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That is correct. We are in the process of transitioning the ads and they've temporarily rolled over to Google. Google gives you what you appear to like. I get a lot of Nats ads. Very few (actually none) about Chinese women.

If any restaurateurs out there want to take advantage, I'll make you a deal! ;-)

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I figured Google had something to do with it, but I'm getting ads for all kinds of stuff I can't imagine I've looked up. $1 off Eight O'Clock coffee? Discounts on hotels in Chicago? Grubhub? The ubiquitous "eat these 5 foods and lose weight" (ok, I can see getting that one)? Make $20/hr working for Lyft? Payday loans?

I'm not complaining, just curious. I am interested in the "Date A RICH Woman" ad. I'll focus my efforts on that and let you know how it turns out.

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It's my understanding that Google "reads" the page and matches the ads based on keywords.  Let's give it a try.  How to build your own Taj Mahal in three easy steps!!!   How to lose 200 pounds in half an hour!!!!! The most amazing cat video you have ever seen!!!!! 

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All the above is "so funny".  As the site has currently turned over that ad slot to google, until it finds other "better" sources....the ads are a reflection of how google ascertains one's search habits within google, and a function of which advertisers pay the most.

DR.com has nothing to do with which ads are shown to whom. (DR.com could impact it a little...but the diversity of ads is so huge.....).

in any case I just saw an ad for "Chinese Women" for the first time.  This "google methodology" and the types of ads it shows could certainly open the door for some uproarious commentary....but I'll leave it alone for now.  ;)

Rich, Don:  Good luck at getting some restaurant(s) in their that want to attract a focused audience.

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You guys are skewing the algorithm.  Hot Chinese men.  Hot World Cup Players.  Gorgeous men of the armed forces.

Ha..    If you want "those" ads, in particular, you'll probably have to generate a bunch of google searches of that ilk.   ;)

Use your imagination.   ;)   ;)  and then definitely click on some of the sites.  Do a little of that and I suppose it "enriches" the dr.com experience.  ;)

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I don't use Google, ghostery and adblock are working, and if I turn them off, I'm seeing the same ads you are.  Guess again. ;)  Sweaty firemen build a replica of the Taj Mahal.  Las Vegas.  David Beckham spatchcocking a chicken.   

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I find them entertaining for the time being, now that the questions have come up about them.  

Just know that I have *nothing* to do with them. Zero, zip, nada, and I wish they'd go away.

I think it's maybe just a matter of me having taken too many liberties with using racy language in my posts over the years.

PS - Did you know that Tallulah Bankhead banged Hattie McDaniel? (And now, half the audience Googles this ...)

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Could you all make sure to rekindle the Alex Elman chat next week? I warned her it would be positively dead this weekend, and there would be no need to reply until next Monday, but I just want to make sure nobody forgets, and there are some questions waiting for her on Monday. Thank you!

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Could you all make sure to rekindle the Alex Elman chat next week? I warned her it would be positively dead this weekend, and there would be no need to reply until next Monday, but I just want to make sure nobody forgets, and there are some questions waiting for her on Monday. Thank you!

I was hoping for someone other than LauraB to chime in, but I'll do the questions myself if I need to. Alex deserves better than this, but I can do a solo interview if I must. Just because Alex isn't a star yet means nothing, and I pride myself in picking out talent before it becomes known. You'll see - her wines, and her palate, both deserve to be known, and asked for.

On another note, the website has been unusually sluggish for me for the past several days - is it just me, or is it anyone else?

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On another note, the website has been unusually sluggish for me for the past several days - is it just me, or is it anyone else?

Very, very sluggish.  I often just give up and close out the window instead of waiting for it to load.

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Very, very sluggish.  I often just give up and close out the window instead of waiting for it to load.  

That explains why postings were unusually low on Friday. Yeah, I often give up, too. I submitted a problem ticket this morning.

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That explains why postings were unusually low on Friday. Yeah, I often give up, too. I submitted a problem ticket this morning.

Is there no one else besides Pat having this problem? I can barely even use the website. This also coincided with me buying a new MacBook Pro, so I can't swear it isn't just me. Please, chime in if the system is loading slowly - we need to know!

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I'm becoming convinced that there's either 1) not a problem or 2) they've fixed the problem.

I recached / reset my MacBook/Safari browser, and that didn't do anything, but I turned off, then turned on the computer, and now everything seems to be fine. So in my case, at least, it appears to have been a local issue - I'm pretty sure if the system was as slow as I was experiencing, *nobody* would have been using it. I would sometimes wait a full minute for a page to load.

