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Everything posted by Barbara

  1. Ah, so. I was just going by there today and realized that the space I had attributed to the travel agency, etc., is still available for rent. It was indeed part of the New Orleans Emporium (which was closed because of its fake sprinkler system). I had forgotten that I had really bad service there, once. Mistaking fried oysters for fried okra? With its suitable upgrade in price? It was all BDE (Before Dame Edna). We've been together since 1986--you do the math. (Just for fun--or to get my goat, your choice--Dame Edna will ask me "What did that use to be?" at whatever old building we are going by. It's getting harder, my friends.)
  2. Well, it's certainly possible (for both questions). Mixtec has gone through several changes--primarily adding the space next door, which used to be a sleazy "newsroom" back when I first moved here in 1976. I had it on good authority that a variety of porn could be bought there (this was long before Dame Edna moved to the neighborhood, for those of you wondering about the source of my info). Then, it turned into a Spanish-language travel agency/variety store. Mixtec then expanded into that space. I've only dined at Pasta Mia once, because that was quite enough. All of this to say that if Mixtec indeed closed for any length of time, it was quite a while ago.
  3. Since they put the only completely dead-wrong item first, they invalidated the rest. The remaining items turn out to be stuff everybody on this board already knows. Sheesh! And, to think that somebody got paid for coming up with this mess . . .
  4. OK, I am now officially creeped out. There's a reason I don't eat this kind of stuff.
  5. While I have no problem with cilantro at all, I have never put in my guac. Just wasn't traditional in El Paso/Juarez.
  6. Earlier this week, I found absolutely beautiful pine nuts from Turkey at the Columbia Heights Giant. Didn't buy any. Why? Because they came in 4-ounce packages that cost $12.99. The shelf tag stated that they cost $52 per pound. That's why.
  7. Didn't the Swiss, rather than the French, invent raclette? (sp?) If so, you should be looking forward to winter and apres-ski for a real treat.
  8. To the Nats (!) who have decided to make the end of the season not only exciting, but competitive. Keep Hope Alive!
  9. I was hoping to see the inside of that hell-hole that is the shack where you take your fish to be scaled, gutted, and possibly boned. It was the very first place where I became a big tipper--even though I had very little money to spare at the time. I was just appalled at the working conditions and felt so very bad for all those unerringly nice men who worked there and who made sure they knew exactly what I wanted them to do the fish. Sorta made the crap job I had at the time seem not so bad after all. Yeah, OK, call it "liberal guilt." Whatever.
  10. It's only pho, but Pho 14 in AM delivers: http://www.dcpho14.com/ So does Sakuramen, but that's Korean.
  11. PLEASE NOTE: It's Mouthfulsfood.com. If you leave off the "food" part, it will take you to a porn site (as I found to my chagrin all those many moons ago when we were all transitioning from eGullet and before DR.com was instituted).
  12. I'm not sure there is much point. A number of people in the DC area on this site visit NYC and Philly fairly often, so those aren't exactly foreign cities. Cooking is cooking, no matter where you are. Even I, who hasn't been to NYC in over 30 years, knows about Zabar's. Looking for ingredients is more localized, but there isn't much you can't find on Amazon.
  13. This description sounds exactly like the fries that were served at the original Corduroy with a burger. Totally addictive.
  14. What's the equivalent in US$ and what size portions are you talking about? My parents discovered steak tartare when we lived in Germany back in the 60s, so I'm happy to see that the Euros haven't abandoned it. PS: I'm really enjoying your posts about the food you are finding in Switzerland.
  15. If your favorite food is a simple roasted sweet potato, then it is very easy. Problem is, you just can't eat it every day without dying of boredom. Still, I buy meat only a few times a year and then only at farmers markets. I'm not happy about buying anything made in China, but with a lot of stuff there is no alternative. (I was in the market for a spice grinder and found two for the same price. One was made in China and the other in Mexico. Guess which one I bought?) Still, I balk at eating anything that came from there, if I can help it at all. I just don't trust their practices or their ability to keep things unadulterated.
  16. If it's October, then it's time for pumpkin cheesecake! Planning on being there with Dame Edna in tow.
  17. Especially for all you Star Trek geeks: http://dailyhurricane.com/2013/09/labor-day-entertainment-star-trek-crew-watching-miley-cyrus.html
  18. 3.07 lbs. of whole lobster yielded 9.5 ounces of usable meat--proving Poivrot Farci's point. And, several cups of broth (haven't measured it yet cuz it's still reducing). The recipe is listed in News and Media under "Old Copies of Bon Appetit" from squidsdc: Attached Files Bon Appetit_Nov 1990.pdf 774.04KB 39 downloads
  19. My first thought, exactly. The rest of the article is interesting. I've never heard of soft-shell lobsters, although I've eaten an ocean's worth of soft-shell crabs at Corduroy. The risotto recipe I have requires one to boil the lobsters in a water flavored with stuff. Then, you remove the cooked meat and put it away while the shells and whatever effluvia is thrown back in the pot to cook. This becomes the broth to make the risotto. If there's any interest in this, I will be happy to weigh the actual amount of meat I extract from the lobsters and report back. Although, in this instance, the shells and innards have a lot of value as well.
  20. Giant is having a 4-day sale (today thru Monday)--until they run out--on lobsters (1-1.25 lbs.) for $4.99/lb. I managed to get two 1.5+ lb lobsters for the same price at the Columbia Heights store. They are in the fridge, packed in damp paper towels and newspaper, and getting ready to be turned into Lobster Risotto--the recipe from 1990 I was able to track down with the help of the good folks on this board (Hi, Squids!).
  21. And, if you go north from Logan Circle, you won't run into 14th Street. It's a different story if you start at Thomas Circle.
  22. This is place I have long gone to for labels when I was bottling limoncello to give at Christmas time: http://www.myownlabels.com/ I also got bottles from specialtybottles.com Maybe the cranberry liqueur will be more successful than the faux plum schnapps I made from a WaPo article last year. Nobody liked it, including me.
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