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Everything posted by Choirgirl21

  1. Every year I have to make this brisket and butternut squash chili and this week it was finally cool enough to warrant it. I really enjoyed it alongside the Flying Dog The Fear. That beer really truly is my favorite of the seasonal pumpkins, especially when it warms up a bit from fridge temp.
  2. The smoked hummus is amazing. Regarding Peregrine, I would say you had a weird experience. I was there that morning and got an Americano and it was delicious as always. I've never had straight coffee there that wasn't a pourover though. There is always a good bit of a wait although the 10-15 min you mentioned is over the top. I've gotten into the habit of placing my order, and then going to pick something up somewhere while it's made, but it's typically more like 3-5 minutes.
  3. Well based on this I would suggest adding Sidamo in Maple Lawn (Fulton, MD): 8180 Maple Lawn Blvd, Fulton, MD "Ž Oh, I see that there's one on H Street and that one is already included so I definitely suggest adding this location as well. This might not qualify, but if you just want a good cup of strong Ethiopian coffee, there's an Ethiopian restaurant in Burtonsville that serves it (the food is also good and the family that owns it are very friendly): Sorettit's.
  4. It was starting to drive me crazy and then I remembered the power of Google. And now I'm shocked that I forgot. How do you forget Sweet Baby Jesus? http://uncrate.com/stuff/duclaw-sweet-baby-jesus-chocolate-peanut-butter-porter-beer/
  5. What were your friends' thoughts on the wines? Any preferences?
  6. Thanks for mentioning this. There were a couple of pumpkin ciders at my store and I contemplated picking one up, but decided against it because I knew nothing about them (aside from one being made by Woodchuck). You may have inspired me to try one.
  7. Finally got my hands on the Wolaver's this weekend. Meh. I have one more in my fridge so I hope to be able to give some actual details as to what I disliked about it, but if I recall correctly, I think it was that it tasted kind of like stale beer with pumpkin flavor added to me. It may just be that I don't really like that style of beer (perhaps more lagery than many that I've had?). Who knows, will try to report back with more info later. In the meantime, I also had a chance to taste this year's Southern Tier Pumpking, my dislike as a beer I'd sit and drink on its own was confirmed. However, in a weird 2 wrongs make a right sort of way, my friends mixed a large format bottle of it with a small bottle of some sort of peanut butter beer and it was freaking delicious (in the small quantities I had). Also tasted the Elysian The Great Pumpkin (couldn't find the Night Owl) and was not a fan. I found the spice way too heavy. But, I was a big fan of the Long Trail Imperial Pumpkin from the Brush & Barrel series, which...DON ROCKWELL...I chose based purely on the label. I think this probably wraps up my pumpkin beer experimentation for the season. I have drunk more beer in the last couple of weeks than I've this entire year (not an exaggeration at all) and it's time to switch back to liquor and wine.
  8. Imbibe's list of 5 recommended pumpkin beers. I'm pretty sure my shop has the Elysian and I may just have to give the old Schlafly another try since it gets recommended so much...
  9. Or buying based on looks. Although my strategy of buying based on price could have been as much of a failure as well.
  10. Had the Smuttynose as well last night, which took some adjustment after the porter (which btw did taste more pumpkin-y as it warmed up a bit). The Smuttynose is indeed a good beer, more pale ale in style than any of the others I've had. Knowing what I know now, this is what I would have chosen to start the season when the pumpkin beers were already stocking the shelves and it was still hot out. This one is definitely more bitter and hoppy than the others I've had, while still having a clear pumpkin character. Consider me a fan, although it's not what I'm going to crave on a chilly fall night. I'm still keeping my eye out for the Wolaver's and may try a couple of others. Headed to a different beer store in the next day or two to see what I can find.
  11. Instead of giving up, why not buy some of the ones that are recommended by people in the know, either online or here? You seem to have purchased two of the absolute worst contenders thus far. Last night I opened the one I bought just because it was expensive - Anderson Valley Fall Hornin' pumpkin ale. Have never heard of the brewery before although I noted upon opening that the cap says it's solar-powered, which made my happy. Anyway, it was quite good. I certainly think it's worth a try if anyone happens to come across it and the price isn't off-putting. Right now I'm drinking the Starr Hill pumpkin porter. Not much pumpkin to speak of. Probably won't buy this one again, but wouldn't turn it down if someone offered me one or I saw it on tap. It's a decent porter, just nothing particularly special. That just leaves me with the Smuttynose, which I may have in a bit, we'll see.
  12. Joe H, you don't need to convince me that the dinner will be amazing. I already contacted Betsy and I'm just mulling over budget while working on convincing a friend. If we decide to come, I will certainly let you know. It would be a pleasure to put a face to the name.
