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A Note of Thanks


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I know I get misty-eyed from time-to-time, and this is one of those times. I am feeling very thankful right now for everyone on this website, and I just wanted to take a moment (yet another) to say how much everyone here means to me. For the five-millionth time, I am acutely aware that this website is worth nothing without our unbelievable members, and that this whole thing is not about me; it's about you.

I'm damned lucky to have you. Yeah, I know, I set up a garden plot for flowers to bloom in, blah, blah, blah, but ... I'm damned lucky to have you. All of you.



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Thanks for giving us a community by which to share common interests. There's no better place than this on the entire Web. We're the lucky ones, Don.

And, as silly as it sounds, responses like this one are what keep me going. There's no money - none - in this for me, and it's backbreaking and sometimes unthinkable to maintain this level of diligence going forward in the long-term. But with Matt, how can I not? I have to set an example for him. I pray that some day, venture capital or angel funding will come from nowhere, but I don't have the personality to go out and seek it, nor do I have the intestinal fortitude to change the basic nature of this website if and when something happened.

One day I'll find my happy place. :mellow:

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Big +1,000,000 on what Zora and Kibbee Nayee have said. This is the only website of any kind to which I've ever regularly posted and participated. Putting it simply, Rocks rocks. Without Rocks, there's no dr.com. Of course the members all matter intensely too. But Don's genuine humility, towering intellect and insanely deep knowledge and experience are what make this community so unique, special and valuable to so many of us.

And, with that, I'll now go add another writeup for a place we went tonight (Lost Society) with apologies for the strange mood I was in when I wrote it.

Thanks so much to all but, especially, Don.

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If there was a "like" button, I would click on what Zora, Kibbee Nayee and Darkstar wrote. This is a great community that you have built. I love that members can ask a question and others will jump in with answers. It's also great to hear straight from people in the industry about what is happening in the food scene.

Thank you for creating and maintaining dr.com. This is something I look forward to reading each day.

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Don, just this week a large group of quasi-strangers had the opportunity to experience a $20 meal that turned into essentially a menu tasting and 'ask the chefs session'. It was proposed by the restaurant unprovoked on this site, and responses from across the DC area came in. Then we all got together. None of that would have happened without this site.

The news, reviews, and inside information that comes through here is more than enough. But there is an added sense of community and respect across the industry that you've built here that is truly remarkable. So thank you.

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And Don, thank you for making us ventworms as welcome here as the leviathans. And, yes, that is specifically you--your unfailing respect and hospitality to those of us who lurk often and post sporadically, for whatever reason, is a large part of what makes this work so well. You set a great example in an environment so often devoid of such models.

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I don't think we thank you enough, Don. I know this is a labor of love and a passion for you. We, the constituents, reap your largess every day. My ability to express my love for all things DC food has become an essential part of my day; of my life.

Hand on heart-- thank you.

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I don't post as frequently as others because I am in DC part time but this forum keeps me emotionally connected to DC. The forum is like being invited to the really exclusive party with all the coolest people, and when you get there, all nervous and geeky and awkward, you realize that everyone is friendly and approachable and just plain nice. And when that happens, you KNOW the host is a gracious and kind person.

I check in to DR.com almost daily, and it always provides me with something that makes me feel more well informed, and in the reflected glory of those who are so much more eloquent and plugged in, I also feel sort of cool. So thanks in return. i am certain there are many more like me in the crowd.

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Your people would follow you to whatever end, my liege.

But we'll all dine better than in Helm's Deep.

And Don, thank you. Not many people can say they've created something that has so directly and immediately helped so many, in myriad ways. Don't forget that.

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