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Wacky Food Cars


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I am not sure if anything gets dumber than this:


But this simply leaves me speechless:


Donk, son!! The next logical step in the ever-increasing ridiculousness that is the custom car world. Although I don't get the corporate food tie-ins that seem to be pretty common on these things. You don't see it on any other types of rides. Perhaps a clever outlet for viral marketeers.

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Donk, son!! The next logical step in the ever-increasing ridiculousness that is the custom car world. Although I don't get the corporate food tie-ins that seem to be pretty common on these things. You don't see it on any other types of rides. Perhaps a clever outlet for viral marketeers.
Yeah, wait until you see my Naan and Beyond moped.
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I think I saw Don behind the wheel of this one last week.


An acquaintance in college landed an internship to drive that thing around one summer. I personally prefer the Weinermobile's second cousin, the Goldfish Mobile, which we saw ona road trip a couple years back. Cars with gigantic sunglasses are cool.


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As I recall from my days at the UW-Madison, the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile job was highly coveted. Don't have a clue what it paid but it was considered tres cool.

Yup, no ridicule for driving that vehicle. There is a very long list of applicants every year.

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I spent a summer in college driving a black pickup with four doors, dual wheels and flames on the side when I was an intern at KSHE-95 the classic rock station in St. Louis.

How is this vaguely food related? It also had a 40 foot tall inflatable pig in the bed of the truck named Sweetmeat.

Of course Sweetmeat wore a size 20XLT concert T-shirt and had a 30 foot long guitar. But he probably would have made for good pullin'.

I don't hink I've ever been as popular as I was that summer. Who knew girls liked giant inflatable pigs?

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Yup, no ridicule for driving that vehicle. There is a very long list of applicants every year.

Yeah, I went to UW...that was a REALLY sought-after gig. I mean, guys would KILL each other for it. The hope, apparently, was to score in the back...the whole thing is jsut WAY too Freudian.

Seriously, the guy who drove the thing was a minor celebrity on campus.


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