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Potato Chips

Joe H

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I have to say Balducci's sells probably the best potato chips I've had from a bag: Tyrell's. I've tried both the sweet red pepper and the sea salt & pepper varieties and loved both. Like all things at Balducci's, though, they're expensive--over $4 for a little more than 5 oz. But they're damn good for my tastes.



Time Magazine profiles Tyrell's: http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/art...1707550,00.html

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I'm a fanatic of ketchup potato chips.

There were impossible to find when I lived out west.

First had these in Canada- Humpty Dumpty's and Lay's carried the flavor. Last I was in Canada, found some Ketchup pringles.

Locally, Herr's makes one with Heinz Ketchup- I just bought 3 bags I found at a gas station in White Marsh not a few hours ago.

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World Market in Germantown has had Tyrell's, four different flavours, the last few times I've been in there. Last time I bought a case.

Only three flavors there today; I snagged the sea salt and malt vinegar to try. Would have taken the aged cheddar and chive too, but I target fixated on the Zapps Spicy Crawtators ($1.99!) and grabbed a few bags. Hey, it's been three weeks since my last one!

I also had a grab-bag of the Grandma Utz chips at lunch on Tuesday. Really disappointing. Lacked the crisp snap of the best kettle-cooked chips, and the seasoning was unappealing to me - just a little salt, and a whole bunch of oily flavor.

BTW, World Market also had a couple of Vosges bars hiding on the far end-cap of the chocolate row, priced at $5.99. Also by the registers, Bloomsberry Emergency Chocolate on sale for $3.

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Did you by any chance by those chips right around lunch time from a very very crabby clerk?

I bought about a dozen Vosgues bars. I love them.

ETA I just realized you meant today. I was there yesterday. Too bad, the chip buying man behind me was preetty toothsome himself. :mellow:

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Did you by any chance by those chips right around lunch time from a very very crabby clerk?

Holy smokes. To paraphrase Tapeheads: negativity festers in that woman.

ETA: tried the Tyrrells chips too. Pretty good - moderately thick cut, nice potato flavor, but I'd like a stronger vinegar flavor in the "cider vinegar and sea salt". $2.99 at WM.

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I also love Cheetos.

I have also noticed that the quality of Doritos has gone way down hill. I suspect that they reformulated the product (probably over trans fats) and now they leave a cardboard like after taste. To the point that I won't eat them anymore.

So I guess I haven't had either in a while, but I had a jones for them the other day. The missing transfat in the Cheetos seems to make them less crunchy and delicious than before. In fact they seemed almost moist. Ditto on the Doritos. However, the baked Cheetos are actually pretty good.
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Today the vending machine gods smiled upon me. Usually there's a terrible, boring selection of Doritos and random brands of chips like Eagle. My eyes skimmed up and down the machine, debating whether to plunge and get a Snickers. But then out of the corner of my eye I glanced up and noticed, OMG, Zapp's! Where did they come from? Limited Edition Spicy Creole Tomato Flavor with Tabasco. So I dropped in my 85 cents and prayed that it would not get stuck in the machine. I examined the back hoping there wasn't some long-passed expiration date.

Verdict? Pretty tasty, but is very strongly Tabasco-flavored, and probably the reason why there were like Tabasco logos all over the bag. Here's to hoping they put some Dilltators, Crawtators and Jalapeno-flavored ones in at some point.

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I recently bought two bags of Tyrell's at World Market, went with the chedder/Chive and the red pepper/chili. They were ok, a well cooked chip, but I thought they lacked flavor...if I didn't know what the flavors were already, I probably wouldn't have had a clear idea.

I probably would have said something along the lines of: I don't know, some kind of cheese...some kind of chili spice thing

Thought they didn't live up to the hype quite frankly.

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Slightly off-topic, but one of those entertaining things about traveling is discovering when familiar items take different evolutionary turns "over there".

In Turkey we found...Bugles! And in flavors. Shown here: cheese, and "Mexican flavor". The Bumbada is a chocolate bar containing Indian shredded coconut.


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Favorite chips of all time: Lay's Limited Edition Rosemary and Herb flavor. They were only available for a short time, which is, to be perfectly honest, sadistic. :lol:

Second favorite: Lay's Smokey Bacon Flavor chips, available only in Canada, because, you know, there's some national security issues or something. :lol:

Everyday, easily obtainable chips: Lay's Salt & Pepper flavor. :)

I like the Salt & Vinegar chips too, but after too many, my mouth goes numb. :blink:

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Second favorite: Lay's Smokey Bacon Flavor chips, available only in Canada, because, you know, there's some national security issues or something. :lol:

I love meat flavored chips, every now and again you can find a small package of Snyder's smoky bacon (or maybe they were Utz), but I have not seen them in several years, my other option was to pick-up a bag or twenty of Walker's Crisps from the British Tobacco shop next to Hard Times in Clarendon, alas it has fallen victim to the gentrification of that neighborhood.

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