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Everything posted by shogun

  1. Here? Sure, plenty of people would, under the right circumstances. As for me, myself...personally. My ceiling, if I HAVE to buy a bottle, and not stick to the buy the glass list...$40, defined as the most expensive of the two bottles of wine I have ever bought in a restaurant, and skip dessert .
  2. "The thing about Restaurant week is: everybody gets dessert..." Everybody gets dessert.... Everybody gets dessert....
  3. Is it just me or does Restaurant Week get a little more expensive every year? Must be the price of popularity.
  4. Yeah...it's easier to get a seat at Palena Cafe on Thursdays because it's $5 Chicken Fried Steakfish Xtravaganza at Applebees, so the punters are there instead of taking up precious bar stools!
  5. McDonalds and Burger King probably have better lobbiest than the fois gras people. People would never stand for it. Fois gras is a weird, expensive treat for the rich French sympathizers. On the other hand, banning McDonalds is practically unthinkable. If you do that, the terrorists will have already won. Imagine the public outcry.
  6. It's not as convenient as it seems like it would be prior to deeper consideration of the logistics involved, and despite the deceptive geographical proximity of the two states and the District, mass transit options, and highway infrastructure.
  7. .......you may have won this round. But I'll be back!! --Matt The Kleptomaniac K-Mart Shoplifter
  8. Concoct a 'Black and Tan' in my brandy snifter. (Even though 'concoct' implies 'mixing'. Really it's more of a 'decanting' operation. Not pictured: One of those twisty decanters and the strawberry-scented erotic novelty candle I used to check for sediment.)
  9. You probably mean Jade...they get a lot of press. A friend of mine ordered three bottles (One of each kind) for New Years, and I had some. It was good...maybe not mind-blowing, but I liked it. Unfortunately I don't remember enough to tell you about them in any great or specific detail as to the difference between them (Don't look at me like that...it was expensive! We only had a little! [Translation: I was drunk on other things too]) I guess what I'm saying is if I'm ever in a position to buy $100 bottles of booze...after buying some other stuff, I'd go for some Jade Absinthe . I wasn't under the impression that it was a big deal to bring in (They shipped practically next-day air in foam cases), and if there's a limit, it's more than three bottles. Ahhh, that stuff. Jade I knew from reputation. That stuff I know because they take out a lot of sidebar ads on certain websites. I'd pony up for some Jade and invite me over. Jade website
  10. The people who comment on your articles, Nadya, obviously did not have parents who loved them, and for that I am saddened, both for you and them.
  11. If you're comping the replacement, you're not making up the cost of one dish, you're making up the cost of two. The cost of 'it takes three' (or however many) dishes works against your bottom line until the profit from the dishes make up for 1) Themselves and 2) The 'lost' dish's cost AND profit margin. Unless you raise prices on that dish for the rest of the night, you're not catching up any faster to make up the lost money.Unless you are building in rediculous percentages. The replacement dish can make up for the lost one if you charge the customer double for the replacement instead of comping them. Sorry! Are you as a customer really willing to subsidize what would amount to 'lost food insurance' by paying an extra couple of percent? This is my potentially flawed understanding of the statement.
  12. I was in Starbucks just now, and there was a group of about 15 French high school students. Poor kids....probably going to be crap by comparison. Oh, yeah...I was only there to ask for directions for how to get away from there.
  13. You're missing out on the takeout. That $12 plate is more than I can generally eat in one sitting, and it's very good. In what universe is Wasabi more expensive than Kaz? Good to know the sake is in stock, and that it's 'quick' now. Last time I was there for lunch, there was no sake and it was far from quick. Seitsema said in Weekly Dish today that the average was 32 minutes according to the manager. We were WAITING more than 32 minutes . Still a fan.
  14. SIX cases! Six!! I mean.....is it good that they are at least drinking wine as opposed to NOT? Answer: Probably, but not by much. Maybe it's a gateway wine!
  15. Variation by bottle. That's some kind of twisted pseudo-terroir that is aching for a clever name....and I know just the guy to figure one out.
  16. Somebody in my building is a fan. I got home last night and there were six (6) {VI} empty cases by the recycling. Granted, they could have gone to Trader Joe's and bought six cases worth of something else bottle by bottle but...come on.
  17. Hi, I'm Matt, and I sometimes drink iced venti lattes, and order them as such.
  18. What kind of cheese we talking here? Actually...can you HAVE 38,000 pounds of worthwhile highway cheese? Nevermind.MDT: I'm sure Ms. Gold won't mind if I re-post her email here!
  19. I'll see your that and raise you 'is anybody going to the Dogfish Head thing at Rustico tomorrow?'
  20. What would be the best way to compare different varieties if you gathered a few in one place and at the same time? Garlic bread?
  21. Oh man, the little fried things at happy hour. Sometimes you want tasty little fried things, and Jaleo has that covered. Ham croquettas, date and bacon fritters, bacalo fritters
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