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About ShoeBoxOven

  • Birthday 10/18/1974

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    Louisville, KY

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  1. DK, I dont like coconut cake either. If it wasn't for RTC I would never had starting baking cakes in the first place. So I am glad you, like me, have come to enjoy the coconut cake.
  2. Fried Chicken—real fried chicken—is a dish I've only trusted my Mother and Grandmother to do. Being of a southern and west Indies origin, I am skilled at frying fish, but have never been able to master my southern roots fried chicken skill. I have the burn marks and my Mother's disapproval to prove it. I've had fried chicken that was earnest in proving itself with thick crusty skins or abundant and insistent flavors. They were not fried chicken. They were not the fowl I remember being pulled from my family's black skillet. The kind of chicken that is made with flour, a few seasonings and tossed in a brown paper bag and fried to a crispness that is somehow light and greaseless. The white meat juicy and right. And (what is missed most in recipes), an aroma that is seductive and commanding. Last night, with my two good friends, I enjoyed the best yard bird I've had since leaving North Carolina at 18. I've waited for over a year to eat at RTC and it was worth it. Though I bake for ShoeBox Oven in the RTC's kitchen at night after the crew is gone and the lights are off, I've never really been able to know what kind of personality the restaurant evoked during dining hours. Fried chicken, peach bellinis, high jazz, the lights of the AFI theater, and the energetic buzz of night time downtown Silver Spring, made this a meal I will always appreciate. It was a generous night. Knowing how dedicated Landrum and his team work, made it even more special for me. Thank you so much for everything Michael.
  3. Your post swells my wanderlust for Portugal and Brazil. Their language—the sounds and pronunciations—is something I'd like to eat.
  4. I agree with the host. Coming from Cleveland where great fish "sammiches" and po boys can be found easily, there is nothing like a good fish "sammich." It may be a sandwich, but by the time you eat it, your mouth has loosened up to the ecstasy that is a "sammich."
  5. Arlington Courthouse Farmers Market Saturday, June 30 from 8am to Noon pastries and savories underneath the ShoeBox Oven canopy This Week Sausage and Feta HandPies Coconut and Citrus Bread Pudding Torta Della Nonna Tarts Matcha TeaCookies Mandarin TeaCookies Chelsea Buns BlackBerry Lassi Smoothie Amor and Samurai Chocolate Canelé Rustic Potato Boule Chevre and Herb Quiche White Cheddar and Bacon Biscuit Timbales at the Arlington Courthouse Farmers Market At the intersection of N. Courthouse Rd. and N. 14th St.
  6. A small mention of ShoeBox Oven in this Sunday's New York Times magazine. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/24/magazine...consumed-t.html?
  7. If you are looking to pick up a few sundries and pastries for breakfast this Saturday, come by the ShoeBox Oven canopy at the Arlington Farmer's Market Saturday, June 23 at the Arlington Farmer's Market (8am to Noon): Chelsea Buns Chevre and Herb Quiches Oeuf Cocotte "chick egg" tarts Viennese Rolls Polenta Timbales White Cheddar, Herb and Bacon Timbales Fig and Toasted Sesame Jam Strawberry and Lavendar Jam Blackberry and Orange Jam Japanese Sesame and Catupiry Pão de queijos Amor and Samurai Chocolate White Chocolate Crunch Chocolate Pound Cakes Madeleines Orange ShortBread Cookies and more depending on what else the oven can bake between now and Saturday morning. Hope you can come by for breakfast. Jammies and fuzzy slippers accepted.
  8. If you are looking to pick up a few sundries and pastries for breakfast this Saturday, come by the ShoeBox Oven canopy at the Arlington Farmer's Market Saturday, June 23 at the Arlington Farmer's Market (8am to Noon): Chelsea Buns Chevre and Herb Quiches Oeuf Cocotte "chick egg" tarts Viennese Rolls Polenta Timbales White Cheddar, Herb and Bacon Timbales Fig and Toasted Sesame Jam Strawberry and Lavendar Jam Blackberry and Orange Jam Japanese Sesame and Catupiry Pão de queijos Amor and Samurai Chocolate White Chocolate Crunch Chocolate Pound Cakes Madeleines and more depending on what else the oven can bake between now and Saturday morning. Hope you can come by for breakfast. Jammies and fuzzy slippers accepted.
  9. If it is any consolation... I assist the Agraria pastry chef (in a small learning capacity) and soon their will be ShoeBox Oven favorites at the bar. End your meal with some cookies and milk or nibble on some White Chocolate Crunch with your booze. Inevitable sticky weather before us, stroll down to the waterfront, pass by the tourists, walk into Agraria's open cascading doors, have a drink, enjoy the breeze and relax.
  10. Hey Pat, Marvelous Market (all eight) are carrying Champagne Chocolate, White Chocolate Crunch and the s'Mores. There was a special gift basket for Father's Day too. kb
  11. I hope to have a few of my wares through this event too. I hope the powers that be at Dupont will try them and maybe invite me into their fold. But if not, I am still very glad to be able to participate in the Great American Bake Sale--good butter for a good cause. kb
  12. Happy Birthday cupid girl. Birthdays are the best. And if you are anything like me, your birthday is fête that is celebrated for at least 3 months after the fact.
  13. Thank you pals. I'm glad you liked the story. I'm snowed in today and away from my oven. Found out the hard way yesterday that my car does not like snow. But I'm celebrating VDay nonetheless. I hope you all keeping warm and sweet on this slushy and lovely Valentines day.
  14. Thank you NCPinDC! Wish Amazon.com was an investor. But not so. One can actually buy straight from www.shoeboxoven.com. And on the site there are some of ShoeBox Oven's favorites (some from Amazon, others from artists the Oven likes).
  15. Ha! I doubt anyone can keep go-go from my GodBrother. As far as the ladies, I think he is under your tutelage...uh-oh.
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