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Everything posted by monavano

  1. I want to add that a Giant card membership gets you great monthly flyers with freebies and double gas points, and about twice monthly, the WaPo Wednesday flyer gives you 3X gas points.
  2. Don, do you mean that you'd prefer the cheeks more al dente, which is to say, to have some chew to them? I ask because that's different from toothsome, but often gets used interchangeably. Cheeks like any other tough cut should get braised until tender, but the degree of tenderness can be done from easy to cut, to falling apart, melting in the mouth. I adore braises over starch (or nowadays a cauliflower puree), and think mashed potatoes would be way down on my list. Towards the top of the list would be polenta and risotto, and when it comes to potatoes, you can get more firm/al dente with a preparation such as Pommes Anna. A softer preparation could be Pommes Dauphinois, but that is way too rich under a rich braise for me. Also, the addition of rabe or mustard greens to the plate can provide contrast in texture and taste, given their sharp flavors. A plating that I adore is polenta topped with braised mustard greens/kale topped with the braise, topped with gremolata/nutmeg to "wake" everything up. The bite from top to bottom is perfection.
  3. What I do with broccoli and rabe is prep and store them in the refrigerator. For broccoli, I cut into large pieces and steam just until bright green, then shock/stop cooking. From there, I break them down further and either microwave to heat, saute (evoo, anchovy paste), oven roast, or cut cold into salads, stems and all. (for rabe, I blanch, shock and store until used).
  4. Stem lover here. I use cauliflower down to the leaves too. I don't understand any aversion because the taste is the same and the stems aren't woody like rosemary or thyme. Good stuff.
  5. If anyone is interested in the Bo Ssam, I followed the wonderful recipe* and guidance of The Bitten Word. They did a test pork roast before serving the Bo Ssam at a progressive dinner, and gleaned a lot, leading their readers to turn out an excellent piece of pig, even for a first timer like me > *I added honey to taste to the Scallion Ginger Sauce and got good feedback on the result.
  6. I made an awesome ANKB today with my rosemary cuttings and sun dried tomatoes. Thank you!
  7. I do the same. I introduce myself with my real name and say that I'm MV on DR and that's how I know/follow you. It's not name dropping and I'm proud to say it!
  8. Agree the picnic was intimate, but really enjoyable. Great food, people and conversation. Shouts out to the buttermilk pie (so creamy and recipe, please), GF lemon bars, ribs, jalapeno mac n cheese casserole (I know I got the recipe last year, but will need it again), shrimp, saffron deviled eggs and Matt's potato chips Thanks all for a great afternoon, and let's do it bigger and better next time!
  9. I agree Pat that this diet du jour is a luxury concept and I think other cultures must laugh over our general blathering, dithering and hand wringing. It just seems to come so much more naturally and joyfully in other cultures.
  10. Last night I resorted to poking around the freezer for leftovers and came up with minestrone soup and bolognese sauce served over fettuccine. It was rather redundant, but good.
  11. Mr. MV and I have been on a pineapple kick of late and it is quite satisfying with its burst of flavor that fills the mouth. Combining it with creamy Greek yogurt leaves me satisfied for a long time. A like to add a bit of honey too.
  12. Big Riggs did have morels this morning, but sold out quickly. Mr. MV picked up a small pint from Spring Valley for $15 So worth it tho. Going to make my chicken thighs with rams and morels now...
  13. I never would have appreciated the fish warmer pan but for grilling 2 whole fish last week. I'm not adept at getting the flesh off, so by the time I got the (mostly) boneless fish on the plate, it was tepid at best Ah, practice will make perfect, or at least better!
  14. Ramps at Big Riggs last week. They were on the longer side, which in my experience tells me they've been around for a couple weeks by now. Mr. MV is at the Old Town Market (I'm a bit under the weather this morning) hoping to score morels from the same. Spring Valley had asparagus last week. No local strawberries, although a couple vendors (and yes I do mean vendors, not producers) had them, along with corn
  15. > Chicken pot pie with leftover roasted chicken, lots of leftover vegs and herbs and Pillsbury crust joozed up with a Dijon egg glaze and rosemary.
  16. The first one looks like an ebelskiver pan, so there's multi tasking there.
  17. I'll let Mr. MV know about the pastelitos. They remind him of growing up in Puerto Rico. The Cubano will be on the short list too.
  18. Wednesday, humpday, need a pick me up... thinking about the weekend, maybe make reservations. Just speculating. I don't get why Gian't wednesday circular's coupons and prices do not kick in until Friday.
  19. Given the conversation, this caught my eye.
  20. Pizza last night- VA ham (Calhoun's), caramelized onions and ramps, ricotta, aged provolone and a Margherita with Blue Ridge mozzarella, spiced-up fire roasted tomato sauce and basil.
  21. Probably consists of people bitching about throwing their backs out from picking it up.
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