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Everything posted by Bart

  1. It's only about 2 and half blocks from the Eastern Market metro stop on the Blue and Orange lines, and it's a very easy walk if you're so inclined.
  2. No seeds available this year unfortunately, but you can sign up for notifications for seeds for next year here: http://bradfordwatermelons.com/
  3. "The true Southern watermelon is a boon apart, and not to be mentioned with commoner things. It is chief of this world's luxuries, king by grace of God over all the fruits of the earth. When one has tasted it, he knows what the angels eat. It was not a Southern watermelon that Eve took: we know it because she repented." "• Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson
  4. There's not a lot of detail in either the email I received or the website, but there is a website and the place has a name. Field and Main
  5. Certainly for the roof top, but the nice thing about the regular restaurant is you can eat there tonight if you want to. You may have to get in line now to do it, but at least you have that option. Not so much for the roof.
  6. If anyone here follows Rose's on twitter or instagram, you already know that he/they (chef/staff) are in Japan touring around. I wonder if that means we'll see more of an Asian/Japanese influence at Rose's or maybe at the new place?
  7. I'm reposting this as I was again completely shut out in 0.0000001 seconds. If anyone manages to score the rooftop table and you need 2 more people to round out your list, count me in! (and my wife). We're fun and normal. She's also attractive. Me, not so much.
  8. Totally agree! Don, you should pin this make it a sticky or archive it somewhere where it can be easily found a month, year or decade from now.
  9. And the next verse: Some folks are born, silver spoon in hand Lord, don't they help themselves, y'all But when the taxman comes to the door Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yeah Just as true today as it was the day it was written.
  10. I loved this response from Tom this week when someone was complaining about his spring dinning guide. It was part of a thread in which a couple different posters asked questions about the guide and the star system. I guess he reached a breaking point. Q: Rating System ï‚‚ At the prices the places in your dining guide charge, I'm not interested in a restaurant that is simply "good." And Volt is a bit far afield for someone who lives in the city and has no car. A: Tom Sietsema Then read another critic. "” May 20, 2015 11:55 EDT
  11. Second to Don's comment about The Awakening. It was perfect and impressive and just damn awesome at Hains Point. At National Harbor it's shoved into this tiny space which strips it of all it's scale and glory. Don't bother unless you're already there. How about a drive or walk along Embassy Row? Maybe a trip to Great Falls? Pretty impressive for being so close to DC. Going up in the Old Post Office Tower [closed during renovations - click for details] is pretty cool too. It's in the heart of town but somehow off the beaten track.
  12. Black Krim is a great one. For me, it's one of my most prolific heirlooms. Great flavor too. My favorite is Paul Robeson (another black tomato) that has a wonderful, deep, smoky flavor. For some reason mine always get some sort of blight or wilt and don't do nearly as well as Black Krim and I have to end up spraying them to prolong their life. If you come across either one, get them!
  13. It's a very heavy song, but I've always loved his vocals on "Mother" (1970). "Mama don't gooooooooooooooooooooooo!, Daddy come home" Vocals drenched in pain. I'm getting goose bumps right now just thinking about it.
  14. Bigg Riggs Farms didn't have any morels this week. They still had lots of ramps however.
  15. Looks like David Dunlap is leaving too. This is a real blow as I enjoyed my last meal there as much (and maybe more) than when Tarver King was there.
  16. For the past two weeks, Big Riggs Farms (something like that) has had them at the Crystal City farmers market. They were selling typical raspberry container's worth for 12 bucks! I'll check again today to see if they still have them.
  17. Try any place that isn't Lowes, Home Depot or Walmart. Also look at your local farmers market I was just at a little garden center in Alexandria and they had about 20 different heirloom tomatoes. Last year they only had a handful, so they're becoming easier to find.
  18. Yeah, you're (sort of) right. The rocket has an engine pushing it up. The soaring bird doesn't. The bird's "engine" is the warm air rising faster than the bird is falling. The point he was making was about thermals vs falling birds. This was in the context of explaining why soaring birds like hawks don't fly at night and don't (for the most part) fly over large bodies of water.......no thermals over either one, so no rising air, so no soaring hawks.
  19. Don, I'm not sure I really understand it, but yes, that was a rhetorical question! I was just thinking back to a class on took on Hawk ID (identifying hawks in flight) and the instructor mentioned that birds don't float. They are constantly falling. This sort of blew my mind at the time. I never really thought about it that way, and it's obvious when and if you think about it............birds (like all matter) are affected by gravity so of course they don't float, but I bet you'd get a lot of weird or wrong answers if you asked the average man on the street if birds can float on air. On the other hand, they do "float" but that has to do with wind, and thermals, and wings, and feathers.
  20. What about soaring birds that go up, down or stay at the same altitude without flapping their wing? They're falling too, it's just the air around them is rising faster then they are falling (plus the wing and feathers help), but they don't float!
  21. I had the exact thought when I read the Peter Jackson comment. How could he not cover The Scouring of the Shire?!?!!?
  22. I was just reading the Post online about the Nats game last night and in the middle of the article they had a little video clip with the title, "Fans Weigh In: Is DC a good sports city?"
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