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Jacques Gastreaux

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Everything posted by Jacques Gastreaux

  1. Welcome to DR.com DanielK. Looking forward to your report. Thanks for taking one for the team.
  2. I guess we will just have to schedule a DR.com lunch at Taqueria Poblano followed by dessert at the Dreamery to check it out, and perhaps a peek into Cheesetique. Cathal ARmstrong seems to think the Dreamery is special enough to put it on his menu, and he sources some of his cheese from Cheesetique. How does one spell "road trip." edited to add: I smell a thread split coming on.
  3. I think they have the hard liquor license, which they were not expecting. They are probably waiting for the hard liquor to show up.
  4. I usually get there around 6:00, havea couple of glasses of wine (1 white followed by 1 red) and either a plate of the oysters or the mushoom things.
  5. That is a six page thread. Go to page 5 for all the pictures. And I agree with Hillvalley, this is an oppoturnty that is not to be missed. Sign up now.
  6. I plan to head over to the Firefly wine happy hour Thursday evening after work. Any else care to join me?
  7. What, are they owned by Ted Turner too? And the plan is to put one next to each Ted's Montana Grill.
  8. Is anyone interested in putting together a DR.Com table? If you are, send me a PM and I'll keep a list and make arrangments for securing a table and payment for tickets.
  9. There is a Coldstone next to Oyamel in Crystal City and I think there is one next to Ted's Montana Grill in Alexandria.
  10. That legislation has about 4 chances of passage: (1) slim), (2) none, (3) fat, and (4) a snowball's chance in hell. In the Senate it is sponsored by Robert Byrd (D. WV) and has 6 other co-sponsors, all democracts. edited to add: That legislation only applies to free roaming animals.
  11. Apparently, offspring of sea biscuit is available online. edited to add: It figures Rocks would put this turd in my pocket.
  12. It strikes me that a Trader Joe's in Crystal City would be mighty close to the existing one on Washington Street in Alexandria. One way to confirm whether or not there are plans for one in Crystal City would be to check th County's website to see if building permits have been requested or issued.
  13. Sorry, still a little gunshyness from previous experiences. I'm guessing that Hillvalley soon will be posting a list of those attending.
  14. Please note that if you want to attend, you have to contact Hillvalley directly. That means send her a PM.
  15. I saw the Clarifont on the shelf at Wegman's the other day for about $15/bottle.
  16. According the editorial on the NY proposal in today's WSJ, the NY law would limit all wine shipments, both in state and out of state, to 2 cases/month. I would characterize this as the triumph of the wine wholesalers.
  17. Don't get me wrong, it was in the refigerator when I was a kid growing up as well. I didn't like it then and because they called it "mayonaise" it took me a long time to like real mayonaise.
  18. The answer to this question will vary from person to person. One person we all know and love would not be able to get past the first recipe. As for me, when I'm camping with my kids, I take Hellman's. I never buy Miracle Whip. The reason they call it "Miracle" whip is because it's a miracle anyone buys that stuff.
  19. I wonder if risotto tastes better if you hand carry the special arborrio rice back from Italy.
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