  13. Except we didn't need you to to know not to.
  14. I don't see anything on their website. I sent an email to them, may be interested in going.
  15. We seem to have similar tastes as far as the pumpkin beers go. I just had the Pumpkick last night and really enjoyed it. I still think I prefer the Dogfish head slightly (won't compare it to the Flying Dog since this was much closer in style to the Dogfish Head so it seems a more apt comparison), but I also think I'm maybe a bit biased toward the 2 I've consistently loved (DFH & Flying Dog). I only bought one bottle of the Pumpkick, but I'd happily drink more to explore it further. Still have 3 others in there. If I don't get to them by this weekend, I will by next.
  16. Oh, I forgot, I also tasted the Brooklyn Post Road pumpkin (I think that's what it's called?) at a beer tasting and it was decent. I'd say relatively non-descript, but I wouldn't complain if someone put one in my hand.
  17. This article discussed quite a few: http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/food/blogs/99bottles/2013/09/the_best_pumpkin_beers_of_2013.html I am a fan of the less pumpkin-y, more beer-y pumpkin ales so I've always been a fan of the Dogfish Head Punkin. Also a huge fan of Flying Dog's The Fear imperial pumpkin. Neither has disappointed this year. I tasted the Weyerbacher on tap, too sweet/pumpkin pie like for my tastes. I'm avoiding the Southern Tier & Schlafly for that reason as well. I did just pick up a few individual bottles of some I haven't had before, including the Smuttynose and the New Belgium, as well as the Starr Hill pumpkin porter and another pumpkin ale from a brewery I'd never heard of but figured has to be good because it was so damn expensive. I'll report back after I try them. Still trying to get my hands on the Wolaver's. Yay fall! Yay pumpkin beer!
  18. I really enjoyed the pairings when I went, but I'm not going to lie, the last few courses were a little fuzzy later because I was pretty tipsy. I did stupidly (?) order a cocktail before the meal as well though. They will also pour you a little more of something if you need it to finish out the specified courses and that may have happened once or twice so I guess my point is, unless you can really hold your liquor, drink conservatively if you get the pairings.
  19. Does the crock pot on low count for simmering? Got a flat of San Marzano tomatoes from the farmers market on Sunday along with a handful of other heirlooms to make tomato sauce with. Realized I didn't have a large enough pot that wouldn't potentially be reactive and I'm short on time so I thought I'd give the crockpot a try. Quickly trimmed the ends off of the tomatoes and cut them in halves or thirds, then put them through the food processor in batches, pureeing some, leaving others more roughly chopped. Added those along with some minced sweet onions and garlic (also through the processor) to the pot and turned it on low. We'll see what I have when I get back from work, fingers crossed!
  20. Interesting that The Tasting Room isn't mentioned in this article. Has it gone downhill? The Tasting Room specific thread doesn't have a review beyond Don's back in 2009. I'm hoping to eat out in Frederick one night next week. I figured I'd head to Volt, but I'd be much more likely to do that if my timing weren't off by one week (finale of Top Chef Masters this week) and since I've been there, I'm thinking maybe best to explore something new. Tasting Room makes the short list, but I'm also thinking about Shab Row and Wine Kitchen. Thoughts? The Wine Kitchen thread also doesn't have anything recent relevant to the Frederick location. I will be dining alone so a friendlier bar atmosphere might pull me one way or the other. Or if the weather cooperates, Volt patio is still on the list. Eh, nevermind, I'm going to WK. I'm not feeling the fancier/spendier stuff this time.
  21. Lperry, I am jealous of your fig tree! I don't really have recipes to share, but I do remember a first date with my most recent ex-bf where he came to my house to cook me dinner and brought fresh figs from the tree in his "backyard" (from his row house in Fells Point amazingly!). We had a very nice salad with the figs, blue cheese, and vinaigrette.
  22. I'm becoming more and more interested as this goes on as well. I actually prefer my bacon meatier and tend to buy from 2 vendors at local markets who consistently offer a meatier bacon and just stock up when I do and freeze extras. If we're just talking, eating up some slices of bacon, when you cook the bacon, the bulk of the fat is rendered off anyway. So in my opinion, meatier bacon is a better value and equally delicious. I do save the rendered fat to use for cooking, but my supply is quite plentiful (and I cook with bacon fat A LOT) with just the meatier cuts. In fact, I find when I experiment with a new bacon that ends up being fattier (or in some cases has way too much sugar in the cure, what is up Red Apron?!) I throw that fat away. There are only so many jars of fat I'm willing to store in my fridge at once (although the fat rendered from the Benton's bacon I get at Union Market always gets saved in its own special container ). Am I alone in this?
  23. Did you ask the poster what her issue was with the threads? My guess is it's more just that people post in them very routinely so they are always showing up near the top of the page, especially if you use view new content, which would not be addressed by changing the title (although obviously I am just making a guess as to what she meant). I personally don't have any issue with the titles, if for no other reason than I'm used to them. I enjoy quite a few of the threads themselves and have posted in several, and was completely thrown off by the title change of the one drinking thread. Hey, change is hard, and in my alcohol addled brain it's even harder. Could you throw out a suggestion of what you might change one to? Maybe I would feel differently once I knew what you were considering.
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