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Restaurants Open During Hurricane Sandy


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We are social media only in the sense that we've gotten our asses handed to us by Facebook and Yelp.

We do NOT come into your living rooms, unless you set your television sets to our channel.

We do not get in your face.

We remain a content-driven news channel that will survive, or die, by its substance. Period.

We don't need to see his identification. These aren't the droids we're looking for. You can go about your business.

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I'm struggling to understand what would be lost if this site were henceforth forever labeled as "social media" by everyone who dines in DC...

Resistance to change, especially to labels, is usually grounded in fear or aversion to some kind of loss. What's lost?


I'll try to answer my own question...what would be lost seems to be artistic worth and/or sense of dignity.

Based on an assumption that social media is not as valuable/helpful/noble as a unique gallery of custom-crafted, personal, point-in-time expressions.

Whatever we call it, I don't care. I just want to play.

(i lead mosaic)

(also amid ice)

(fun with anagrams)

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I'll try to answer my own question...what would be lost seems to be artistic worth and/or sense of dignity.

Based on an assumption that social media is not as valuable/helpful/noble as a unique gallery of custom-crafted, personal, point-in-time expressions.

Whatever we call it, I don't care. I just want to play.

(i lead mosaic)

(also amid ice)

(fun with anagrams)

Mango, to me, it all boils down to this:

Do I care that cheezepowder took 15 minutes out of his/her day, at 10:45 in the evening when (s)he could have been doing something else, to write this post over six years ago that nobody has replied to?

Yes, I sure do.

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I've got to say, I've worked in communications for 15 years, and I don't think I've ever dealt with anyone so resistant to something so elementary as a categorization. Especially when that categorization would open up all kinds of new horizons and avenues that would help that product expand and improve. Thank goodness authors are not allowed to weigh in on where they get put in library card catalogs.

I get it. You want to be the first edition of the OED.* You know that was social media too?

*AWESOME book.

(At this point, I may need to take myself out of the conversation because I'm not sure what else can be said without a tutorial.)

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My brother and SIL gave this to me for Christmas several years ago and I have to agree with you. It just astounded me that the OED was able to enlist such a large and dedicated group of people to voluntarily contribute. And, yes, you are exactly right about this site being a part of the "social media." Heck, I never thought it was even a question!

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I refuse to accept "a social media website" label because I believe this website and community deserve more than that. We are unique, and defy categorization.

Facebook and Twitter are both *clearly* better websites as social media, but I do not believe they are better websites as a whole. So while this community may contain aspects of social media, to pigeon-hole it as such would be selling it short. It's the same reason I refused to call it a blog five years ago when everyone else was. Also the same reason I refuse to call it a "restaurant website" even though that's where my personal area of expertise lies - labeling it as such would be doing a disservice to all our great home cooks, beverage experts, etc.

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I refuse to accept "a social media website" label because I believe this website and community deserve more than that. We are unique, and defy categorization.

Facebook and Twitter are both *clearly* better websites as social media, but I do not believe they are better websites as a whole. So while this community may contain aspects of social media, to pigeon-hole it as such would be selling it short. It's the same reason I refused to call it a blog five years ago when everyone else was. Also the same reason I refuse to call it a "restaurant website" even though that's where my personal area of expertise lies - labeling it as such would be doing a disservice to all our great home cooks, beverage experts, etc.

I like to think of this website as a family.

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