So try these things, and if they don't help, write me back.

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Is anyone besides me having trouble simply loading the home page, www.donrockwell.com?

For me, it's interminably slow most of the time. I have support tickets in with both Dreamhost and Invision.

Please reply with as much detail as you can. If it's happening to others just loading the main page, it's probably the server (Dreamhost).

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Yep.  Loads of wait time for the "View New Content" link as well.

Yes, that one's killing me, too, and I use it *all the time*.

I have dueling support tickets in with Dreamhost and Invision - I'm going to start writing them both at the same time, apologizing to whomever is innocent, and laying in to whomever is responsible (they're sort-of finger-pointing at each other), while at the same recognizing that I don't know who is whom.

For *our* purposes, all I can say is, "This is when I need you the most." Postings are down about 40% since July 4th, and I really need people to "enter our contest" to win Nevin's book, i.e., ask whatever questions you'd want to know from a wine importer in Alex's thread, and also post in some of the other, non-DC forums (especially Professionals & Businesses, even though I know that's a pain in the rear). Alex, Nevin, and I are all depending on good participation in the next couple of weeks, not that it would kill any of us otherwise, but this is why we're all here.

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While Invision and Dreamhost are pointing their fingers at each other:

"They've promised you a certain speed and are under delivering"

"Certain operations on your website are running slowly"

I went ahead and bumped up our maximum allowable memory 100meg for the time being. Yes, it's money out of my pocket, but it should speed things up, and if this doesn't fix the problem, I'll do it again.

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It's been very slow for me for a while now. I just play a hand of solitaire while I wait.

It will be fixed within a week regardless of expense. I just signed up for a dedicated server which I'll resort to if no other solution can be found, i.e., if these two companies continue to point their fingers at one another.

I also just rebooted the server which *might* help.

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Going back to the ads posts -- seems like it's doing "Thai", "Chinese", etc., because we talk about those types of food, and they tend to match up with "meet a lady" ads.

If we talked more about Russian food, I'd bet we'd get a bunch of Russian bride ads.

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The placement of Google ads is a function of both the content of the website and what YOU search for. I won't speculate as to the latter, but my current ads include furniture stores (I'm looking for a coffee table), AmEx (I paid my bill recently), Cheerios (no idea), and fashion websites (I just built one that aggregates fashion blogs).

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Hmmm, well, maybe it's something else. I never see ads on here, but also, if I'm Googling for anything I don't want my company to see, I do it in incognito mode. (I was annoyed when I was at a work event, opened up Chrome, and one of the tabs was from a discussion with a friend of mine that led to a rather salacious URL, retrieved over the company wireless as I was doing testing on the AP. Oops.)

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Hmmm, well, maybe it's something else. I never see ads on here, but also, if I'm Googling for anything I don't want my company to see, I do it in incognito mode. (I was annoyed when I was at a work event, opened up Chrome, and one of the tabs was from a discussion with a friend of mine that led to a rather salacious URL, retrieved over the company wireless as I was doing testing on the AP. Oops.)

I'm with you - the ads need to change. If anyone can help me with some coding, I'd appreciate it.

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Yes, Don, it's a joke.

btw it took about 5 minutes for me to post this reply, not because I'm a poor typist.  I've taken to opening two windows for this site then toggling back and forth between them and facebook.  I still haven't read all of today's new posts after half an hour, nor am I going to spend any more time trying...

Are you saying the website is slow again? If so, this is the first anyone has mentioned about it in over a week.
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Are you saying the website is slow again? If so, this is the first anyone has mentioned about it in over a week.

It was painfully slow a couple of days ago, on two different machines/ISPs, but before I could get around to posting about it, it seems to have cleared up.

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Been travelling since I posted that.  Now using a different computer on the hotel wifi.  No issues yet, so the problem was probably on my end.  Will check when I'm back home.

Or not.  Back home, using the other computer.  Site was slow at first, but not terribly so.  Cleared cookies.  Site getting slower and slower since then (took about 3 minutes to get to this thread from the previous thread).

edited to add: and yet this comment took only about 15 seconds to post.  <shrug>

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Or not.  Back home, using the other computer.  Site was slow at first, but not terribly so.  Cleared cookies.  Site getting slower and slower since then (took about 3 minutes to get to this thread from the previous thread).

edited to add: and yet this comment took only about 15 seconds to post.  <shrug>

I'll keep complaining.

