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Everything posted by legant

  1. legant


    Renato Percario, Chef to Princess Margaret, King Constantine and Ivana Trump who specialised in extravagant sugar sculptures
  2. -- drunk posting rant removed by writer -- This post will probably be deleted by morning, but, until then... Dammit
  3. City gal question here: When we talk of butter, we're usually talking about a product of cow's milk. Is there such a thing as goat's milk butter? Is there a discernable taste difference? Is such a product widely available? Are there other butter, other than cow's milk? And, while we're at it: why is it called "apple butter"?
  4. Turkey jerky (from PA)... New York Style Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Crisps... Sunkist lemon flavored prunes... Woodbridge Sauvignon Blanc Late night dining (when you miss two trains and one bus) at its best.
  5. Okay... the finale has been TIVOed, to be watched on Thursday at the earliest. I did, however, read a short recap and know the winner. I'm disappointed but not surprised. But what I really want to know: who did Petrozza pick? Who got Jen?
  6. Market Master is the face of FRESHFARM Markets at each market and is expected to provide the highest level of enthusiastic customer service to shoppers, farmers and volunteers. EBT/Food Stamp Market Coordinator will be responsible for all on-site administration details and transactions for the FRESHFARM Markets Food Stamps/EBT program.
  7. I got corn at the 14th & U market last week. Sorta figured if they had it, everyone else did/would as well.
  8. legant


    Wilbur Hardee, 89; launched restaurant chain, but lost control of business in poker game Wilber Hardee, a farm boy turned grill cook who went on to open the first Hardee’s hamburger stand in 1960, starting a chain that now has nearly 2,000 restaurants
  9. legant


    Allen Gagnon, 71; Red's Eats owner served one of Maine's most popular lobster rolls
  10. Looking for a sandwich bread recipe that does not use yeast. Sandwich bread, not quick bread or sourdough, Is there such a thing?
  11. Where are the pictures from last year??!! And, is that really buff guy from Marcel's riding again this year?
  12. To all the men who nurture, (financially and emotionally) support, mentor and raise children, regardless of bloodline.
  13. I thought someone was trying to find a dinner date for a visiting friend. (What?! I'm sick with a fever of 101 and a nasty case of bronchitis. It's the drugs!)
  14. Although the Super Size Me segment turned me off of the french fries for almost a year, I do still get a craving every now and then.
  15. Fried smelt from Maxim's Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea
  16. Last year it was spinach. This year, tomatoes. Shesh!
  17. I tried this the other night and was pleasantly surprised. Although I was distracted... and didn't pay attention to the directions; doubled the O&V... the end result was kinda sweet. And pink. Couldn't figure that one out. But, it was good enough to go on the back of the kitchen cabinet for future reference.
  18. Several people have asked me to investigate group volunteer activities for DR.com members. DC Central Kitchen has two new volunteer programs, both focused on locally farmed fresh produce, that might be of interest. Glean: DCCK, through a partnership with the Mid-Atlantic Gleaning Network, gleans surplus crops to incorporate into the 4,500 meals made daily. “Volunteer groups should have at least four people and must have their own transportation to get to designated gleaning sites in nearby Maryland or Virginia. “ Produce Prep: If getting your hands in the dirt doesn’t appeal to you, then why not help prepare the gleaned produce. Shifts begin at 5:00 PM; slots are available for 6/12, 6/13, and 7/7. If you’re interested in either or both, post or PM and I’ll follow up. Louise
  19. Need catering suggestions for in-office working lunch. Tired of the same ol’ sandwiches/wraps/ paninnis and pesto/Caesar/garden salads and cookies the size of frisbees. Tried and true: High Noon, Cosi, Lawsons, Au Bon Pain, and Corner Bakery with Millar and Devour being recently added to the rotation. Port of Piraeus comes highly recommended, as does Couscous Café. Any others?
  20. If there is any interest in pursuing this I'll volunteer -- one time only! -- to coordinate a HH. PM or post here.
  21. Weather permitting, I'll be running errands near the Rockville Metro. Any chance of hooking up with the TMB - Rockville Pike Lunch crew on Monday? La Canela?
  22. What ever happened to the three-martini lunch? Is there still a social stigma attached to drinking during the day? "The three-martini lunch is the epitome of American efficiency. Where else can you get an earful, a bellyful and a snootful at the same time?" [Gerald R. Ford, President]
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