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Everything posted by porcupine

  1. A few thoughts: first, if it's by weight, no adjustment needed. The more finely something is ground, the less space it takes up, so for volumetric measure you absolutely have to compensate. But, mass doesn't change, therefore weight doesn't change (so long as you're still on Earth). Second, you can grind regular granulated sugar in a food processor to get superfine sugar. Third, isn't caster sugar the same thing as confectioners' sugar? In which case you might have a problem. Is this for the crust? edited to add: nevermind, with that much egg it has to be for the filling, right? edited again: I was wrong. caster = superfine. Go ahead and substitute granulated sugar; give it a whir in the food processor first if you can, but don't sweat it.
  2. And I found both at the Rockville My Organic Market. Thanks, all!
  3. Hillenbrand managed to give me some insight into the anti-Japanese bigotry of some of my relatives, two generations removed.
  4. FWIW, and this might fall into the category "superstitious behavior", I always get the photo onto my computer, then open it, and even if it looks right side up, I rotate it until it's right side up again, then close it (save the "changes"). It has never failed to load correctly after. I have no idea why this works, or if it's total coincidence, or what, but hey, can't hurt to try.
  5. Where can I find fresh poblanos and tomatillos at this time of year? Or am I living in a fantasy world?
  6. You must have been typing this while Marty L. and I were posting, right? Yes, that's a flattened green scallion top, not a green chili. damnit, now I'm craving that dish. Would it be crazy to drive to C-ville for lunch?
  7. Dunno, but I sure hope it influences Sushi Taro to become Ramen Taro. Speaking of which, they're offering ramen at lunch again today.
  8. Correct. The dish is the fried eggplant, at the Charlottesville location.
  9. It is incredibly well-researched, but I don't recall a single instance of the author questioning any of the facts she reports - which is one of two things about the book that I really didn't care for. I assumed "innocently overstating" when I read the book. It's not like there were any scientists on-site weighing the prisoners' baskets. What would 20 pounds feel like to a someone nearly dead from starvation and exposure? (The other was her writing style, which is incredibly dry. Once again, true story trumps mediocre writing.)
  10. You don't happen to know if Meru is going to be in theaters, do you?
  11. No. No. Yes (and no). No. No. Well, I've managed to stump cheesepowder! OK, more clues: this place isn't in the DC area, but many of us have been there over the years, and it gets discussed often; as a matter of fact the topic's come up quite recently. Here it is again:
  12. (I hate spelling things wrong, too. And you know what? The more I age, the more spelling mistakes I make. Most of the time I catch them, but not always. Drives me nuts.) Sheesh, Rocks, if I answer all these questions I'll give it away. It's not a root. It is fried. Sorry, not China Chilcano. One additional clue... oh heck, I won't give it yet, that'd be too easy. :-)
  13. Laura's right. I think it was a pullman bread, but not sure (picture was taken many months ago). It is very good. The canelé was decent but not extraordinary like the ones at BreadFurst are.
  14. Debuting sometime around the end of February/beginning of March, 9 new dishes will be offered at Mandalay. [Any errors or typos, including lack of diacritical marks, are solely my responsibility and should not be held against the employees of Mandalay.] Mandalay Chef's Specialties 1. AME THAR HNUT $18.99 Beef chunks simmered in an onion-based curry sauce 2. WET THAR A YOE HNUT $18.99 Pork chop simmered in an onion-based curry sauce with a choice of pickled mango, masala spice, or tamarind sauce 3. WET NAN YOE HIN $17.99 Pork ribs simmered in an onion-based curry sauce with onion and tomato (can add potato) 4. NGAR PAUNG $19.99 Fish cooked in an onion-tomato curry sauce 5. PETHEE GYAW $13.99 String beans sautéed lightly with soy sauce and onion (add tofu, pork belly, chicken, shrimp, beef, or pork for $4.00) 6. PE PYAR THA YET THEE HIN $16.99 Tofu simmered in a pickled mango curry sauce 7. PE PYAR PEPOKE HIN $17.99 Tofu simmered with fermented soybean in an onion-curry sauce 8. WET THAR THONE HTAT THER HIN $18.99 Pork belly simmered in an onion-curry sauce with onion and tomato (can add potato) 9. MOTE NYINCHIN HTAMIN GYAW $16.99 Sour mustard stir-fried with jasmine rice, with a choice of tofu, chicken, pork, beef, pork belly, shrimp, or egg
  15. Agreed about parking. I'm tempted to use the same adjective to describe the coffee I had (a pour over), but that's not fair. It wasn't bad, but it was made way too strong. Caveat emptor. Nice looking space - big enough for people to spread out and get comfortable - and friendly staff. Worth a try if you're in the area.
  16. ^And the reigning champion gets it again! Sushi Taro is correct. OK, somebody else post pictures now.
  17. well, in that case... let's start with something easy. where did I dine?
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