I can *always* get a private server, but that's big bucks that I'm trying not to pay, so please bear with me for a short while.

There's something going on with our (virtual private) server, and I can't get Dreamhost to realize it.

Am I correct in saying the is an intermittent problem? And that it's no faster on weekends than weekdays? That tells me it's someone else on the server who is taking up our resources.

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Quite zippy for me this morning.

I'm having problems. Every "nth" operation - even something as simple as clicking "Get Last Post" can take 20 seconds, and it almost seems random.

Dreamhost wrote me this morning with two potential solutions. I have just implemented the first (and it took me 20 seconds to load this page, ironically). The important thing is to know that I'm on this like a pit bull. I'm going to wait and see if this first change affects anything before implementing the second (I think the second is more likely to work than the first).

Thanks for writing back in, I found 2 errors in the apache error.log that

should be addressed/might be causing the server issues you're having:

[Mon Aug 04 13:40:19 2014] [error] [mod_pagespeed @1747]

Shutting down mod_pagespeed child

[Mon Aug 04 13:40:20 2014] [error] [mod_pagespeed @1656]

Shutting down mod_pagespeed child

[Mon Aug 04 13:40:21 2014] [error] [mod_pagespeed @1422]

Shutting down mod_pagespeed child

[Mon Aug 04 13:40:25 2014] [error] [mod_pagespeed @1811]

Shutting down mod_pagespeed child

[Mon Aug 04 13:40:30 2014] [error] [mod_pagespeed @2884]

Shutting down mod_pagespeed child

[Mon Aug 04 13:40:31 2014] [error] [mod_pagespeed @1816]

Shutting down mod_pagespeed child

[Mon Aug 04 13:40:32 2014] [error] [mod_pagespeed @2235]

Shutting down mod_pagespeed child

[Mon Aug 04 13:40:33 2014] [error] [mod_pagespeed @1745]

Shutting down mod_pagespeed child

[Mon Aug 04 13:40:34 2014] [error] [mod_pagespeed @545]

Shutting down mod_pagespeed child

You can easily resolve this by removing the feature on the manage domains



and deselecting page speed optimization.

It might take a few minutes for the server to update after making the


Also this might be something you consider doing that for all of your

domains as the error was not domain specific.

The other error is hitting your FCGI max:

[Mon Aug 04 12:16:39 2014] [error] mod_fcgid: domain=www.donrockwell.com

too many /dh/cgi-system/php53.cgi processes (current:10, max:10), skip

the spawn request

[Mon Aug 04 12:16:39 2014] [error] mod_fcgid: domain=www.donrockwell.com

too many /dh/cgi-system/php53.cgi processes (current:10, max:10), skip

the spawn request

[Mon Aug 04 12:16:40 2014] [error] mod_fcgid: domain=www.donrockwell.com

too many /dh/cgi-system/php53.cgi processes (current:10, max:10), skip

the spawn request

[Mon Aug 04 12:16:40 2014] [error] mod_fcgid: domain=www.donrockwell.com

too many /dh/cgi-system/php53.cgi processes (current:10, max:10), skip

the spawn request

[Mon Aug 04 12:16:41 2014] [error] mod_fcgid: domain=www.donrockwell.com

too many /dh/cgi-system/php53.cgi processes (current:10, max:10), skip

the spawn request

[Mon Aug 04 12:16:41 2014] [error] mod_fcgid: domain=www.donrockwell.com

too many /dh/cgi-system/php53.cgi processes (current:10, max:10), skip

the spawn request

[Mon Aug 04 12:18:22 2014] [error] mod_fcgid: domain=www.donrockwell.com

too many /dh/cgi-system/php53.cgi processes (current:10, max:10), skip

the spawn request

[Mon Aug 04 13:30:26 2014] [error] mod_fcgid: domain=www.donrockwell.com

too many /dh/cgi-system/php53.cgi processes (current:10, max:10), skip

the spawn request

This is the number of php processes that can spawn at any given time.

This can affect your VPS when you hit the limit because the VPS will

continually try to allow the processes to run causing your load to spike

temporarily as well as consume more RAM. 

This can be addressed by increasing your RAM limit(which will also scale

your FCGI process limits) on the VPS server.

As mentioned in our previous reply adding better caching/optimizing your

IPS install will help.

I hope this helped, if not let us know how we can assist you.

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