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Everything posted by shogun

  1. Probably add a pitcher of Caiprina-inspred beverage of some kind. I'm going to have a lot of limes left over.
  2. Great time at the Bar Agraria preview night! Derek, Tom, and the bar crew are doing seriously excellent work with the cocktails. I had the pleasure of trying three last night, and each was interesting and delicious in that way that too oftens seems difficult to locate! I too liked the way the restaurant was laid out. Unlike the other culinary caverns flaking Agraria, the space belied its true size through good use of partitions and private rooms. Most of the restaurant can't be seen from the bar area, and the 'main dining room' area didn't actually seem that big for the numbers it would serve vs. the capacity of the private rooms and that awesome wine room. I also agree that the bar was a little on the small size for the projected capacity, so hopefully those tables in front of it will be used more for bar seating. Going to be a tight fit on a busy Saturday night! Look forward to hearing about the food!
  3. Exactly. Don't be a playa hayta. Be a playa-partici-payta.
  4. I move we establish Wednesday as the default B.P. day. They have happy hour then, too, and I can actually go with some frequency!
  5. So...what's the dilly? Anybody going?
  6. Youthful indescretions! Besides, I work Saturday nights now...he's doing his part to keep a troubled kid off both the streets and the private Counterstrike servers. But you're right, that post sounded really sad...not a common occurance, I assure you! I can usually only eat half of one of those things anyway, so victual self-abuse is minimized. Like Chipotle, Coldstone is an act of violence, not love. It's just funny how this is touching some kind of deeply-felt neurotic foodie nerve with everybody. If you can't enjoy the occasional poor-quality crap, you're dead inside. 666: Post of the Beast
  7. I know this is going to make me a complete forum pariah for going up against one of the un-sacred cows everybody seems to uniformly hate but in the spirit of resisting groupthink, here goes: For a slow Saturday night, few things beat ice cream from Cold Stone, a few ounces of something lower-middle quality mixed into something fizzy with ice and a bendy straw, and violent video games played over the Internet with friends in CT. That said, if there wasn't one on the ground floor of my building, I'd never go. I'm sorry, but sometimes you have to go against the herd on some things. If you can't deal with that, I'm sorry.
  8. I'll probably go, but only because MDT is going.
  9. He did his culinary education in France. Techniques of charcuterie were likely drilled into him from the start. He is a master of farce, I'm sure.
  10. You're right, by the end I was pretty much wondering 'Where's the cannibalism? It's the only logical conclusion.' And then there it was! That said, do we ever see her hands? I'll bet she's missing a finger or something.
  11. You raise a good point. But here's a counterpoint: Beer and cheese. Beer and cheese! Sadly I am otherwise obligated this evening and cannot attend either function.
  12. I never saw that Penguin movie, but are penguins that bright? Would it make a difference what you wore? There are thousands of them sitting there, and it's not like they're going to raise the alarm and fly away. Long as you're warm, who cares??Seriously, do WE even have tenderloins? I don't think so, and we're much bigger than a lap dog. I could be wrong, though. I dunno, it was an interesting article, or at least entertaining given its questionable nature (I'll admit I scrolled up halfway through to check for evidence of an April Fools-type date). The part that really got to me was where where he discussed sleeping with Ruth Reichl for 15 hours. Other than that, he raises good points on a few things.
  13. Oh come on. Can a dog that small HAVE a tenderloin?
  14. Yes! Excellent thread! Where can you get an Aviation around here?
  15. Seems to me that the 'revelation' was on the menu itself, since this is a public document at a restaurant and not an underground cabal. Did the poster say if it was good or not? I think I missed this weeks chat. --Matt ....and a nice Chianti
  16. It's alright, you're among friends. My current stock of beer, now depleted, came from 7-11. It was $2 cheaper than the Sam Adams' Wheat Beer. At the time, that really spoke to me. It happens to the best of us.
  17. "Ignorance of the happy hour specials does not excuse..." BP would not be unreasonable. I meant somewhere where I wouldn't feel bad about not having worn nicer pants today. ETA: You know, in the 'magnitude of tab as a function of caliber of pants' curve ETAA: Integrating the pants curve for my particular pants-state, I will be spending exactly $23.46645155555 on beer tonight at BP. Math, yeah!!
  18. Have anyplace in mind? I'm looking for kind of a 'budget whim'.
  19. Anybody know offhand what their hours are? I was there three weeks ago around 3:30, 4:00 and they were closed. I'd like to give it another shot but it's a pretty long walk for me, as far as treks for lunch go, especially for potentially nothing! ETA: Apparently that day was a fluke. The guy on the phone said they serve until 9:00. The phone is a wonderful invention.
  20. Fine! No chicken salad based on a combination that was revealed to me in a dream. Unless I can rework it a little (the mayo wasn't part of the overall concept), but I WAS going to make the mayo and not use Miracle Whip. I'm still doing the pork, though!--Matt Who WAS going to use Miracle Whip but only reveal the fact after it had been eaten and enjoyed
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