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Election Night Traditions


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I read this somewhat wussy article ("Pulled chipotle pork with avocado cream..." seemed more like a couple of recipes in search of a hook) in today's Post and wondered if there are any election night traditions out there.

Personally, I like to get shitfaced drunk and chain smoke. Any food prep or consumption that takes me away from pacing and yelling at the TV is just a distraction, but I take these things pretty seriously.

Any civilized traditions?

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I read this somewhat wussy article ("Pulled chipotle pork with avocado cream..." seemed more like a couple of recipes in search of a hook) in today's Post and wondered if there are any election night traditions out there.

Personally, I like to shitfaced drunk and chain smoke. Any food prep or consumption that takes me away from pacing and yelling at the TV is just a distraction, but I take these things pretty seriously.

Any civilized traditions?

That's exactly what the chicks and I end up doing too. Big decision this year: out or in? Now that our regular Larry's and the rest of DC are non-chain-smoking establishments, do I throw a do at home, or go out and omit chain-smoking? (shudder)

Cross the river to Virginia, you suggest? Oh, that's just crazy talk.

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Going to Eleven Madison Park for dinner and then drinking heavily in my hotel.

Mr. BLB is staying home so he won't be waking me every hour with updates from Iowa and New Mexico and Florida, oh my....

As of about five minutes ago, looks like I too will be at EMP, with clients, drinking heavily.
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Thanks to the Great Margarita Caper and subsequent hangover of the 2000 election, I learned my lesson. Let me tell you that there is nothing worse than "celebrating victory" with a margarita/tequila shots/Parliament Light combo, stumbling home to pass out, and then waking up in the morning with the worst hangover ever AND George Bush as your president.

Since then, I always make time for a proper meal, and take November 5 off of work (if possible).

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I've made it a tradition to have sex with my neighbor's ferret.

Here's a picture they snapped last year just as I was arriving ... click.

[No politics or religion discussed here, please - it's in bad taste! Cheers, Rocks.]

I think I saw that ferret recently -- trim on Todd Palin's anow machine parka.

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If I'm happy, I'll be popping some bubbly. If the horror sets in, I'll be learning to love scotch, and lots of it.

To be honest, learning to love Scotch isn't necessarily a bad thing! :lol:

(Not saying a THING about the circumstances...I'm looking for a "it's fun in private but you don't want to do it in public" reference that would fit, and my EqualLogic addled brain is not letting me find one...)

(Me? I'll be drinking. Whiskey, probably. Or wine. Or beer. Or all of the above.)

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Hey! No jinxing things! Go outside, spit, and turn around three times. Right Now!!!

Damn 9am meeting the next day will keep me from drinking heavily at Capitol Lounge.

Don't you think half of the folks at your meeting are going to be hung over? I've lost count of the number of people I know who are taking the 5th off. I won't be--I have an 8:30 meeting but I have no problems going to it hung over...
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I'm taking my son to see the final dress rehearsal of Carmen. Singing heads are better than talking ones.
I expect this one will be a little better staged than the dress rehearsal of Carmen that served as my introduction to opera. My one vivid memory of that evening was seeing Carmen get stabbed squarely in the backside. :lol:
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