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Everything posted by LolaDC

  1. The Washington Post has written about it a few times, and the restaurant won an award from the MD Restaurant Association. Really worth the trip out there at least once a season (obviously, more if you can swing it) because John changes the menu as the season's ingredients change. They don't have a website (which I've been giving them shit about since they opened) but they are on www.mdlocations.com.
  2. THANK YOU!!! I've brought up West Lawn before, but nobody seems to have gone there yet. I am a big fan and personal friend of John's, and think he is an absolute genious with food. Glad you've discovered him.
  3. Think Tom S. will have anything to say about it during today's chat?
  4. Nice big slice of spaghetti squash frittata (made 2 and froze individual slices). After eating said frittata for more than a week, it's starting to get old. But still good.
  5. I was underwhelmed by the meatball sub today. Should have gone with the chicken. Wonder why so many people decided to show up this afternoon. Good weather, perhaps? Today was my 4th trip to the Grill. Each time I've brought a newbie with me, and it's been really funny to watch every one of them fuck up the process somehow (like I did my first time). It's always something, and Chef Donna inevitably makes sure that EVERYONE knows about it.
  6. Did anyone read Sally Quinn's little essay on this in the Style section today? I thought it was pretty funny.
  7. You make some good points, but I still think there's something to be said for the traditional method of aging wine. Either way, it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  8. This just makes me sad. Soon, we'll be able to experience the joys of drinking fine wine without actually having to drink it. Through virtual reality or brain zapping or something. It's terrible.
  9. My jaw literally dropped when I read this story. Have to say, though, that someone driving around DC at 12:30 in the morning without her headlights on is definitely impaired in some way, wine or no.
  10. Can I borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo.
  11. Kraft Mac & Cheese with cut-up hotdogs was always a favorite growing up. Also was a big fan of baloney (that's how we spelled it) and Kraft singles on Wonder bread. My goodness. Guess that's no so bad when you consider I also used to eat poi.
  12. Absolutely not. A man who appreciates good food is impossibly sexy. Mrs. Bilrus is a luckly lady.
  13. Perfectly prepared chicken sandwich from the Galileo Grill (which was very empty at 1:00).
  14. That's a good question. They haven't released the menu or the wine list yet, but I can tell you from previous experience that these dinners are always well worth the money. The chefs ath the Press Club's Fourth Estate Restaurant do a wonderful job. For five courses and five wines, I think $84 is pretty reasonable. Just my two cents.
  15. Hello, all. Hope it's OK to post this here -- seems like it might be right up everyone's alley. On October 27, the National Press Club will be hosting a wine dinner featuring wines from the global vineyards of Lafite Rothschild -- specifically, those in Argentina, Chile, Portugal and France. I have a bunch of additional info -- PM me if you'd like details, or call Stratton Davis at the NPC at 202-662-7638 to make reservations. Tickets for non-members are $84. Thanks, Lola
  16. I was similarly surprised by the review. Everything I've ever eaten at Dino has been tremendous -- granted, I've only been there three times. But, still. One star? Dean, if you're reading these -- know that you have a loyal following here that supports you come hell or highly disappointing review.
  17. My first experience at the Grill was just dandy, despite a minor faux pas on my part in the cannoli department (Chef Donna was very gracious although he made sure everyone knew it was my first time). Chicken sandwich was excellent, and the bite of meatball sub my companion allowed me to have was tasty (although sans rasin). The cannoli was, of course, perfect. Can't wait to go back and try something else!
  18. I want to know where she gets her melons.
  19. Just to close the loop -- had much less time for lunch than planned, so we ended up grabbing a quick bite at Breadline (our 1:00 meeting was across the street). My client went bonkers -- he loved the place so much he ate his food AND half my falafel sandwich. She shoots, she scores.
  20. Actually, that's not a bad idea. This particular client is a power-player type, so the Occidental might be just the place. Thanks!
  21. Thanks for the memory-jog, DC in DC and Mark Slater! You've given me some excellent ideas.
  22. Hi, everyone. I have a client in town tomorrow that I'd like to take to lunch after a meeting at 1399 New York Avenue. Does anyone have suggestions for a good place to go within walking distance of that address? I'm not too familiar with that part of town. Any and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated! Thanks in advance. Lola
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