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Everything posted by CrescentFresh

  1. Would some kind soul willing to forward said email PM me so I can give you my email address?
  2. I've used an electric cooker for years, but perhaps I'm not using enough water to get it how I want it. Laniloa noted a 2-1 water to rice ratio which is more than I ever attempted, but should probably give it a shot to see if it works.
  3. Any Asian market, and even Costco or Shoppers Warehouse, as they move lots of stuff quickly.
  4. A too small of a handful of us (me, MelGold, mdt) went to Kotobuki for $20 Tuesday and, in fact, it is a great spot for $20-ish. Between the three of us we shared a boatload of sushi and rolls that I found to be very fresh, great texture and flavor, and the temperature of everything was just right. (I hate when the fish slice is freezing cold.) Two of the standouts for me were the lobster sushi, and an eel california roll. And if there ever was any doubt remaining about mdt and scallops, it's gone. Service was, well, let's just say it was slow and the opposite of doting. I'd go back for more. Even if it basically requires a car to get there.
  5. I just posted a thing about Thai takeout in another thread and it got me thinking about something I've always wondered. I LOVE the rice you get from a Thai restaurant, but I cannot seem to make it properly at home. I love how it's a medium to long grain, very fragrant and flavorful, and sticks together really well, like a short grain rice. I can't seem to figure out what it is that they do that I'm not. I buy Thai jasmine rice, and it's clearly different grain than Chinese or Japanese, so I don't think my problem is there. I use a rice steamer and I've tried using it with a little less water, a little extra water, a lot less water, a lot of extra water, and I still can't do it. What are they doing that I'm not? Could it be specific brands of rice? Is it not jasmine rice at all? Is my Eastern European heritage dragging me down so that I'm technically and ethnically disqualified from making good Thai rice? Other folks notice the difference between Thai rice and others, yes? Vietnamese is close, but still not the same. Ideas, anyone?
  6. I wonder if quality is consistent or differs from Sala Thai to Sala Thai. I've never eaten in the restaurant, but have ordered home delivery from their Arlington "office." I've always been impressed.
  7. Went to Lavandou in Cleveland Park last Bastille Day, which was a big mistake. They had an all you can eat musselfest and the mussels were delicious. Except it took over an hour every time you wanted another batch! We had to order more wine to pass the time until our mussels came and we drank much more than we normally would have. (I know there's a problem with that somewhere......) Anyway, I got an email earlier today from them announcing their Bastille Day menu this year. That was followed a short time later by a "Rectification" email that I think is quite funny. The text follows: Dear Guests, In the previous email we sent you, the price for the Bastille Day Menu was wrong. It would be $35 and not $29. Also, Bastille Day is on July 14th. The menu will be also available on the July 11, 12 and 13. You can look at the menu at: http://www.lavandourestaurant.net/bastille05.html We do apologize for any inconvenience, Bon Appetit Lavandou Restaurant www.lavandourestaurant.net
  8. So no one else is up for chopsticks practice this evening?
  9. I'm as good with decisions as Neville Chamberlain, so I'd like to thank you, Mike, for letting me know if I'm going to the ATM tomorrow. If it is just going to be me, you and MelGold, we should PM about transportation (we're all VA-tied, yes?) so we can all split one speeding ticket instead of getting three! And if folks say we do it on Thursday, I can be convinced......
  10. Tuesday or Thursday is fine with me. Although Thursday I'd be coming straight from the Nationals game all junked up on Miller Genuine Draft and "snouts in casing."
  11. That said, Tom, how many submissions do you actually receive each week, and what percentage are "accepted," so to speak? Also, I would love to read more "Titanics." Leopold was more "Edmund Fitzgerald." Sad, and all, but not a huge loss of life. I can understand not wanting to kill off someone's business and livelihood, but your review of a shipwreck restaurant could be just the life preserver a reader's wallet needs. Besides, the occasional zero star joint in the mix would be fun to read. Haven't seen one in a long, long time. Thanks for joining in with our gang.
  12. I see nothing mentioning respiration. Do you think they would hire the dead or undead if the other qualifications are met?
  13. This kind of brings up the idea of doing a, perhaps once-a-month, Discovery Safari. Pick a restaurant that is either not represented, or severely under-represented and, for better or worse sample its wares. Shogun's Woo Lae Oak is a neat call. Not particularly inconvenient to get to. Have any of us ever been there? It might be fun to hit somewhere that none of us have been to so we have absolutely no expectations. Meanwhile, sticking with the theme of this thread, one place I'd recommend that I've been to two or three times, but I've never heard anyone else say they've tried is Trattoria Liliana on Conn. Ave./Van Ness.
  14. I would most likely go. I'd need to head home to Crystal City first, though, to extract my car. Does anyone have recommendations on the best way to get there at that hour from the VA side of the river?
  15. Are you thinking of Cibola, the bison people? Sunnyside meat, BTW, is sold at Arrowine in Arlington.
  16. Unsure. Do you think we'll be okay if it's not, though? Johnny?
  17. Is it just me, or do others think that the annual barbecue festival (this weekend) sucks? I went once. Nothing but a marketing ploy for companies like Proctor and Gamble to give out product samples in surroundings that smell really good.
  18. It is pretty cool. Perhaps most notable for me was the smells. As you move from the spice tent to the tea to the coffee, etc. It added a whole new dimension. Even the "Try Milking A Fake Cow" interactive from Horizon had a vague cow pasture scent. I hope that was on purpose and not just the dude next to me. Charlie Palmer's thing was very crowded from what I could tell. Walked by that and went to listen to Sheila Lukens, who was whipping up some kind of guacamole with shrimp. She talked about the differences between food trends (long term) and fads (short term). She laughed at the low-carb fad but praised the trend away from not putting a stick of butter in everything like years ago. Or margarine for that matter. I didn't eat anything from the tents. Lukens said she had the grilled chicken sausage and she liked it....for whatever that's worth. Perhaps tomorrow I'll try something. I want to go listen to, and see, Melissa Kelly. She's dreamy.
  19. Lemme guess! Don, Woodgrilled salmon. Did it come from a grill? Or did it come from a Woodgrille?
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