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Coca-Cola Freestyle Tech Tour, BGR Joint, Sun, Feb 10


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Starting an event thread for a tour of the Coca-cola Freestyle machine at BGR Joint:

So lets plan on a VA demo and a MD demo. Pick two Saturdays at 1 and let me know ;)

I nominate Feb 2 for the MD side, but I could do any February Saturday other than the 9th.

Thanks, Mark!

So how about Feb 2 for Maryland (location suggestion?) and Feb 16 for VA side (suggestion Clarendon)? Who's in? (and also thanks Mark!)

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Here is a summary of where we are so far:

Maryland- Proposed date Feb. 2

Suggested locations: Washingtonian or Cabin John

Daniel K


Virginia - Proposed date Feb. 16

Suggested locations: Clarendon or Tyson's Corner


The Delicious

Ktmoomau + 1

Weezy (maybe)

Mark, please feel free to weigh in on a minimum number of attendees, preferred location, preferred date, etc.!

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I checked with Mark on the proposals, and he's unfortunately unable to do it this Saturday.

His suggestion is next Sunday, Feb. 10 at 3pm. As for location, whatever works best for the group.

So folks could weigh in on who can make it and then a group consensus on the location for next Sun. (I can't make it but am happy to continue to keep track.)

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Yeah, when I saw Mark's post on Facebook earlier today heralding his arrival in Nawlins for some football game, I figured a BGR tour on Saturday was out. :rolleyes:

I'm fine with Sunday the 10th at 3p. Certainly prefer a MD location, but willing to drive to a location with reasonable parking.

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Updating the list -- as mentioned, I won't be able to attend so I don't have a preference on location. :P I'll pm Mark with the final decision on location.

Here's the list:

Weezy - prefer VA
Daniel K. --Prefer MD, Cabin John location
DC Deb --Prefer MD
jayandstacey --Prefer MD, Gaithersburg
The Delicious --Prefer VA (with caveat that it'll be a game time decision)

Destruya - expressed interest in VA event but not sure if Destruya is interested in 2/10

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I've confirmed with Mark that this Sun at 3pm still works for him, and he picked the Bethesda BGR Joint location.

So the final plan is: Bethesda BGR Joint, 4827 Fairmont Avenue,

3pm this Sunday.

We've got:


DanielK +2 or +3


The Delicious (with caveat that it'll be a game time decision)


Me (I've had a change of plans for Sun so I can make it after all!)

darkstar965 (tentative)


Total: 9 or 10

(Just realized I had missed DC Deb's post saying she cant make 2/10 so took her off the list).

Please post if you'd like to join in! Or if you can't make it so we can get an idea of how many.

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Despite a smaller than expected crowd, Mark was incredibly generous with his time today, spending nearly an hour with us talking about the Freestyle. Not just the guts and how it works (unbelievably awesome technology), but the whole history of BGR and Freestyle, the business model that developed (both BGRs and Coca-Cola's) and some educated guesses on where the future lies with this technology.

He also generously provided sliders, fries, and drinks to the attendees.

Thanks, Mark!

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