email saying that that iPhone 4 I've been waiting for is here? Bwuh?

  10. My guesses for tomorrow's Writer's Almanac: Galileo and Matt Groening.

  11. Happy Valentine's Day to all. I hope someone Choo-Choo-Chooses you. Anyone wanna Choo-Choo-Choose me? :)#fb

  12. Sheesh brain. Let's try for a less nightmare-y dream when we try again now. My heart thinks I ran a marathon or something.

  13. Tonight I root for the Bloodhound and Basset Hound, Havanese, Xoloitzcuintli, and Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Hope the Xolo is Coated! Go Dogs!

  14. 4 of 5 stars to The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley http://t.co/GSkYiNXl

  15. Brain: Go out! Have fun! Do something different! Body: It's warm inside! Read! Have a lazy Sunday! Which to agree with?

  16. I think the best demonym is Equatoguinean.

  17. Duck egg congee on a cold day. Mmm.

  18. There's a Double Dutch Bus comin' down the street, movin' pretty fast, so kinda shuffle your feet!

  19. Happy anniversary to "Friday"! One year old today! http://t.co/o2rjOwti

  20. I'm beginning to think I try to go here this weekend (or next week). Mmm. Which doorway should one wait at? It's been awhile since I've been near Komi, so I'd hate to wait at the wrong door. Or have they labeled the door now?
  21. Feelin' good that I might've found a stable GPU+MPI combo for the atmospheric GCM I work with. Tomorrow will disabuse me of this feeling.

  22. Oh. You were thinking lunchtime. I can only do dinner, I know that. Apologies.
  23. Keep me in mind for a dinner, but as I work in Greenbelt, going to a lunch is sadly out of my timeframe. (Well, unless one of you could convince my boss to let me have a 2, 2-1/2 hour lunch!)
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