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Everything posted by Choirgirl21

  1. Can anyone share more info about the types of committees and the work involved (I realize that's the point of the happy hour, so just a brief explanation) to help us decide if we have the time available to commit? Unfortunately it's not easy feat for me to get to a DC bar on a weeknight by that time, hence the need for pre-info.
  2. Does anyone know where I can find venison rib chops, preferably in MD? I could also order online if shipping didn't make them prohibitively expensive. I've seen some venison at Wegman's and I've even gotten some generic "steaks" in some chain grocery store, but so far I've been unimpressed with the quality and neither had chops. Thanks. While I'm at it...possible to get black truffles without breaking the bank? Does someone maybe sell them online in less than whole truffle amounts? I've also seen these at Wegman's, but have no idea as to the quality or price. It was at least 2 years ago that I saw them there.
  3. Awesome. Although why they're not planning it for a wkd escapes me. Sadly, I am leaving town on the 7th so probably not able to participate. You're right, it would have been ideal.
  4. So I finally remembered to set up my Tivo to catch what old episodes I could and managed to get the last 2. I'm surprised by how entertaining I found the show. I thought the set up was pretty good overall, although I think I may have been spared some annoyances having not watched the whole season. I got the impression that the french team hung on as long as they did purely by winning the truck stop challenges, which seem to have more to do with how experienced a cook you are than how good you are at running a food truck business and had I had to watch that over and over again, I would have probably gotten pissed. I was definitely not spared all annoyances though. Like Pool Boy said, the way the main girl from the Nom Nom truck talks (when she gets into her whiny mode) makes my ears bleed. It's a close call which is worse, that or the nauseous feeling I get looking at the french guys ridiculous goatee, but I think ears bleeding wins, especially because I still have to put up with that. I'm going to watch the finale anyway though and root for the burger folks b/c they're the dudes I'd want to hang out with.
  5. I'm generally not a huge fan of the pumpkin ales myself - it's sort of like wine made from blackberries to me (maybe that's a tad harsh), but I do enjoy the Dogfish Head, or at least I did last year. I was happy to find it actually, because I do love fall, pumpkins, and anything related to them so I really do want to like the pumpkin ales. I like a lot of the beers that Southern Tier makes, maybe I'll try that one this year.
  6. Cold coffee that is sitting on my desk unfinished from this morning in a desperate attempt to wake up and be productive. Looking forward to getting home so I can finish the Chester Gap Merlot I opened last night.
  7. I noticed that there isn't a thread on Ranazul (at least that I could find, mods please correct me if I'm wrong) so I thought I would start one. Here is the website. Ranazul offers a number of small plates, tapas style with a really nice wine program. I would say the food tends to be spanish influenced, but you shouldn't expect your checklist of traditional spanish tapas dishes although some standards like patatas bravas are there. I would like to see a more seasonal bent to the dishes and more frequent updates to the menu, but after having eaten there a number of times, I can say that across the board the food tends to be consistently good. The lamp chop, scallops, and duck breast from the hot tapas are several of my favorites and the fritto mixto is always well prepared. I also think the specials are always a good choice. The wine program is headed by Julie Dalton who has completed level 3 (Advanced Sommelier) in the Court of Master Sommeliers. The wine list offers over 2 dozen wines by the glass and 1/2 glass with many of them being good values. Overall, I think it's one of the better places to eat in the area, with really good food and wine, great service across the board (the regular bartender is especially attentive and friendly), and a lovely decor. I should offer the disclaimer that I know Julie personally as I became involved in a blind tasting group that meets at Ranazul, but I had eaten at and enjoyed Ranazul several times before becoming involved.
  8. An upcoming camping trip has me thinking again about what we can make over the campfire. Last time our friend hosted our monthly dinner club at the campsite - we had mexican style stuffed onions topped with fresh avocado and cilantro, bacon-wrapped trout stuffed with lemon and herbs, grilled asparagus, risotto made on the camp stove, and s'mores with red chile chocolate for dessert. And lots of beer and wine of course. So what are your favorite things to make on the campfire?
  9. I don't remember the chairs and shade canopy being there last time. Nice addition.
  10. Yes, this. Thanks for the link. And thanks Zoro for the blanching tip. I am starting to doubt this new canning cookbook I picked up. I really loved the idea of it, but so far I seem to be 0/2 although the b&b pickles are probably my fault for using some white vinegar instead of all cider. Still, that's hardly a large enough sample size so I'll withhold judgment for the time being.
