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Everything posted by hapatite

  1. I don't know if we're all going to the same Sea Pearl, but I loved my experience there. I hate sea bass, but I ordered it begrudgingly at the waiter's recommendation and it is seriously one of the best fish dishes I have ever had. The restaurant isn't overpriced at all, it just depends what you order. I think the quality of food is just right for the price point--similar prices and food can be had at a Great American Restaurant The space is very nice, especially the lounge area, but the main dining room is a little big and awkwardly laid out. I really like the decor by where we sat, it reminds me somehow of 2941
  2. I'm really eager to try this place, but the opening date for September has been changed to Fall '09. Anyone have any inside knowledge as to when-abouts it'll be open?
  3. Unfortunately, I went to kora only because I love Farrah and because I needed some Morou while it's closed. Service was laughable as the staff didn't even know what the dishes were on the menu. In the time that it took you to confirm what I guessed "semi-freddo" was (partially frozen), I saw a table order it and eat it. The decor was also nice from far away but sitting *in* it for a meal made it loose some of its charm and I was able to see how cheap and shoddy some aspects were put together. I did like the homage to Farrah Olivia in the front with the branches, but they were covered up by their huge pizza oven. Here's a quick collage I made of their decor. These pictures, from their site, are actually very true to how the place looks in real life.
  4. You can pick up a 3-cup rice cooker for about $30 at any local Asian Mart. (even Target or online too) If you get a smart rice cooker (fuzzy) that can cook brown and regular and sushi rice, it'll be like $120. I know with the standard 1 button cook/warm cookers you can cook pasta, hard boil eggs, and make rice and then mix things into it (ex: byriani) If you make rice at least once a week, it's worth getting a cheap rice cooker for the consistency, speed, and ease. If you want to do fancier things with rice and plan to use it more frequently (every day, every other day) or want to have a timer so that it will automatically make rice ready by dinner time or in the morning, get the more expensive, fuzzy one. I will be jealous.
  5. UVA Japan Club - Curry Night: September 18th at the University of Virginia, Shea House (Evening) Taste of Georgetown 2009 Taste of the Nation 2010
  6. Is this a pie that is made with sweet potato AND haupia?? I have NEVER heard of that. Apparently it *is* pretty popular. Not sure, but I googled and found these: - http://onokinegrindz.typepad.com/ono_kine_grindz/2004/10/okinawan_sweet_.html - http://maona.net/archives/2005/11/sweet_potato_an.php - http://www.cometalkfood.com/sweet-potato-okinawan-and-coconut-haupia-pie/11 - http://www.recipezaar.com/okinawan-purple-sweet-potato-pie-with-haupia-topping-359757 - http://forums.about.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?tsn=1&nav=messages&webtag=ab-hawaii&tid=4018 this book was also mentioned: What the Big Island Likes to Eat I think its kinda hard to find the purple sweet potatos here. I've seen them at the Grand Mart in Centreville twice though.
  7. Hi, My name is Nicole. I live in Northern Virginia and currently write for a blog DiscoJing.com. On this blog I document the restaurants I try in the area and recipes that I attempt to cook. I also showcase my (almost) daily attempts at bento (Japanese boxed lunch). My family is from Hawai'i and I've lived all over the East coast and in Japan for a bit. I look forward to learning from all of you and sharing any information that might be of use.
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