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Everything posted by porcupine

  1. OTOH, I appreciate reading the honest opinions of people like Mr. Landrum, and am more inclined to dine at his place as a result. Hospitality industry or no, it's nice to see people stand up for themselves - and their abused employees.
  2. or Friday? I'm going to be in town in the afternoon, and the Mr is travelling... I'd love to join someone for HH somewhere.
  3. Y'all have fun without me. I've decided to try to cheer up my mother by taking her to lunch at Eve. She needs a nice day out.
  4. Tandoori Nights is actually pretty good. I've been there three or four times, but not in the last year, so I won't start a thread on it just yet. I think a reconnoiter is in order...
  5. A special happy day to Don Rockwell, for creating this community for us. And to hillvalley, for all she does. And to the whole community for helping to open my mind and palate. And to all the hardworking staff of our favorite restaurants. I love you guys. You rock.
  6. I'm thinkin' there'r bigger fish to fry. Thanks for the heads-up, Heather.
  7. Giving Credit Where it's Due Recently got hooked on Peet's Coffee, and been buying it at Bethesda Whole Foods. A few evenings ago, I was driving by Rockville WF, realized I was almost out of beans, and stopped. They didn't have Peet's. So when I asked and was told they stopped carrying it, the very nice woman in the cheese dept gave me a free sample of beans. And not just a small sample, but more than half a pound of two different beans she mixed together, saying this was a good, medium-bodied blend that she liked. It was from the bulk bean section, the brand is Allegro, I think, and while not the best beans I've had recently, this lady went above and beyond. So I'm taking a break from shovelling the driveway, having a cup of coffee, and thinking kind thoughts of WF and a very nice employee there.
  8. eh, I dunno, for soup dumplings I'd risk alot. The truck has high clearance, and if I put it in 4WDH I should be able to get there. Just kidding. I am so craving those soup dumplings, though.
  9. no, but you'll look really hot with a bottle of wine and a baguette sticking out of the top case. Everyone looks hot on a Vespa. edit: uh, Don, why did this post show up on this thread?!
  10. Mr P and I tried Passage to India for lunch today, and it may just be the best Indian food I've ever had. The first adjective that popped into mind, after trying a bite of lamb stew with dried apricot and thin sticks of fried potato (salli boti jardaloo), was "elegant". I don't believe I've ever felt that way about Indian food before. The words "subtle" and "nuanced" also came to mind. In addition to the stew, we tried aloo tak: crisp potatoes in three sauces - yogurt, tamarind, and, um, green samosa chaat: a samosa perched on mildly spiced chickpeas - quite good although the bottom of the samosa got soggy rather quickly makhmali kofta: vegetable dumplings in a delicious creamy sauce that I can't begin to decipher palak makai: spinach and corn cooked together - soft, creamy, subtly nuanced and elegant... also, I asked for and was served a half portion, at close to half price; this isn't on the menu but good to know that they'll do it chaina kheer: a dessert not unlike my beloved rasmalai, tiny paneer patties in a milk sauce with saffron and pistachios the tea was pretty decent, too; think I tasted cardamom and cinnamon in it No dinner for me tonight. I last dined in this space when it was an outpost of Heritage India, and the experience was not good. Passage to India, though... wow. Damn fine food. And there's goat on the menu! I'll be going back soon.
  11. Went to Firefly for the first time last night. Mushroom bruschetta: good. Lamb stew: good. Salmon: good. Truffled parmesan frites and mac-n-cheese: FANTASTIC. Okay, maybe we were just in the mood for comfort food, but I'd go back just for those side dishes.
  12. Serenity on a Budget When things get a little crazy and I want to pack a bag and head to the airport and get onto the next plane to, say, Santa Fe or Big Sur and just chill the fuck out in a luxury spa for a few days, but can't, I head to Ching Ching Cha instead, sans book or company, and practice the fine art of relaxing, undistracted, with a cup of tea. That pretty much sums up how I feel about the place, but perhaps explanation is in order. Ching Ching Cha is both a teahouse and a store. There are perhaps ten small tables set among the displays of loose tea, tea pots, books, and other assorted tea things for sale. Two tables are of the low sort, on a raised platform, where you leave your shoes behind and sit on cushions. The majority of teas offered are green, although there are some white and yellow, and enough black to keep my interest (I love black tea above all others). The menu is small, focusing on tea-worthy noshes. Although everything I've tried is quite good, nothing stands out enough to write about in detail. I think I frequently get a bento box-like assortment of simple stir fried vegetables and tofu. At any rate the food is not my reason to go here. It's about the tea and the ambience. It's particularly nice having Mr. Yim give you a small lesson in brewing and appreciating the particular tea you've ordered. Once, for instance, he brought out all the proper accoutrements for enjoyment of pu-erh. Watching and listening as he demonstrated warming the clay cup was charming. I believe for every tea I've ordered, he's explained how much leaf, how hot the water should be, how long it should steep, what type of vessel it should be served in, etc. And then he very graciously leaves you alone. This is not a restaurant in the usual sense. It's a little haven of serenity. I always leave feeling much better than when I arrived. Well, except for the time when my car, boxed in by a double-parked flatbed trailer, was being cleaned of a pallet of sod that had been dropped onto it. So much for rock star parking. But that's another story.
  13. Yes, indeedy! That's why I've been able to keep tabs on Rocklands' progress; I'm go for bubble tea several times a week.
  14. I'm just wondering how to crack one so as to keep the yolk intact for the World's Largest Sunnyside Up Egg theme party I'm planning.
  15. yeeeech. <shudder> why? not for the food I hope. Sorry, but OAI is one of the worst hoaxes foisted on the dining public since... since... oh heck, since the beginning of time. I have fantasis of buying out the current owner(s) <boot!> and turning it into a good coffee/tea house. Not that I'm bitter or anything.
  16. So, if you drink caipirinhas, what does that say about you?
  17. Two more: Jesus Christ! why wasn't I there?! oh, wait, that's six words.
  18. I'm going to be there around 5:15, as will another Rockweiler. I hope.
  19. being stuck in the culinary wasteland that is Potomac, I'd have to say that my favorite snowy day place is.... maison Miller! which is a good thing if, just to pick an example, recent shopping has me ready to make beef stew, spaetzle, spaghetti carbonara, butternut squash soup, and nachos. Just to pick an example. If I lived in Alexandria I'd schlep over to Eve, too.
  20. ssssshhhhh! don't give away all our secrets!
  21. The new Rocklands (Wintergreen Plaza on Rockville Pike) is now open. Anyone from the Rockville Pike lunch crew interested in a foray?
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