  11. Were yours the ones from the SS market? Because I haven't had issues in the past doing it so I did it again with these ones and I had to do the same thing, dump more liquid in and braise much longer. The beans were much larger than the ones I typically get at my market and I thought denser/tougher. I assumed maybe end of harvest? I would have posted this last night, but I caught my oven on fire and then drank almost an entire bottle of wine with my dinner to recover: Braised chicken quarters with a dijon green onion sauce Polenta with fresh corn Sauteed summer squash mix King Family Viognier
  12. Thanks. I took them, I would have liked the okra to be a bit less tough, but the flavor was good. The b&b pickles have improved some, but still not great, still waiting to see about those. So I have yet another question (really don't know what I would do without you guys). Fermented long beans. Let's say the instructions said to skim scum after 2-3 days and then daily after that, but when you checked initially there wasn't scum yet and then day after day you kept saying you'd do it later and then forgetting. So the week has now passed and you check on them and oops, there's mold where the scum used to be. The mold is not touching any of the beans, just sitting along the outer rim of the liquid attached to the bowl. You are able to remove said moldy scum before removing the beans so no contact is made. Do you throw out the beans or keep them? I drained them and stuck them in the freezer until I could get your verdict.
  13. You definitely win! I was able to bring home an old school pressure cooker and an old "food system" that includes a meat grinder and an ice crusher from my grandmother's house for free recently. Do I win anything for that?
  14. I have to (hesitantly) admit that I've been a fan of Ross Dress for Less (hey, I live in Laurel!) for cooking supplies for some time. Got a really nice large bamboo cutting board that I love there, along with much glassware (since I am always breaking glasses) and tons of other gadgets. But I never thought to look at the actual food items - always assumed it was a bunch of hokey raspberry mustards and such. I will have to take a look next time I'm in there, which won't be too long since I broke 2 more wine glasses yesterday. There's a Home Goods not far from me, adding that to my list too. Not sure if there's a TJ Maxx near me? Thanks for posting!
  15. Riverdale. Don't know the name of the vendor, but his pickles are outstanding. Thursday afternoons.
  16. I was pondering how it's possible that I love all of my cookbooks when I remembered there's an entire box of them packed away in my spare bedroom/office. :lol So I will have some for the exchange after all. The one I think you will all be clamoring over is the spiral bound cookbook, "Microwave Know-How".
  17. Thanks to Anna Blume and MarketFan for hte tips. I did end up doing a little market tour. Started at 14&U where I loaded up on meat (I love Truck patch!) as well as fruit and veggies, then stopped at the market a little further north on 14 (no idea which market it even was, not a planned stop, but I was driving right by...) and then finished up at Silver Spring just so I could get the beans and pick up a few things in Whole Foods. Then I had lunch at Adega with a glass of wine before I headed home.
  18. Sorry, I made them immediately before posting (day before I think). I otherwise followed the recipe pretty exactly. Will keep my fingercrossed that they just need more time. Does this mean I shouldn't take my pickled okra to my bbq tomorrow? I pickled them about 1 1/2 wks ago.
  19. Rosemary & garlic crostini w/goat ricotta Fennel dusted Truck Patch pork chop Roasted fennel & tomatoes w/cranberry beans & oregano 2007 Glen Manor Sauvignon Blanc
  20. You had me at fennel. Actually, 14&U was on my radar since they made it to teh top of the small markets in the region in a recent survey and it's pretty convenient for being in the city. If I can get myself moving in the morning, I will head down there. If not, Silver Spring it is. I do love the idea of a FM crawl, but I'm likely to end up sleeping too late for that.
  21. Exactly. I absolutely despise the show for all of the reasons you listed and yet I keep watching. My thoughts exactly. Same for the pasta if you ask me. Or they are getting demos beforehand that we aren't seeing. Did anyone watch the original British show? I did and it was NOTHING like this show, which makes me abhor it all the more. I actually liked the original a fair amount.
  22. Curious if anyone has gotten their hands on a copy of Laurent Tourondel's new seasonal cookbook yet? It looks promising and very reasonably priced.
  23. I think I screwed up my bread and butter pickles, 3 1/2 pints of them. I didn't have enough cider vinegar so I subbed in white vinegar for the rest (about 1/3 of the total vinegar). I considered using rice wine vinegar and am now not sure why I didn't. Since my 4th jar was only half full, I didn't process that one and just stuck it in the fridge. Tasted the pickles this morning and they are harsh. Someone please tell me they will mellow over time if I store the canned ones for a while? Otherwise, I'm going to be really disappointed. I made them with the last lemon cukes of the season from the orchard at GFM. They were so flavorful and crisp pre-pickling and I went to the trouble of pasteurizing rather than processing since it supposedly leaves you with a crisper pickle.
  24. Dan, finally something I don't want a recipe for! I don't typically like salmon, unless it's very mild and sockeye isn't fitting the bill in that regard. Although I must say home grown wild oyster mushrooms do appeal. I'm a bit late posting, but: Ferguson Family Farm grass fed flat iron (not gamey!) Acorn squash & potato gratin with bacon and corn Leftover Eric Ross Marsanne Roussanne (drunk with teh gratin only ) About to dig into a chocolate raspberry tart that a friend made with some port
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